How to show respect

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Six Ways to Show Respect to Other People: Customer Service Training Videos
Video: Six Ways to Show Respect to Other People: Customer Service Training Videos


Respect for people is key to maintaining meaningful personal relationships. Learn to respect other people's efforts, abilities, opinions, and quirks in order to successfully communicate and get along with people. Respect yourself to build the confidence and habit of respecting others.


Method 1 of 4: Respect Others' Efforts

  1. 1 Express your gratitude. Thank people regularly for their help and support. Don't forget everyone who helps you. Show respect with words of gratitude. Your gratitude will mean a lot to people, even if it is expressed for no apparent reason. Use letters, phone calls, or emails to reconnect with those you rarely see. It won't take you long. Thank people like this:
    • parents;
    • brothers and sisters;
    • staff;
    • classmates;
    • friends;
    • teachers;
    • neighbors.
  2. 2 Praise other people's achievements. Draw attention to other people's successes and celebrate other people's achievements. Learn to notice the effort you make and praise others sincerely. Take the person aside and talk to make sure your words and compliments sound sincere.
    • Change your first reaction to "Why didn't this happen to me?" to "I'm so happy for her!" A positive attitude will help you shift the focus away from yourself and express good wishes.
    • If the person you respect is going through a difficult time or hears compliments less often than others, then try to praise his efforts, attitude to the situation, or positive qualities.
  3. 3 Be sincere. Giving thanks to people and saying words of praise is important, but most of us dislike sycophants. Express your sincere gratitude and respect. Speak from the bottom of your heart.
    • Even a simple phrase "I am always glad to see you" will show your respect. There is no need to complicate.
  4. 4 Keep your promises. If you have promised to come to an event or make plans together, then do your part of the agreement. Dependable behavior will show you respect for other people's time and willingness to make an effort for the sake of the person. Respect other people's efforts and do not be late for meetings, be always ready and show enthusiasm.
    • Always come to work, school or sports in full readiness. Do the necessary work and arrange the work materials in advance. No need to waste someone else's time.
    • It may seem like rejection will be disrespectful, but be consistent and realistic about your options. It's hard to respect unreliable people.
  5. 5 Offer help. Make a special effort to help people, especially if you don't owe them anything. Offer to help a friend move or stay late and help clean up the classroom after a school event. Don't be limited by your responsibilities. Even simple things like helping your little brother with homework and cleaning the garden without asking will show your respect.
    • If your friend or neighbor is not in the best mood or are going through a difficult period in life, then say words of encouragement to them. A simple “You can do it” has incredible meaning for a person in trouble.
  6. 6 Respect other people's abilities. Sometimes, constant offers of help can be perceived as disrespectful. In some cases, it is wise to allow a person to prove themselves and cope with a feasible task on their own.
    • Notice when a person is able to solve a problem on their own, and do not interfere in other people's affairs - by doing so you show your respect. There is a huge difference between emotional support in difficult times and an insistent offer to cook porridge instead of a person.

Method 2 of 4: Respect the Opinion of Others

  1. 1 Learn to actively listen. Listen actively to show that you respect others' opinions and ideas. Watch and be silent when the person expresses their thoughts, and actively reflect on what you hear.
    • Often people just wait for their turn to speak up and do not listen to the interlocutor. Even if your opinions differ, try to understand someone else's point of view and show empathy. Mindfulness and patience will show your respect. You will be surprised at the benefits of this behavior.
  2. 2 Ask questions. Demonstrate respect for the opinions of others by asking questions. Open-ended and leading questions will show you are interested and attentive. Questions do not mean that you are trying to find inconsistencies in what you heard or do not believe the person. Ask for more information if the other person is in the mood for a conversation.
    • Instead of details, try to find out about the person's attitude to the topic of discussion. If you were told a story from life, ask: "How did you feel after that?" Even if you think you know the answer, let the person voice their thoughts and feelings on their own.
    • Show concern in your words. If the person does not participate much in brainstorming, then ask a specific question to invite him to the conversation. There is no need to draw attention to him with the phrase: "Kolya, you seem to have swallowed your tongue." Better to ask: "Kolya, how do you like the Champions League final?"
  3. 3 Try to find out the person's point of view. Learn to understand people with a different point of view or life situation to show respect. Be proud of your opinions and views, but don't rush to think that everyone thinks the same, so as not to embarrass people. Always restrain yourself and try to see the situation through the eyes of the interlocutor before expressing your opinion and reacting to other people's words.
    • We all make casual remarks like "Football is a stupid game" with ease in the company. However, imagine that by chance there is a man who recently lost his grandfather, who was a professional referee and was passionate about football.
  4. 4 Don't argue about every issue. Sometimes speaking up and expressing your opinion means showing respect for the mental abilities of the interlocutor, but, on the other hand, sometimes it is better to keep your opinion to yourself and not engage in unnecessary bickering, which may even escalate into a quarrel. How to Show Respect:
    • Try to soften your arguments the first time you discuss the topic. If you are firmly convinced that sporting events is a stupid and useless waste of money, then express your opinion with polite words, even if they disagree with you: “I am concerned that the city budget is being spent on sporting events instead of other really important things. What do you think about this?". Show respect for others' opinions - express your thoughts and listen to counter-arguments.
    • For the hundredth time arguing with grandfather about modern music is probably useless. Why bring this up at a family dinner?
  5. 5 Learn to disagree politely. Always express your disagreement in a tactful and calm manner. Respect the other person's point of view. Do not offend other people's views, even if they do not coincide with yours.
    • Try to identify common ground and only then express disagreement. Start with praise and then voice your comment. Even a simple phrase: “Great idea. However, I do not agree with you on everything ... "
    • Be specific, and don't stoop to offensive objections like "Complete nonsense" or "You're wrong."

