How to learn to meditate without the help of a trainer

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Meditation Is Easier Than You Think
Video: Meditation Is Easier Than You Think


Meditation without the help of a trainer is not easy, but many people learn to meditate and meditate on their own every day, as those who can do it are rare, and even if they do, they tend to have a very busy schedule. While history seemed to glorify those who meditated alone, doing the process alone is challenging but challenging. However, if you use self-esteem, courage, empathy, anyone can do meditation without the help of a coach.


  1. 1 Determine for yourself where you intend to go during meditation. You cannot plan ahead and expect it to happen, but if you know which direction to follow and what you want out of the meditation process, that is a good start. The main misconception of all beginners is that meditation is almost the same as a goal. This is a misconception because meditation can cover many different purposes, including mindfulness, insight, equanimity, energy generation, healing, the path to happiness and self-realization. There are even forms of meditation that help to overcome difficult periods in life, for example, violence, addiction to drugs, suffering, stress, and in the long term maintain a favorable mental state aimed at awareness and insight. There are also forms of meditation that help develop love, compassion, inner peace and spiritual insight. Ask yourself:
    • Are you looking to relax?
    • Are you looking to develop attention?
    • Are you looking to develop insight and understanding?
    • Do you want to feel more confident?
    • Do you want to find inner peace?
  2. 2 Try to get information. There are many great articles and practical tips on meditation on the internet, and your local library and bookstores are sure to have some good meditation books. Reading such literature will help answer questions about the purpose and benefits of meditation, and will also provide many approaches for practicing meditation. Look for articles on the internet and books that provide a wealth of information on how to start the meditation process so that you are not limited to a single opinion of someone else and you have the opportunity to try different forms of meditation. You may even be able to identify the fact that you want to meditate for different goals at different times throughout the week; be mentally open to new opportunities.
    • Reading meditation literature has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of reading is that you have an idea of ​​what is going on, information about certain methods and techniques to try, and lots of tips and tricks on how to achieve excellence. The disadvantage is that it is very easy to build in your mind a lot of expectations that you may or may not have faced before. It may feel too foreign to you, outside of your comfort zone, and a nearby obstacle. It will be much easier for you to exercise, provided that you do not set the expectations that meditation is supposed to lead to.
  3. 3 Give yourself time. Unfortunately, many cannot afford a lot of meditation time or an appropriate time to exercise. Ideally, the best time for this is early morning or late night, when it is usually quiet and calm around, and you can really relax. Or choose any time during the day when it will be quiet and peaceful around you for a long period of time; Obviously, the only quiet period at home is when the children are at school, and in the workplace when the employees are out for lunch. If you come home from work or school and watch a lot of TV, listen to music or read exciting books, you will be overexcited and overworked, and this is not the best time to practice meditation.
    • Regarding the duration of the session, set a period from 10 to 15 minutes to start, gradually increasing the session time to 45 minutes. Naturally, sometimes you will not want to devote a lot of time to classes, but finding free time, even the very minimum, is much more important than just counting down the time.
    • When you are just starting to practice meditation, it is best to dedicate a weekend or a few days to it. Thus, you can enjoy a serene time and devote yourself completely to this practice.
    • If you are feeling particularly numb or in pain from an injury, it is a good recommendation to do some slight muscle stretching before and after your meditation session.
  4. 4 Keep in mind that regular relaxation is a form of meditation. In fact, many are meditating without even realizing it. When you can relax with a cup of tea, or painting a picture, or go outside and relax, basking in the rays of the sun and watching the birds in the garden, then one might say that meditation has taken place. When the brain calms down and you gain a sense of connection with the outside world, you meditate. Sometimes it doesn't take long to do this, but it’s all because you’re not pursuing a goal or trying to make it a reality.
  5. 5 Set ground rules for yourself. Establish a specific course of action before, during, and after meditation, as well as a course of action in case something arises that may cause you suffering.Another helpful tip: if your meditation is based on the concept of objects such as breathing meditation, consciousness meditation, image meditation such as a flower, concentrate on that subject. If you do not have a structure or object of concentration, there is nothing that can be taken as a basis, in which case your meditation, apparently, will turn into hard labor.
    • Make it a goal to meditate periodically without music or other external device you are using for relaxation. This way you will learn to meditate anywhere, with or without aids.
  6. 6 Find a meditation room. This can be a place where you feel safe, quiet and comfortable. If you live in a noisy house or in an environment where there is little space and silence, then try to find a place somewhere in nature. You may need to borrow a spare room at a friend's or relative's home, or book a room at a library or health center. Perhaps it will be a vacant office at work or a vacant classroom at your school. Weather permitting, this could be a garden, a gazebo, or some other outdoor area where you can retire for a short time.
  7. 7 Choose your body position with care. Quite often you see images of people doing yoga in the full lotus position with absolute peace on their face. In reality, only a very few can sit in this position without long training, and in most cases many cannot even sit upright for a long time. In fact, it is more customary to sit with our legs folded in a convenient way for us or perch on a chair with our legs dangling. Sit in a relaxed manner with your chest open, keeping your head straight.
    • If you want to lie down, try to lie on your side or in a different position to stay awake.
    • You can also stand up straight with your knees relaxed (but not bent), and your head and posture are straight.
    • You can also walk with a slow, steady pace, either in a large circle (so you don't get dizzy) or in a straight line back and forth.
  8. 8 Begin by relaxing and free of distractions. To relax, try alternately tensing and relaxing muscle groups, or imagining an idyllic landscape. You can play a calm melody if that helps. You can also calm and relax your body with breathing movements. Mindful breathing is an important part of the meditation process as it helps to reduce stress, develop mindfulness and awareness of sensations.
    • Surely you will have moments when your meditation will be similar only to the release of thoughts and experiences, since the brain will not completely relax. This meditation can be frustrating, anxious and depressed, especially when compared to previous calmer and more enjoyable sessions. But if you approach this with the idea that during such a meditation you will still learn something, even just observe the way of your thoughts, this can be a very productive session, which will give more benefit in the long run. Because this is how you learn to establish why your brain is unable to relax and what you can do about it.
  9. 9 Use a meditation session to achieve the goal you have set. As stated earlier, meditation is based on many feasible tasks. Once you know what you want out of your meditation session, find the best ways to achieve it. For example:
    • If you want to focus, calmly concentrate your attention on an object, for example, a colored sheet of paper, a bowl of water, a flower, a candle, or a picture of something that inspires you. You can also count each breath to ten, start again from one to ten to keep your concentration.
    • If you want to develop your intuition, start watching the little things happen as soon as they happen.Let them happen on their own, try not to overload in thoughts or feelings. Be attentive to everything that happens to you. Over time, you will be able to notice and pick up any brain response, and determine what can be done to make you feel good for a long time.
    • If you want to improve your well-being, focus on feelings of goodwill, favor, forgiveness, pity, and gratitude. Try to imagine inner energy and a ray of light and use this to explore your brain and body, relieving suffering.
  10. 10 Keep practicing. Meditation sessions can help you if you exercise systematically. Regular training will help you develop strength, awareness of sensations, and self-confidence. With each lesson, you develop more and more qualities in yourself. Choose a time that suits you according to your schedule and needs - once a day, twice a day, once a week, twice a week, even once a month if you are having a hard time getting started!
  11. 11 Never miss an opportunity to relax and get negative thoughts out of your head. If you haven't noticed yourself drowning in your thoughts, return to your subject of attention and discard any distractions. Return to what you are doing each time. Each time it becomes easier.
  12. 12 Evaluate your session every time you finish. Was the session successful or ineffective? Why? Try to find the cause of any negative experience so that next time you can pay attention to it and avoid repeating it. Patience is the key to a satisfying and productive meditation session.
    • There is a rather wise metaphor to take into account: "Don't gnaw bones." This means that you will find almost no nutrients in your bones, unlike a balanced diet. Therefore, if you feed your pet only with bones, it will be painful and unhappy. Determine if you are trying to force an argument, and find ways to gain experience by setting more meaningful goals.


