How to behave like Doctor Who

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Top 10 Doctor Who Actors Who Sound NOTHING Like Their Characters
Video: Top 10 Doctor Who Actors Who Sound NOTHING Like Their Characters


Here's a guide to help you emulate the protagonist of the hit British sci-fi series Doctor Who. The doctor is currently played by Peter Capaldi, the twelfth doctor.


Method 1 of 8: Demonstrating Your Intelligence

  1. 1 Be very smart. Focus on science, history and geography. But also don't forget to study other subjects. It may surprise people (in a good way) if you find a startling, unexpected, well-informed comment. The doctor always does it.
  2. 2 Read books and do your own research. Knowledge is power, and since the doctor does not carry any weapon, you will need a lot of it.
  3. 3 Learn different languages. The TARDIS does it for him, but you don't have one, and learning different languages ​​is always great and rewarding. You can also try learning how to reach out to people in different social situations. Don't worry if you get a little confused because it is all part of the training. It also helps when traveling - if you're driving in a country that doesn't speak your native language, it's always a good idea to know its primary language.
  4. 4 Don't follow the rules. Create your own. But if the established rules make sense and reason, you don't need to break them without a good reason. Necessary thinkwhether these rules are reasonable for security and well-being, or are they just a case of authoritarianism and blind loyalty that has become uncontrollable. Hone your critical thinking skills!
  5. 5 Use keywords. Make sure you know what these words mean and preferably how to pronounce them!
  6. 6 Know what you are talking about most of the time. If you don't, then don't be offended if someone corrects you! It is always good to have more information and you can impress people with new knowledge. Thank the people who help you to better understand the essence.
  7. 7 Enjoy solving problems and helping in bad situations. Be kind to friends (and enemies!) When they're having a bad day, and try to be nice. But don't be tactless!

Method 2 of 8: Traveling Frequently

  1. 1 Travels. It doesn't matter if you're heading far away or to a store you've never been to before, just travel. Always be aware of the places you are traveling, but don't think you know everything about these places because you probably do not know.

Method 3 of 8: Staying Healthy and Fit

  1. 1 Be fit and healthy. You don't have to look like this, but try. Running is a great way to exercise and blow off steam, and this is what he does Doctor Who.
  2. 2 Be fast. If you have to run, run. Always be ready to run.

Method 4 of 8: Caring for Others

  1. 1 Help people. The doctor is known for helping / saving people and planets. While doing this, don't be afraid to show your love a little harshly.
  2. 2 Give people more than one chance. The doctor really believes in a second chance, he even gave the Daleks a second chance. You should always find extenuating circumstances in other people's actions and see the good. Understand that some people continue to break the rules precisely because they feel like other people have abandoned them. Make them feel that they are not.
  3. 3 Stand up for others. If you see someone being scolded, beaten, attacked, or upset, help them. If a large group is making noise, do not approach them and do not disperse them. If you can't do anything without hurting yourself, seek reinforcements.
  4. 4 Be able to protect. Protect your friends and others around you. Never leave your friends. They need you in difficult times, even if you fight, stick together, don't leave them if they forget you, remember them and protect them. Do your best to ensure their safety.

Method 5 of 8: Be Technologically Savvy

  1. 1 Speak very quickly and be open to new technologies. Try to combine both and try tech chatter (which means talking very quickly about technology mixed with a bit of bullshit).
    • Make sure you don't overdo your enthusiasm and glee. Make sure you act appropriately for the situation - The Doctor quickly switches between glee and complete seriousness depending on the situation.

