
How to turn a plastic bottle into a phone charging stand

How to turn a plastic bottle into a phone charging stand

To prevent the phone from lying around while charging, it need a tand to en ure it afety. However, there i no need to run to the tore and buy a ready-made device: you can ea ily make a tand for chargi...

How to remove small dents from a car body

How to remove small dents from a car body

The mall dent i very ea y to remove from the car body. 1 Take a mall, clean plunger. U e a imple plunger, no flange at the bottom. 2 Clean the car body o that it i free of grea e and dirt. 3 Lightly d...

How to be a friend to someone who tried to commit suicide

How to be a friend to someone who tried to commit suicide

If you are friend with a per on who ha attempted uicide, you mu t be worried about him and do not know how to approach him. The be t thing you can do i offer your care, upport, and alway be there whil...

How to grill

How to grill

1 Choo e a pan or baking heet to u e for grilling. The di he hould not be too deep, otherwi e they will not fit in the oven between the wire helf and the grill. pray the pan with non- tick pray. If yo...

How to make a Discord channel private (on Windows and Mac)

How to make a Discord channel private (on Windows and Mac)

Thi article will how you how to limit your Di cord channel to pecific u er . 1 Launch Di cord. Click on the app in the menu tart (Window ) or folder Program (Mac), and then log into your account, if y...

How to pretend you're fine without him

How to pretend you're fine without him

If you are reading thi page, then mo t likely ome guy hurt you. Here are ome trategie to move on and prove to him that you are not only better off without him, but that you are happier now than ever. ...

How to get rid of sunflower in the area

How to get rid of sunflower in the area

The unflower, often called a unflower, can decorate any garden with it flower . But if you leave the plant on the ite after flower appear, it will form eed that can pontaneou ly catter over your area....

How to explain parts of speech

How to explain parts of speech

Remember learning in primary chool? Finger drawing , nap and, of cour e, part of peech! Thi article will remind you of what you have forgotten. 1 Noun: per on, place, object or idea. Noun are divided ...

How to get tanned fast

How to get tanned fast

A luminou bronze tan i con idered a ign of beauty and ex appeal in We tern culture, but it i not alway good for your health. There are everal way to get tanned quickly, ome of which are afe. pending a...

How to care for scalars

How to care for scalars

Thinking of making the calar the main decoration of your aquarium? Or ju t want to collect information about them? Fre hwater angelfi h are among the mo t common tropical fi h in pet tore and are grea...

How to survive the first month of motherhood

How to survive the first month of motherhood

You have coped with nine month of pregnancy, childbirth and the po tpartum period in the ho pital. You are no longer woken up at night by the nur e to take your blood pre ure, and you are now at home ...

How to change the background on Google

How to change the background on Google

Thi article will how you how to change the background in the Google Chrome brow er. If you have the late t ver ion of Google Chrome, u e the " etting " menu in the new tab to upload your bac...

How to make a conference call

How to make a conference call

With today' diver ity of mobile technology and telecommunication , conferencing - where three or more people in different location can talk on the phone at the ame time - i becoming a common way o...

How to download the APK file of the application from the Play Store

How to download the APK file of the application from the Play Store

In thi article, we will how you how to find and download the APK file of any application in the Play tore. Thi can be done on an Android device or on a computer. 1 Open Play tore on your Android devic...

How to cook shrimp with garlic sauce

How to cook shrimp with garlic sauce

hrimp with Garlic auce i a di h made from large hrimp fried in oil and garlic. ometime olive oil i u ed in combination with butter and variou herb and pice . You can make garlic hrimp ju t by u ing t...

How to prepare a rabbit cage

How to prepare a rabbit cage

If you are con idering adopting a rabbit a a pet, the fir t tep i to provide it with comfortable living condition . The cage will be the home for the rabbit, where it will be con tantly (except for th...

How to make pastilles (milk balls)

How to make pastilles (milk balls)

Pa tilla (milk ball ) i a weet de ert that i well known and loved by people in the Philippine . Thi de ert can be made without heat treatment or partially with it. If you want to know how to make thi ...

How to share a page on Facebook

How to share a page on Facebook

The ability to hare your page on Facebook i one u eful way to increa e awarene and vi ibility of your page. Thi can be u ed a a powerful adverti ing tool, or a an ea y way to let your friend know abou...

How to texture drywall walls

How to texture drywall walls

There are many technique for treating the urface of drywall wall . They u e paint pray , wide bru he , and pecial pu ie for painting, and roller . Joint mortar and mortar are al o common for textured ...

How to change your Twitter username

How to change your Twitter username

Thi article will how you how to change your Twitter u ername after the @ ign. Thi proce i different from changing the name. 1 Open Twitter by clicking on the blue white bird icon. If you are already l...