  • Thoughts and feelings will come back to you, do not think that you have failed when this happens. Trials and difficulties will happen (no one is perfect), so this is the moment to seize the opportunity and understand how you are feeling.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • If something arises that causes anxiety or fear, acknowledge this fact, there is nothing wrong with that. Then work on getting rid of your fears by familiarizing yourself with your feelings.
  • The brain thinks and projects certain images; this does not mean that you actually saw Buddha, God, or Jesus Christ. They are part of your consciousness.
  • Relax. It may seem like a pointless repetition of a word, but very often, when you begin a session in a position that is unfamiliar to the body, the tension increases.
  • If you feel confident and comfortable with what you have previously practiced, try other techniques. Otherwise, stick to certain basics for a while and gradually move on to other techniques if you feel that they work for you.
  • Listen to soothing, light music during the session.


  • Do not forget - all images, thoughts and spiritual sensations are invented by you. They won't hurt you if you don't allow it.
  • Talk to someone you trust, don't be alone with yourself. Talking to people who practice meditation is a great opportunity to exchange experiences.
  • Don't force yourself. If no one has controlled the brain for a long time, it will try to maintain this state. He will try to use every opportunity to hinder you. The brain is a very good manipulator (it knows all the tricks). Therefore, be kind to yourself.

What do you need

  • Meditation websites or tutorials
  • Quiet place suitable for meditation
  • A diary to record your reflections on the goals of meditation (optional)