
How to make puto, steamed rice cake

How to make puto, steamed rice cake

Putuo i a traditional Filipino teamed rice cake. It i made from rice flour. Puto i eaten for breakfa t, with coffee or hot chocolate. 4 cup flour 2 cup ugar 2 1/2 tb p. poon of baking powder (baking p...

How to remove a live mouse from a sticky mousetrap

How to remove a live mouse from a sticky mousetrap

A gummy mou etrap i a type of trap u ed to trap mice, rat , and other rodent . It con i t of a flat ba e covered with very ticky glue and i dangerou for children, pet , wild animal and other creature ...

How to lose weight in two weeks

How to lose weight in two weeks

In hi life, almo t every per on at ome point felt an urgent need to get rid of exce weight. However, thi i not an ea y ta k, and for a number of rea on . Fir tly, our body i imply not de igned for qui...

How not to seem intrusive

How not to seem intrusive

Do you think you are too intru ive? Perhap omeone told you thi or you your elf think o ... well, you are not the fir t and not the la t who think o ... 1 Determine if you are really ob e ive or making...

How to teach a dog to lie down

How to teach a dog to lie down

Who aid you can't teach an old dog new trick ? Thi guide provide a imple and ea y way to teach your friend how to lie down without having to pull your hair out. 1 Grab a dog treat and place the do...

How to show respect

How to show respect

Re pect for people i key to maintaining meaningful per onal relation hip . Learn to re pect other people' effort , abilitie , opinion , and quirk in order to ucce fully communicate and get along w...

How to learn notes on a guitar fretboard

How to learn notes on a guitar fretboard

1 Learn the note on the open tring . The guitar ha ix tring , the thicke t tring being the top tring and the thinne t tringing the bottom tring. Guitar tring are u ually li ted from bottom to top, o t...

How to start a car from a pusher

How to start a car from a pusher

If your manual tran mi ion vehicle ha a dead battery, you can tart it by pre ing and quickly relea ing the clutch. 1 Put the car in econd gear and fully depre the clutch. 2 Turn the key to the on po i...

How to cook freeze-dried noodles

How to cook freeze-dried noodles

1 Cook the noodle in a uitable ized aucepan. The pot hould be large enough to hold the entire dry noodle briquette. However, do not u e a pot that i too large, two cup of water hould be enough for you...

How to plan a romantic picnic

How to plan a romantic picnic

A picnic i a great opportunity to get clo er to your loved one. You can relax with him in the bo om of nature and talk about the mo t intimate. However, not everyone can ea ily organize a romantic pic...

How to be an awesome guy

How to be an awesome guy

Tru t me, no magic! By following imple tep , you can become an amazing young per on. What doe it mean to you to be “amazing”? What image appear before you when you hear thi word? If you are reading th...

How to keep track of expenses in Microsoft Excel

How to keep track of expenses in Microsoft Excel

Many companie u e Micro oft Excel to keep track of department or company expen e . Currently Excel can be u ed on all PC running Window operating y tem. For thi rea on, you can keep track of your own ...

How to tell if a humble guy likes you

How to tell if a humble guy likes you

hy guy are very withdrawn and can be very difficult to under tand. In general, they do not live by a generally accepted et of rule , becau e they u ually do not know what the rule are, or becau e the...

How to dry rose petals

How to dry rose petals

For centurie , poet have glorified the eternal beauty of ro e . However, ro e can be u ed for extremely practical purpo e , and dried ro e petal can be turned into many different thing . They provide ...

How to delete non-removable files in Windows

How to delete non-removable files in Windows

If you receive an error me age when you try to delete a file, the y tem i mo t likely infected with maliciou code. In ome ituation , the file i u ed by the main Window program , for example, Explorer,...

How to remove stains from paper

How to remove stains from paper

Have you pilled coffee on the page of the tutorial? Have you put important document on the dirty kitchen table and have grea y tain on them? Or did you accidentally cut your finger on a page in a libr...

How to behave like Doctor Who

How to behave like Doctor Who

Here' a guide to help you emulate the protagoni t of the hit Briti h ci-fi erie Doctor Who. The doctor i currently played by Peter Capaldi, the twelfth doctor. 1 Be very mart. Focu on cience, hi t...

How to write a sad story

How to write a sad story

Do you want your handwritten torie to have tragic content? Are you only capable of writing funny and happy torie ? With tep-by- tep in truction and the tip below, you can write torie that will touch e...

How to manage money (a guide for teenagers)

How to manage money (a guide for teenagers)

Let' face it, we all love money and we all enjoy pending it. But let' pau e and think a little. Which i better: have a little money, but now, or a lot of money, but later? 1 Get ome money. 2 A...

How not to pay child support

How not to pay child support

A a parent, you have a re pon ibility to upport your child financially. It i very difficult to get rid of thi obligation, and in very rare ca e they are exempted from it. However, if you want to top p...