How to pretend to be drunk

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Act Drunk
Video: How to Act Drunk


Alcohol intoxication reduces motor skills, cognitive function, and stiffness in behavior. The behavior of drunk people is very different from the behavior of sober people. There may be situations in which you need to act like a drunk, but you do not want to drink alcohol. Perhaps you decided to “become your own” at a party, want to get a part in a play, or just play a prank on your friends. Change how you look, how you behave, and how you speak to make others think you are really drunk.


Method 1 of 3: Appearance

  1. 1 Tousle your hair. Drunk people stop noticing the details of their appearance that would normally bother a sober person. Comb your hair with your fingers and tousle it deliberately. The tighter your hair is tousled, the more drunk you will look.
    • A mess on your head will show others that you are not worried about perfection. You just want to have a great time.
    • It will also make people think like you just got back from a party.
  2. 2 Stains on the shirt. Alcohol decreases cognitive function. For this reason, many drunk people start dropping everything. Food and drinks often fall out of hand. Soak your shirt with mustard or ketchup and pretend you haven't noticed or you don't care.
    • If you are told that you are dirty, then answer the following: "Yeah, I know. But what's the difference."
    • Other sauces are also suitable for staining, try not to use dairy or other products that have a smell.
  3. 3 Tuck in half of the shirt. This will make yourself look distracted and people will mistake you for drunk. Make sure that you don't look deliberately sloppy, otherwise others will not believe you. You should look like you just stepped out of the restroom.
    • A half-tucked shirt can be perceived as an attempt to create your own image.
  4. 4 Sore eyes. Glassy or sore eyes are a common sign of drunkenness. There are safe and natural ways to make your eyes red. To do this, it is enough to get your hands dirty in chopped onions, menthol or peppermint oil and rub under the eyes.
    • You can also try crying or blinking often to make your eyes appear redder.
    • Redness occurs when alcohol dilates the blood vessels in the eyes and the whites appear red.
    • Avoid getting peppermint oil, menthol, or onions directly in your eyes.

Method 2 of 3: Behavior

  1. 1 Act like you're drunk but want to appear sober. The most important trick is to portray the feelings and emotions of a drunk person. Drunk people usually try to act like they are sober. This is not easy because you have to pass yourself off as someone who wants to appear sober in order to be mistaken for a drunk. Pretend you're trying to stay calm, but occasionally stumble and look drunk. You can say something stupid or outrageous, and then apologize to others for your behavior. Try not to go overboard or say too much.
    • Lean against the wall, and then stand up straight, as if trying to maintain balance.
    • Say something like, "No, no, I'm fine. I don't think I went overboard."
    • Loud and inappropriate behavior is not necessarily associated with drunkenness, but occasional inappropriate words or actions will make you look your best.
  2. 2 Be less restrained than usual. Under the influence of alcohol, people become more aggressive, talkative and sexually liberated. Speak more openly and truthfully than you usually allow yourself. Say what you usually keep silent about. Give yourself free rein and talk about childhood. If you are going to pretend to be "drunk and angry," start reacting irritably to little things. Be casual and show a willingness to talk about your past.
    • For example: "Onion rings. I remember when I tried them for the first time. I was seven? No, six! Exactly, six years old."
    • Touch others more often. Touch the other person's hand or pat on the shoulder for a more casual look.
    • You can make vulgar or inappropriate comments to make you look more drunk. The main thing is not to cross the line and do not offend anyone.
  3. 3 Play for time. After drinking alcohol, cognitive functions and problem-solving abilities are dulled. Drunk people often need more time to understand what they hear or see. Pretend you can't figure out the obvious. Ask the same questions or repeat the words of your interlocutor. If you are asked for something, then consider the request twice as long and constantly ask for help.
    • Change the channel on your TV or a song on your player to pretend you can't figure out what's going on.
    • Switch channels with the words: "I do not understand. Why the menu does not want to turn on. What am I doing?".
  4. 4 Demonstrate impermanence. Move erratically, switching between surges of energy and moments of powerlessness. The more inconsistent you are, the more natural you will look. Act at random and amaze others. The more often you change your mood, tone and volume of your voice, the more drunk you will seem.
  5. 5 Stumble while walking. Theater performers often use this trick, when the floor begins to move under you. Do not overplay and do not fall too often, otherwise your cunning will be revealed. It is enough just to constantly stagger.
    • While still, try to lean against the walls to enhance the effect.
    • Another option is to shift your weight onto your heels and try to get back on your toes.
  6. 6 The smell of alcohol. You can rinse your mouth with alcohol or pour it on your clothes. If you do not drink alcohol, then you can drink a soft drink that still smells right. If you smell like alcohol, people will have the right impression.
    • You can choose from beer, cocktails or champagne as non-alcoholic drinks.

Method 3 of 3: Speech

  1. 1 Speak indistinctly. Alcohol negatively affects motor skills, making speech unintelligible. Try to skip parts of words that you usually say. Try to imagine that you are very tired. The more a person drank, the more indistinct he speaks.
    • Say something like "Shkarnaya vchrinka. All sssuper."
    • Another example: "What is the bush busy on the next week?"
  2. 2 Speak more slowly than usual. Alcohol affects not only the clarity but also the speed of speech. Drunk people talk much more slowly. Listen to the tempo of your speech during conversations and slow down if you speak too quickly.
    • Alcohol can interfere with the rate at which neurotransmitters are sent to your brain, thereby slowing down speech.
  3. 3 Speak louder than usual and break your privacy. If you're in a noisy place like a bar, club, or party, it's natural to speak louder than usual so that you can be heard. Drunk people may not be aware of the loudness of their speech due to impaired cognitive function. Shout right in the face of people and get closer than usual.
    • If you are asked to move a little further, be polite and move away.
  4. 4 Deny that you are drunk if asked. In the event of such a question, you should pretend to be offended, but admit that you missed a couple of drinks. No one likes to admit to being drunk, so you may not be believed if you openly say that you are drunk. Get defensive and people will believe you are drunk.
    • You can say "I literally drank a couple of glasses. I'm not drunk at all!"