
How to play dice, gambling dice

How to play dice, gambling dice

A variety of dice game have long been popular in many culture . A early a about 600 BC. in China, bone with ix ide in the form of a cube were u ed for thi purpo e. Initially, it wa a fortune telling t...

How to calculate how much you will receive with interest on a bank deposit

How to calculate how much you will receive with interest on a bank deposit

Bank cu tomer are alway intere ted in how much they will receive in intere t on a bank depo it. Ye , you can imply multiply the depo it amount by the intere t rate, but it would be much more accurate ...

How to refuel the sewing machine

How to refuel the sewing machine

1 Place the pool of thread on the pool pin. Place the pool of thread on the pool pin on the top of the ewing machine. The pool hould be po itioned o that the thread unwind counterclockwi e. Check the ...

How to kiss a girl in the movies

How to kiss a girl in the movies

A ki in the cinema i one of the fir t tep to a relation hip. The harde t part of thi proce i building up the courage and daring to invite a girl to a movie. If the girl agreed to go to the movie with ...

How to organize a fashion show to make some money

How to organize a fashion show to make some money

If you're looking to ho t a fa hion how to rai e money for a chool, local charity, or a a community event, it' a good idea to come to an under tanding of what you'll need to plan and prepa...

How to cook just for yourself

How to cook just for yourself

Cooking ju t for your elf i more difficult than it might eem at fir t glance. Even if you can manage to force your elf to put in ome effort and mentally go beyond the ready-made food, you will quickly...

How to fold bath towels

How to fold bath towels

There are many way to roll your bath towel . However, they can be u ed for variou torage condition for towel . Learn how to roll up towel in triple fold, counter-fold, and roll-up method for narrow he...

How to eliminate foot odor with baking soda

How to eliminate foot odor with baking soda

A imple olution to get rid of foot odor. 1 Buy a room deodorant or air fre hener that you can apply to your hoe to improve their mell. 2 prinkle / pray your purcha ed hoe from toe to heel, focu ing on...

How to write a speech about yourself

How to write a speech about yourself

peech writing i a time con uming ta k that al o require careful preparation. It will take a long time, o it down and write a plan. 1 Write the purpo e of your peech on a piece of paper. Why do you wa...

How to make pillows

How to make pillows

1 Take 10 cm thick foam rubber and cut out a blank for a pillow of the required ize. Fir t, mea ure the length and width of the eat of the chair or bench for which you are ewing the pillow, and then u...

How to find the lowest common denominator

How to find the lowest common denominator

To add or ubtract fraction with different denominator (number below the fractional bar), you fir t need to find their lowe t common denominator (LCM). Thi number will be the malle t multiple that occu...

How to Dig Pole Pits

How to Dig Pole Pits

If you are building a fence, flagpole , or a birdhou e on a pole, you need to dig mall hole . U ing a hovel for thi , you will make hole larger than nece ary, o it i better to u e digger to dig hole u...

How to love your job

How to love your job

Who among u doe not dream of getting a job of our dream one day? There are no uch? No wonder! Ala , people who would like their work 24/7/12/365, and even 100%, imply do not exi t. However, there are ...

How to stop your dog from digging in a trash can or can

How to stop your dog from digging in a trash can or can

To your di appointment, the tra h can may eem like a bottomle ource of culinary delight to your dog. Dog are very fond of human food, even the one that you throw away. Your pet may be overwhelmed by t...

How to show yourself as a good person

How to show yourself as a good person

Have you ever felt how your heart mile becau e a tranger miled at you or after a hort corre pondence with a loved one? Have you ever felt in pired by another per on, and the de ire to one day change t...

How to defrost a refrigerator

How to defrost a refrigerator

1 Unplug the refrigerator. Turning off the refrigerator will avoid u ing a ignificant amount of energy during the defro ting proce . tacking all of the cold food in one place hould keep it frozen unti...

How to bleach cotton

How to bleach cotton

If you want to dye your cotton white, we'll how you how. 1 Look at the label on your clothing. There may be information on whitening there. 2 Never mix whitene with ammonia or ammonia. It can burn...

How to cite quotes in an essay

How to cite quotes in an essay

U ing direct quote in an e ay i a great way to back up your idea with concrete evidence and pice up your argument . However, if you want your e ay to look profe ional, then you mu t know how to quote ...

How to connect another hard drive to your computer

How to connect another hard drive to your computer

Thi article will how you how to connect a econd hard drive to your computer. Keep in mind that it i not po ible to in tall a econd hard drive on modern laptop or Mac . However, you have the option of ...

How to get rid of nasolabial folds

How to get rid of nasolabial folds

The fold that tretch from the wing of the no e to the corner of the mouth indicate that your life wa full of joy, mile and laughter. However, the e deep wrinkle ometime make u look older. There are ev...