Method 3 of 4: Respect Yourself

  1. 1 Take care of yourself. Treat yourself with the same consideration as you treat other people. Don't sacrifice your ideas and desires for someone else's requests. You deserve the best.
    • Seek help promptly. Respect your skills and abilities, but learn to acknowledge when you need help. Don't make life difficult for yourself.
    • Periodically please yourself with well-deserved gifts and travel.Spend your free time with friends and have fun.
  2. 2 Give up self-destructive behavior. Excessive drinking or the habit of belittling oneself is detrimental to the body and mind. Build your self-esteem actively and surround yourself with caring, positive people.
    • Do you enjoy being in the company of friends? Do they harshly criticize or constantly humiliate you? In this case, it is better to find a new company.
  3. 3 Monitor your health. See your doctor regularly and get tests. Solve problems immediately after identification and do not try to delay the visit to the doctor to avoid "bad news". Not wanting to see a doctor is disrespect for your own health and well-being.
    • Exercise regularly and eat right. Form simple habits, start walking a few kilometers a day, and do light exercises to stay in shape. Avoid junk food and choose nutritious foods.
  4. 4 Don't be offended. Don't give up on your desires. Don't let fears hurt other people's feelings prevent you from improving your life and getting a positive boost. Share your opinion on issues that are important to you. If you decide to change jobs, create a musical group, become an actor at 40, then take action. Make a decision and put in the effort.
  5. 5 Be ambitious. We all fall prey to our own limitations and fears from time to time. Make plans and think about concrete steps that will help bring them to life. Boldly outline the trajectory of your forward movement that will allow you to enjoy life. Become the best version of yourself to demonstrate self-worth.
    • Make a plan of action for the next five years. If you are a high school student, where would you like to continue your studies? What will you do after university? How can you achieve your goal?
    • If you work, how satisfied are you with your job? Do you like your profession? What do you need to start making money with your hobbies? How long might it take? This is real? Answer the questions honestly and specifically to create a realistic plan.

Method 4 of 4: Respect Your Enemies

  1. 1 Don't judge people by their first impression. Remember the benefit of the doubt, even if you didn't like the person the first time you met. After all, as the English writer and preacher Ian McLaren said: "Be kind to everyone, because everyone is fighting his own hard battle." Assume that the person has reasons to be this way, to behave this way, to have such beliefs.
  2. 2 See the best in people. It's easy to decide why we don't like a person, treat them without respect, or not communicate at all. Instead, start noticing positive qualities in people. It will be easier for you to respect the person if you see the good in him.
    • Treat personal quirks as virtues to change your attitude. For example, instead of thinking, "She is too talkative and selfish," it is better to think: "She is not afraid to express her opinion. I like it. "
  3. 3 If there is no way to say something pleasant, then... yes, it is better to remain silent... Sometimes it's better to just keep quiet. Learn to distinguish between necessary showdowns and useless arguments. This will make it easier for you to earn people's respect and save your nerves. Don't let others drag you into a swamp of wrangling.
  4. 4 Do not stick your nose into other people's business. There is no need to get involved in other people's affairs and make enemies. Everyone dislikes too curious and annoying people who are bored with life and have nothing to do. Fill your life with fun activities so you don't have the time and energy to worry about what your neighbors are doing or how your classmates are spending their time.
    • Find new hobbies and spend less time on social media. This is a good way to kill time, but the details of someone else's life can cause unnecessary envy and resentment.
  5. 5 Be open. You may find that coldness and indifference towards people you dislike is the easiest way to avoid fights. However, this behavior often becomes rude and violent, especially at school or at work, where everyone wants to feel like part of the community. You don't have to be best friends, but don't ignore people and show your respect.
    • Try to make at least one attempt to befriend someone you don't particularly like. The question "How are you?" will show that you want to melt the ice. Perhaps your attitude towards the person will change.