How to make glowing water

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Glowing Water
Video: How to Make Glowing Water


Glowing water can create a mystical, mysterious atmosphere with neon glow in a dark room without electricity or real neon. You can prepare glowing water in minutes with a few simple ingredients. Some of these may already be in your home. Learn these simple techniques today to prepare “something special” for your next Halloween or party.


Method 1 of 4: Tonic Preparation

  1. 1 Pour a serving of tonic into a clear container. Believe it or not, the most common tonic glows quite brightly under black light. For a glowing effect, first pour the toner into a transparent container. It can be poured neat or diluted with water. However, the more water you add, the weaker the glow will be.
    • Tonic is sold in most grocery stores and supermarkets and costs only 150-200 rubles. Buy a tonic, and not soda or soda. The label should say “with quinine” or something like that.
  2. 2 Shine a black lamp on the tonic. All you need to do for the tonic to glow brightly is to direct ultraviolet light at it. Be sure to deliberately dim the light in the room, otherwise it will be more difficult to see the glow effect.
    • Black lamps are sold both in specialty holiday stores and online. The price of a black lamp often depends on its size and brightness, mostly they cost 1,500 rubles or even less.
  3. 3 Don't be afraid to drink a tonic. Black lamp makes the tonic pretty strange glow, but it does not become poisonous, radioactive or harmful to health from this. However, tonic is often high in calories and sugar, so drink in moderation.
    • The tonic glows thanks to tiny chemicals called "phosphors" in its composition.When ultraviolet radiation from a black lamp (which cannot be seen with the naked eye) hits the phosphors, it becomes visible and emits a glow.

Method 2 of 4: Marker-Based Cooking

  1. 1 Buy and test the markers to make sure they glow. Not all markers glow brightly under black light. So draw something on paper and point it with black light to check it.
    • You can choose any color, but yellow will most likely glow in the dark.
    • Markers from any manufacturer should work for these purposes, but you can try neon colored markers for a change.
    • Determine if the marker glows in a completely dark room completely isolated from light.
  2. 2 Fill a clear container with water. Tonic is not the only substance that contains luminous phosphors. Plain old markers have much the same effect. To begin (as before), pour the water into a glass container, such as a glass jar.
    • Please note that this method requires breaking the marker. You won't be able to use it anymore.
  3. 3 Remove the ink tube from the marker. If you simply place the marker in a jar of water, ink will flow out of the felt insert for a long time through the thin refill. Use an ink tube instead. For this:
    • Remove the cap from the marker.
    • Use pliers (or do it by hand if you're not afraid to get dirty) to pull out the felt ink insert.
    • Break off the bottom of the marker with pliers.
    • Pull out the ink tube carefully to avoid getting dirty or dripping onto your clothes.
  4. 4 Place the felt insert and ink tube in the jar. Add the felt insert, ink tube, and any remaining ink from the marker to the water. The ink should drain and dissolve in the water, changing its color. If necessary, cut or break the ink tube to remove any remaining ink. Stir well to obtain evenly colored water.
    • You can optionally remove or leave the ink tubes and felt inserts in the water when all ink has drained out.
  5. 5 Shine a black light on the water. The water with ink will glow in the same way in a dark room with a black lamp as the water from the tonic in the previous method. To create a glow, you can also tape the flashlight to the bottom of the glass container.
    • Unlike tonic water, this luminous water not drinkable.

Method 3 of 4: Prepare with fluorescent paint

  1. 1 Buy fluorescent paint from a hardware store. The paint must be tempera-based or water-soluble so that it can be mixed with water. You can also buy glow-in-the-dark painting paints to enhance the glowing effect.
    • Just like with markers, any neon paint color will work for you, but lemon yellow and lime green are best for these purposes.
  2. 2 Pour the paint into a glass of water. Add more paint to enhance the glow effect. A couple of tablespoons of paint may be enough for one cup of water.
  3. 3 Stir the paint thoroughly. Use a stirring stick or similar tool, but not a kitchen spoon. The paint must completely dissolve in the water.
    • Warm or hot water will dissolve faster.
    • If you leave the water motionless for a long time, the paint may start to precipitate. Use this glowing water immediately after stirring.
  4. 4 Check the water efficiency. Turn off the lights in the room completely and turn on the black lamp just above the glowing water. Use this luminescent water with care: it contains paint and can severely stain the fabric if it gets on.
    • The resulting liquid it is forbidden drink.

Method 4 of 4: Glow Stick Preparation

  1. 1 Fill a container with water and prepare materials. According to this technique, to prepare colored water that will glow without a black lamp, you will need regular water, glow sticks, and several other readily available components. As with the methods above, start by pouring water into a transparent container, such as a bottle or jar. You will also need a few other things:
    • One or more glow sticks
    • Scissors
    • Soap dish
    • Hydrogen peroxide
    • Waterproof gloves
  2. 2 Break the glow stick (s). Find a glass ampoule inside each glow stick and bend it until it crunches. The wand will immediately light up - it will be more noticeable when the light is off. Repeat with the other sticks. The more you use glow sticks, the brighter your water will turn out.
    • Glow sticks are sold in party stores and many supermarkets (especially Halloween merchandise.) They tend to be very cheap - a pack of 100 can cost around Rs. 700.
    • Try to find glow sticks as large as possible that contain the maximum dose of luminescence.
  3. 3 Pour the glowing filler into the water. Put on gloves. Carefully cut off the tip of each stick with scissors and pour the glowing liquid into the water. Mix water and glowing liquid.
    • Be careful - remember that there are glass shards inside each glow stick.
  4. 4 Add hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid (optional.Your water should glow like this, but a few additional ingredients can enhance this effect. Measure out a few caps of hydrogen peroxide and add it to the mixture, then pour in about half a teaspoon of regular dishwashing liquid (such as Palmolive, Ajax, or other).
    • The glow stick contains two chemical components: diphenyl oxalate (in a plastic tube) and hydrogen peroxide (in an inner glass capsule.) When you break the stick, the capsule breaks and the two substances mix, emitting light. By adding an extra dose of hydrogen peroxide, you intensify the reaction of the two components. Dishwashing liquid contains chemicals that reduce the surface tension of the water and help the hydrogen peroxide and diphenyl oxalate mix better.
  5. 5 Shake it up and have fun! When you're done preparing, close the container and shake (or just stir) to mix all the ingredients. When you're done, your water will glow with or without black light (although black light can enhance the effect.)
    • The resulting liquid it is forbidden drink.


  • Glowing water is great for parties. Pour glowing water into glass jars, vases, goblets, or any translucent vessel and arrange them around your home or backyard to wow your guests.
  • Glowing water can be used in the bathroom. Prepare such a bath by mixing warm water with toner or non-toxic fluorescent paint. Turn off the lights and turn on the black lamp to create a glowing effect. This is great fun for children. However, when using fluorescent paint, make sure children do not drink water.
  • You can arrange a battle with water balls glowing in the dark. Fill balloons with glowing water and launch! Try using the glow stick method for this fun. Run in the yard in the evenings with friends and play classic summer games. When doing this, make sure that the luminous water does not get into your mouth or eyes.
  • If it snows in your area, try glowing patterns. Chill the glowing water to keep the snow from melting and fill the spray bottles. Go outside and paint any design on the snow. This is another great idea for spending an evening with the kids.