How to lose weight in two weeks

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge
Video: Do This Everyday To Lose Weight | 2 Weeks Shred Challenge


In his life, almost every person at some point felt an urgent need to get rid of excess weight. However, this is not an easy task, and for a number of reasons. Firstly, our body is simply not designed for quick weight loss. Rapid weight loss slows down the body's metabolism. In addition, drastic weight loss in a short period of time can cause serious harm to your health if your metabolism is impaired or if you have a serious medical condition. Therefore, if you want to lose weight quickly, be careful and monitor your overall health. So, if you are determined, but careful, you can succeed and shed those extra pounds.


Part 1 of 3: Eat a Healthy Diet

  1. 1 Drink plenty of water. Water is one of the best weight loss tools.Water helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and also improves the functioning of the digestive tract. This is very important if you want to lose weight. Plus, you'll stay hydrated, which is essential if you're looking to shed those extra pounds.
    • Plus, drinking enough water will give you the energy you need. This will make you feel energetic.
    • It is very important to follow the correct drinking regimen if you are going to exercise in order to lose excess weight.
    • Water helps maintain normal bowel function, which is essential if you want to lose weight and stay healthy.
    • There is a formula for calculating the required amount of water per day: 30 ml of water should be multiplied by your weight. Add 350 ml of water every 30 minutes while exercising.
  2. 2 Cut back on your carbohydrate intake. Reducing your carbohydrate intake can help you lose weight. Carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, as a result of which we feel hungry after a short period of time. In addition, the consumption of carbohydrates leads to the accumulation of fat. Unfortunately, this prevents you from losing the hated pounds. While it can be difficult to eliminate carbohydrates completely from your diet, try cutting back on carbohydrates.
    • Don't eat a lot of bread.
    • Also, reduce your intake of grains.
    • Reduce your intake of potatoes, rice, and corn.
    • Be careful. A low-carb diet can be harmful to your health if you suffer from certain medical conditions. Therefore, do not follow a carbohydrate-free diet for long periods of time without first consulting your doctor.
  3. 3 Include lean protein in your diet. Protein should be the main ingredient for two weeks if you are determined to lose weight. The body spends more energy digesting protein than carbohydrates. Therefore, in order to digest and assimilate protein, the body uses more calories. Plus, protein makes you feel full. Stop your choice on the following protein products:
    • Fish.
    • Lean red meat with a little fat.
    • Venison or game.
    • Any type of meat or protein food that is low in fat.
  4. 4 Eat more fruits and vegetables. You can lose weight quickly if you eat fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables make you feel full. Thanks to this, you will not feel hungry. In addition, they contain many trace elements that our bodies need to stay healthy. Also vegetables contain fiber, which has a positive effect on the body. Therefore, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables promotes weight loss. Here are some more ideas:
    • Your food plate should be at least half full of vegetables.
    • Carrots, cherry tomatoes and other vegetables are suitable for a snack.
    • Add spinach, cucumber or bell pepper to the turkey sandwich.
    • Include apples, berries, bananas, or other fruits in your diet.
  5. 5 Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar is found in many healthy foods such as dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and cereals. Therefore, you will not be able to eliminate sugar from your diet completely. Avoid sugary pastries, sugary cereals, fruit juices, soda, and candy, though. Here are some more tips:
    • Do not add sugar to coffee or cereals.
    • Study the composition of the products carefully; Sugar is found in many packaged foods. Sugar can be found in seemingly unsweetened foods such as spaghetti sauce, energy drinks, barbecue sauce.
    • Note that sugar has many names. In the composition you can see: corn syrup, fructose, maltose, sucrose, dextrose or corn sweetener.
  6. 6 Reduce your salt intake. This is very important if you want to lose weight. Excess sodium causes water retention in the body.Water makes up approximately 55-60% of body weight. Therefore, do not consume salt for two weeks while you are trying to lose weight. Follow the tips below:
    • Do not add salt to food. Use seasonings that don't contain salt if your food doesn't taste good.
    • Eat as little processed and packaged foods as possible. They contain a lot of salt.
    • If you eat processed food, choose one that contains less salt.
    • Salad dressings and other sauces are often high in salt. If possible, give them up or cut back on them.
    • Reducing salt intake can help improve overall health.
  7. 7 Stop drinking alcohol. Many people get a lot of calories through alcohol without realizing it. For the two weeks during which you will be trying to lose weight, give up alcohol. If you are unable to completely cut out alcohol, choose your drink wisely. Here are some tips:
    • The calorie content of one serving of alcohol ranges from 100 calories, a glass of wine contains 120 calories, and a bottle of beer contains up to 150 kcal.
    • Choose simple cocktails. Mixed drinks with juices or liqueurs have more calories than, say, vodka and tonic.
    • Prepare a drink with white wine and soda water.
    • Give preference to tinctures. They are low in calories and taste great.
    • Drink light beer instead of dark beer.
    • Avoid drinks with sugar and other additives.
  8. 8 Reduce your calorie intake. Most of us can reduce our calorie intake by making small changes to our diet. Reducing portions, choosing low-fat foods, and eliminating sources of additional calories go a long way. Here are some ideas for this:
    • Add skim or low fat milk to coffee or tea.
    • Enjoy a mustard sandwich instead of mayonnaise.
    • Sprinkle the dressing over the salad instead of sprinkling it liberally.
    • Order or serve gravies and sauces separately from your meal. In this case, the sauce is not poured over the dish, but on the contrary - the food is dipped in the sauce.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise Daily

