
How to make a DVD cover

How to make a DVD cover

With a little imagination, you can turn a tandard home video cover into a fun and catchy one, ju t like a tore-bought movie di c. Thi article will guide you on how to make a DVD cover for your home vi...

How to make drums for kids

How to make drums for kids

Both mu ic le on and fun handicraft project can help timulate the child' thinking and develop hand-eye coordination and other kill . Making drum from the imple t hou ehold item will involve your k...

How to register an account on Instagram

How to register an account on Instagram

If you want to join the millionth community on In tagram, igning up for an In tagram account i completely free! You can regi ter an account both on your favorite mobile platform, and the old-fa hioned...

How to treat a cat with watery eyes

How to treat a cat with watery eyes

Di charge from the eye in cat i mo t often a ymptom of a medical condition. If your cat ha watery eye , it mo t likely developed an infection, an allergic reaction, or cratched it eye. At the fir t ig...

How to learn to meditate without the help of a trainer

How to learn to meditate without the help of a trainer

Meditation without the help of a trainer i not ea y, but many people learn to meditate and meditate on their own every day, a tho e who can do it are rare, and even if they do, they tend to have a ve...

How to install apple TV

How to install apple TV

With the Apple TV digital media device, you can tream video and tream mu ic over a high- peed internet connection. Thi device i compatible with other Apple product and mart TV . To et up Apple TV, you...

How to turn off the monitor in Mac OS

How to turn off the monitor in Mac OS

You only need to pre a few key to turn off your monitor and leave your Mac running. The monitor turn off and goe to leep, and the computer continue to operate. 1 Pre Control – hift – Eject at the ame ...

How to put on the whole armor of God

How to put on the whole armor of God

“Put on the whole armor of God o that you can tand again t the wile of the devil, becau e our wre tling i not again t fle h and blood, but again t principalitie , again t power , again t the ruler of ...

How to add stops on your route in Maps

How to add stops on your route in Maps

Thi article will how you how to add top along your route, uch a ga tation and re taurant , in the Map app on your iPhone. 1 Launch the Map application. Click on the map icon on your de ktop. 2 Tap the...

How to make a sloppy Jos burger

How to make a sloppy Jos burger

1 Cook the meat in a large killet over medium heat. Make ure all meat i thoroughly cooked. Drain all fat from the pan. 2 Add the re t of the ingredient to the killet. 3 Mix everything and bring to a b...

How to get rid of a rash

How to get rid of a rash

A ra h can re ult from allergie , irritant , or certain chemical and olution . If you think your ra h i cau ed by an allergy and i mild, you can try home remedie to treat it. However, if you have a br...

How to make a tutu skirt

How to make a tutu skirt

1 Take mea urement . A k the per on for whom the kirt i being ewn to tand till and keep their back traight. U e a tape mea ure to mea ure the length around your wai t.Mea ure from your wai t to the pa...

How to be remembered for him

How to be remembered for him

There i omething romantic and attractive in the thought that you are remembered by omeone o much that you can penetrate hi thought even without an invitation ... And yet, uch a trong impre ion when a ...

How to make glowing water

How to make glowing water

Glowing water can create a my tical, my teriou atmo phere with neon glow in a dark room without electricity or real neon. You can prepare glowing water in minute with a few imple ingredient . ome of t...

How to meet women anywhere

How to meet women anywhere

Notice how flirting phra e don't lead anywhere? Not ure how to trike up a conver ation with the girl you ee in the upermarket every week? Whatever problem you have, wikiHow will help you not only ...

How to Dehydrate Eggs for Egg Powder

How to Dehydrate Eggs for Egg Powder

Powdered egg are great for packing when camping and al o a reliable ource of protein to include in your emergency food upplie at home. In tead of paying for a commercially prepared egg powder, try mak...

How to use a lithium battery

How to use a lithium battery

The lithium battery i currently the mo t commonly u ed energy torage device in mobile phone , laptop , digital camera and other electrical device . Knowing how to properly handle lithium batterie can ...

How to make a banner

How to make a banner

A web banner i omething we are all familiar with. It i a graphic at the top of a web page that di play a company name and logo, or it can be an adverti ement, or both, e pecially when a banner appear ...

How to be punctual

How to be punctual

Regularly arriving late to appointment and meeting can make you tre ful, and people around you may tart to wonder if you can be relied on. Perhap you would like to be on time everywhere and never be l...

How to pretend to be drunk

How to pretend to be drunk

Alcohol intoxication reduce motor kill , cognitive function, and tiffne in behavior. The behavior of drunk people i very different from the behavior of ober people. There may be ituation in which you ...