
How to anodize aluminum

How to anodize aluminum

The anodizing proce u e acid to create a corro ion and wear re i tant layer on the urface of metal part . Thi change the cry tal tructure of the urface layer, and the metal i painted in a bright color...

How to water bamboo

How to water bamboo

1 pray the bamboo every two day . Take a pray bottle and fill with di tilled or rainwater. pray the bamboo with a bottle every two day . Regular praying will help to avoid drying out the oil or, conve...

How to Calculate Sustainable Growth Rate

How to Calculate Sustainable Growth Rate

One of the way for a bu ine to urvive i to en ure a u tainable rate of growth. In ba ic term , bu ine growth i often limited by the amount of capital in a company. The more capital a company ha , the ...

How to help a person overcome marijuana addiction

How to help a person overcome marijuana addiction

Many people believe that the mo t dangerou and harmful a pect of moking marijuana i that it i the “gateway” to the drug world, that i , marijuana lead to the u e of tronger drug and even more evere dr...

How to apply self-tanning lotion

How to apply self-tanning lotion

Learn to apply elf-tanning lotion and you have an alternative to tanning in the un or tanning bed .When applied correctly, you can achieve a healthy golden glow to your kin without being expo ed to ha...

How to cure a cat's runny nose

How to cure a cat's runny nose

A runny no e i very uncomfortable for cat . However, it i in your power to help your furry friend: fir t, try to determine the cau e of the runny no e. Once the cau e i identified, a cat' runny no...

How to drill a hole in a shell without using a drill

How to drill a hole in a shell without using a drill

If you want to make "wind chime " or hell bead , you need to make hole in them. But drilling fragile mother-of-pearl with an electric drill i difficult, and ometime dangerou - you can get hu...

How to catch shrimp

How to catch shrimp

Do you live near the ea? Aren't you tired of buying hrimp in the tore for a lot of money? You can catch them your elf with very little time and effort. And money at the ame time. 1 Buy a lip net. ...

How to get more fans to your Facebook page

How to get more fans to your Facebook page

The popular ocial network Facebook i a great place to adverti e your page, a thou and of fan can be attracted through timely and targeted effort . It' not difficult, but it doe take a mart approac...

How to be friends with an egoist

How to be friends with an egoist

In our ociety, the number of egoi t i everal time greater than the number of altrui t . And thi i unfortunate. The fact that you are now reading thi article, mo t likely, ugge t that you are an altrui...

How to escape from a sinking ship

How to escape from a sinking ship

Today, the chance of being on a inking hip are very mall, thank to the high level of technology and afety. However, hipwreck continue to happen from time to time. For example, thi can happen while tra...

How to stretch your neck

How to stretch your neck

A per on' head can weigh up to 4.5 kg, and the mu cle of the neck have to bear thi weight on them elve . They al o control all head movement , all turn and tilt . The mu cle in the neck are trong,...

How to recognize symptoms of lactose intolerance

How to recognize symptoms of lactose intolerance

Lacto e intolerance i the inability to metabolize lacto e, which i the main ugar found in milk and dairy product . Lacto e intolerance i cau ed by the complete ab ence or lack of lacta e, an enzyme ne...

How to Perform Simplified Multiplication Using Vedic Mathematics Methods

How to Perform Simplified Multiplication Using Vedic Mathematics Methods

U ing the method of Vedic mathematic , you can multiply multidigit number in a few econd without u ing a calculator! Below you will find ome imple example howing how you can u e uch method . 1 Write t...

How to treat snapping finger syndrome

How to treat snapping finger syndrome

The movement of each finger i controlled by the tendon that extend toward them. Each tendon, before joining the mu cle of the forearm, pa e through a protective heath. If the tendon become inflamed, a...

How to create a simple drop shadow with Photoshop

How to create a simple drop shadow with Photoshop

Adding hadow to an image can create a dramatic effect, e pecially if you experiment with the angle of the light. You can create a imple hadow in Photo hop C 3 by duplicating the image layer, lightly d...

How to test a dog's intelligence

How to test a dog's intelligence

Determining the intelligence of animal i difficult. Many imple que tion remain unan wered, and people continue to di pute the te t re ult . Remember, even if your dog core poorly, you can till claim t...

How to discreetly open a sealed envelope

How to discreetly open a sealed envelope

Thi article will how you how to di creetly open a ealed envelope and then re- eal it without anyone gue ing.The mo t popular method i to u e team (and eal the envelope with new glue), and the econd i ...

How to make a copy of your camera roll on Snapchat

How to make a copy of your camera roll on Snapchat

Thi article will how you how to back up your phone camera photo to your napchat account. Thi can be done on both Android and iPhone device , a you only need a dedicated napchat folder in the Gallery a...

How to get rid of Trojans

How to get rid of Trojans

Thi article will how you how to get rid of Trojan (a type of malware) on your computer. 1 Open the tart menu . Click on the Window logo in the lower left corner of the creen. 2 tart Window Defender. E...