  1. 1 Plan sports activities in your schedule. If you want to lose weight in two weeks, you will need to exercise daily. If you schedule your class time, you can be successful. Set aside one hour a day for this purpose. Write it down on your calendar or put a reminder on your phone. Treat exercise as a responsible event.
  2. 2 Choose exercises that you enjoy. Even if you have set aside time for sports in your schedule, you will be reluctant to do so if these activities are not to your liking. This is why it is important to choose exercises that you enjoy. Include cardio in your workout schedule. Thanks to such exercises, you can burn extra calories and improve metabolic processes in the body.
    • You can consider the following options: walking, running, cycling, swimming, elliptical training.
    • Set aside about an hour of cardio every day to lose weight quickly.
    • If you are not used to heavy loads, start small, gradually increasing the load.
    • Include interval training in your schedule. Interval training is a type of training that alternates between high and low intensity physical activity. This is a great way to burn those extra calories.
  3. 3 Walk more. In addition to cardio, try to walk as much as possible. You don't need to set aside special time for this, just walk as much as possible during the day. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise. According to experts, to control your weight, you need to take at least 10,000 steps a day.
    • Park somewhere far from work or shop.
    • Get up from your computer every hour and walk around the office.
    • Walk in place while watching TV.
    • Use a cordless phone and walk while talking on the phone.
    • If possible, use the steps rather than the elevator.
    • Walk fast. This will help you burn more calories. In addition, the heart rate increases significantly during brisk walking compared to normal walking.
  4. 4 Include strength training in your schedule. While cardio can help you shed those extra pounds in a short amount of time, strength training can also help you lose weight and improve your health. Consider the following options:
    • Exercises with dumbbells. Use light weight.
    • Pull down on the block
    • Hanging leg raises
    • Hammer Biceps Curl
    • Exercises to strengthen the abs.

Part 3 of 3: Change your lifestyle

  1. 1 Structure your eating habits. Plan ahead for your diet, and don't let it go by itself. People who do this manage to keep themselves in good shape. Here are some tips to help you do this:
    • Consider and stick to your healthy snacks and meals weekly. Get all the groceries you need early in the week so you don't have a reason to step back from your menu.
    • Eat while sitting. Research shows that people who eat while sitting and use cutlery such as plates get fewer calories than those who eat while standing or consume packaged foods.
    • Include healthy and nutritious snacks in your diet. Carry them in your bag so you can grab a bite to eat as soon as you get hungry.
  2. 2 Prepare food at home. The more you eat out, the larger your waistline will become. Eat at home and you will eat fewer calories. Try to cook your own food, and you will immediately feel the benefits of knowing the composition of your meals, and you can also adjust the amount of sugar and salt.
    • Use less vegetable and butter.
    • Use less sugar.
    • Bake or grill food instead of frying it.
  3. 3 Watch less TV. While watching TV, we just sit or lie down. Studies have shown that people who watch more than three hours of TV a day are more obese than those who sit in front of the TV for an hour or so. When you are sitting on the couch, you are not engaged in vigorous activity. And, for sure, you will want to have a little snack. If you're watching TV, consider the following tips:
    • Exercise while watching your favorite show. Place the TV in front of a treadmill or stationary bike and enjoy watching while burning calories.
    • Do push-ups and squats during ads.
    • Hide the remote so that you have to get up and find it if you suddenly need to switch the TV to another channel. Plus, you won't be tempted to flip through the channels frequently.
    • Get your hands on something so that you don't have the urge to eat while watching your favorite show.
  4. 4 Get enough sleep. Sleep is an essential part of good health. It will be difficult for your body to recover from exercise and also to absorb food to the fullest if you do not get enough rest. If you want to be healthy and slim, get enough sleep!
    • Teenagers need to sleep 8-10 hours a day.
    • Adults usually get 7 to 9 hours of sleep.
    • Elderly people should get 7-8 hours of sleep.
    • If you are not getting enough sleep at night, you can include naps in your schedule. However, make sure you do not nap for more than an hour during the day.
    • Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain.
    • Excessive sleep contributes to laziness and inertia.


  • Don't skip meals.Otherwise, you will be making the wrong food choices throughout the day.
  • Don't skip breakfast. People who eat in the morning tend to consume fewer calories throughout the day.
  • Studies show that people who lose weight gradually (0.5 - 1 kg per week), as a rule, manage to maintain optimal weight for a long time.


  • Avoid diet pills, dietary supplements, miracle herbs, and other "quick" weight loss methods. Many of them have serious side effects.
  • It is very dangerous to starve yourself or eat insufficient food in order to lose weight. The safe minimum calorie intake is 1,200-1,500 calories per day.
  • Enemas and laxatives can help you lose weight in the short term, but they are bad for your body in the long term.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points out that healthy weight loss is 0.5 to 1 kg per week.
  • In the first two weeks, you can lose 2.5 to 4.5 kg of excess weight. A lot of weight loss is unhealthy.
  • Strive for healthy weight loss.