Method 6 of 8: Accept Your Weaknesses

  1. 1 Be a little ostentatious. This is the doctor. Dress well too, simple and well-cut clothes always work well, but add a little weirdness, like the Fifth and Tenth Doctor's glasses, which they didn't need.
    • Even so, don't be proud. Remain humble at heart.
  2. 2 Be a little bit wrong, don't be afraid to be a little crazy. The doctor does this all the time, and it makes you and other people laugh. You can't be a school joker, but try to leave a sarcastic or witty comment from time to time.
  3. 3 When you are angry, hide it as best you can. However, when you are justifiably evil, there may be a time when it is appropriate to show it if innocent people are suffering. Be a pacifist, but do not neglect the need for justice to stop injustice. Some things, like starving children and slavery, are worth getting angry about.
    • The Doctor tries not to use dangerous weapons, the deadliest that he usually uses is his sonic screwdriver (of course, his reputation helps little). Do not kill, electrocute them in any way and knock them out, but do not harm them. If you feel like you might be involved in a fight, try to negotiate and walk away. As you gain experience, you should be able to thwart someone's plans just by talking.
    • If you can't get out of somewhere by talking, use your physical skills and run. If you have nowhere to go, you may have to fight back, but never seriously hurt anyone.

Method 7 of 8: Demonstrating independence

  1. 1 Be persistent. Do not give up.
    • Don't give up - hold on to your goal and try not to give up.
  2. 2 Don't be afraid to act on your own. Sure, you can be lonely at times, but there is a difference between loneliness and fruitful solitude.In addition, the ability to be alone shows that you are not afraid of what will happen and that you want to seriously reflect.
    • Do not leave your friends in order to constantly retire, otherwise you will not have them. If you are more outgoing, spend time with a few close friends as well as a large group.
  3. 3 Be ready. Get ready for anything!
    • This may include a first aid kit in your bag, on your bike, or in your car; a handkerchief for a crying friend; rain cover for a shower; secret language to communicate; tiny flashlight when the lights go out; etc ...
  4. 4 Be brave. If you are afraid of something, try to overcome your fear (though don't shock yourself if you have severe phobias) or face it with someone.
  5. 5 Improvise. Don't worry about backup plans or plans at all. Think as you go - why stop and plan when you can run and do? It doesn't hurt to have some idea of ​​what you are doing. You can plan ahead for a bit, but be prepared for anything and don't have a specific plan that won't work if something goes wrong.
  6. 6 Believe in yourself, you are outstanding. You just have to understand this. You are who you are, and no one can take this away from you - this is your choice, not the choice of your friend, not the choice of your parents, it is yours, completely yours.

Method 8 of 8: Communicate Like a Doctor

  1. 1 Become very outgoing. Talk to everyone without worrying about what they think of you. But be attentive to people. Walking up to a stranger, saying "I hate your hat" and leaving is impolite, and the Doctor doesn't do that.
  2. 2 Create a halo of mystery. When someone asks you a question about you, be vague and change the subject. You could also use this as an opportunity to learn more about the other person - give a quick answer and ask their opinion on the same issue. Learn to listen.
  3. 3 Find a companion. A person you can trust who loves to travel and live the same lifestyle as you. It can be a best friend, family member, or pet, basically someone you get along with and can relate to.
  4. 4 Share sparingly intimate details. If you have lost something, then you know how others may feel it. Share intimate details only with friends and people you trust, you should talk vaguely with everyone else, because no one knows how people you don't trust can use information, they can use it against you and in the best and worst time.
  5. 5 Be curious. You never know what detail can save your life, and your conversations will always be interesting.
  6. 6 Be enthusiastic. Try to look at the bright side, but when it gets serious, be prepared to defend. Look for the good in situations, but don't ignore the bad because you don't like it, try to change them instead!


  • Watch the Doctor speak and act when the cannons are pointed at him. How does he react? He is nervous? Calm?
  • The Doctor has many little phrases that he says, such as "brilliant", "fantastic", "Geronimo" and "Allons-e!" (which means "let's go!" in French). Try to use them sometimes or come up with your own unusual exclamations, preferably some in other languages.
  • Remember where you come from. The Doctor never forgets Gallifrey, he carries it with him and remembers the lessons he learned as well as what he learned.
  • See all seasons Doctor Who for more information.
  • Have some kind of gadget that is not very common and can be used in many other places. Bring useful items with you, such as screwdrivers, a notebook, and so on, although of course a well-tailored suit doesn't hurt either, and if you still want to move on to the tenth Doctor, a tailcoat with long tails.