
How to make a tree out of paper

How to make a tree out of paper

1 Fold a piece of brown cardboard in half lengthwi e and draw a tree on top of it. The trunk of the tree hould be located at the fold of the leaf, and the branche of half of the crown of the tree houl...

How to upload photos from a mobile phone

How to upload photos from a mobile phone

There are many way to tran fer photo from your mobile phone to your computer. Here are ome imple method . 1 U e a memory card. Mo t mobile phone have a mall memory chip. It i very mall and can be u ed...

How to become a mortgage underwriter

How to become a mortgage underwriter

The mortgage underwriter decide whether to approve the borrower for a home loan, and if o, on what term to repay the debt. According to the U Bureau of Labor tati tic (BL ), growth in thi category of ...

How to dry pumpkins

How to dry pumpkins

It eem that drying pumpkin wa inherent in u at the genetic level. Man ha been drying pumpkin for the manufacture of tool , ve el , uten il and appliance for variou art and craft for everal millennia. ...

How to get better in a relationship

How to get better in a relationship

It i important to under tand that a relation hip or partner i not a guarantee of happine , but no one i topping you from acquiring u eful kill and developing a a per on. Relation hip provide many oppo...

How to kill weeds in rocks

How to kill weeds in rocks

In ome amazing way, weed make their way even through tone and gravel. Luckily for you, they can be treated in the ame way a weed in any other part of the garden. To keep the e pe t out of your yard, p...

How to lift your legs up

How to lift your legs up

Relieving tre by rai ing your leg i a plea ant experience, e pecially if your leg are wollen.If the rea on i pregnancy or a lot of walking, then rai ing your leg can relieve the condition. Lifting you...

How to clean tinted car windows

How to clean tinted car windows

Cleaning tinted car window i ea y if you know what to avoid. You will mo t likely be able to clean tinted gla with hou ehold cleaner , but avoid u ing ammonia-ba ed cleaner or mo t common window clean...

How to sell on Amazon

How to sell on Amazon

Amazon i the world' large t online retailer, making it an ideal place to ell book and other item . elling on Amazon i the perfect olution for anyone looking to make ome money elling thing they no ...

How to shave body hair for a man

How to shave body hair for a man

Over the pa t 20 year , more and more men have opted for partial or complete body hair removal. wimmer and bodybuilder did it in the beginning, but later the fa hion moved on to everyone el e. Nowaday...

How to be a farmer

How to be a farmer

Not everyone can become a farmer. Ju t knowing how to run a farm or even managing a farm doe n't make you a farmer. You can dre like a farmer, behave like a farmer, even talk like a farmer. But do...

How to improve circulation with reflexology

How to improve circulation with reflexology

Reflexology i a form of therapy that put pre ure on certain area of the body, mainly on the leg , arm and ear . Re earch indicate that reflexology can reduce pain, relax and improve circulation. Altho...

How to share a game on PS3

How to share a game on PS3

hare your Play tation Network (P N) account with a friend to download and play the game they have purcha ed.To do thi , you'll have to ign out of your P N account on the con ole and then ign in w...

How to get a flu shot

How to get a flu shot

Many people each year decide to get a flu hot (or na al pray) to protect them elve from ea onal flu. Here' what you need to know to get vaccinated. 1 Choo e between the flu hot and the na al vacci...

How to wash a child seat in a car

How to wash a child seat in a car

Child eat in car are often dirty. When your child i indulging, eating, or, on the contrary, pilling food, you need to tretch out the eat and wa h it thoroughly; thi i important a it will protect your ...

How to win at the "Hvatayka" soft toy grab slot machine

How to win at the "Hvatayka" soft toy grab slot machine

It i fun to play on the Hvatayka lot machine, but winning a prize i even more fun. However, if you already have experience with the game, you probably know that getting the coveted toy can be difficul...

How to make a skin toner

How to make a skin toner

Here are tried and te ted recipe for ome truly wonderful homemade kin toner . They are quick and ea y to make, o you can find one that uit your kin. However, be careful, the e method can cau e coronar...

How to Install Oracle Database Express Edition 11G

How to Install Oracle Database Express Edition 11G

Thi tutorial will teach you how to in tall Oracle Expre Edition 11g, which i a common piece of oftware among oftware developer . 1 Open up thi link. 2 elect "Accept Licen e Agreement" fir t....

How to Create a New Layer in Adobe Illustrator

How to Create a New Layer in Adobe Illustrator

Thi tutorial will teach you how to create new layer in Adobe Illu trator. 1 Look at the Layer panel - at the bottom of the window there i a Create New Layer button. Click on it and a new layer will ap...

How to write a metaphor

How to write a metaphor

Metaphor are a knife ticking in your ide, the e are bump that prevent you from gaining a good writing peed, thi i a cunning mon ter hiding in a clo et from ... from ... To hell! Metaphor are no doubt ...