How to tell if a humble guy likes you

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell If A Guy Likes You But Is Hiding It 😳🥰
Video: How To Tell If A Guy Likes You But Is Hiding It 😳🥰


Shy guys are very withdrawn and can be very difficult to understand. In general, they do not live by a generally accepted set of rules, because they usually do not know what the rules are, or because they are too shy.


Method 1 of 3: Getting Started to Learn

  1. 1 Don't ask him directly if he likes you. Such "confrontations" are the Achilles heel of shy guys. Not only will he deny that he is interested in you, but he will also begin to avoid you out of embarrassment after all this. Always use subtle and insightful techniques when addressing a shy guy.
  2. 2 Don't ask his friends if he likes you. The top priority for a shy guy is secrecy. If a shy guy is in love with you, then it is very, very likely that he has not told anyone about this and does not even intend to do it.
    • There is a very serious drawback to asking his friends: you may be given the wrong information about whether he likes you or not. Because he is shy and rarely expresses his feelings, you may have the misconception that he is not interested in you when the opposite is true.
    • There is another very serious drawback to asking his friends, which is that by doing so you kind of leave the ball on his side. If he finds out or guesses that you like him, he may decide that you want him to ask you out on a date. This will make him feel your pressure on him. Sadly, but you have to do a lot in order to calm him down on this score.
  3. 3 Compare his behavior towards you with his behavior towards other people. Shy guys can be very weird and pointless to behave. Instead of simply analyzing his behavior when he is around you, compare his behavior while he is around other people. Check yourself all additional aspects of his behavior while he is around you - be it good or bad characteristics.Is he extra courteous and considerate? Very quiet? Are you very nervous? Very irritable? If he treats you differently than everyone else, then he certainly has strong feelings for you.
    • Is he really being quiet around you? His inability to talk can be caused by nervousness: he is in love with you and is so afraid to say something strange or stupid that he decided that it would be better not to say anything at all when you are together.
  4. 4 Read body language. However, instead of looking in his behavior for signals of common flirting techniques (for example, bonding, touching, or other “phrases” in body language that say “look at me”), look for signs that he is uncomfortable around you. If he looks down, crosses his arms, avoids direct eye contact, or makes nervous gestures more often than usual when he’s around you, then the chances are that he’s just making extra efforts to hide his interest in you.
    • Does he fidget with his hands, tugging at his clothes, or fingering his hair when you talk to him? Such manifestations are certainly signs of nervousness; talking to you makes him so anxious that he cannot stand still.
    • Does he break out in a sweat when you are around him? Sweating is another sign of nervousness. Sweating is an involuntary physical reaction, and if he could control it, he would. But he can't, so there will be perspiration on his forehead and small spots under his armpits.
    • Does he blush with embarrassment or find it difficult to breathe next to you? The blush from embarrassment can be difficult to notice, but on some guys it is clearly visible: their faces glow, and they themselves look like they recently ran a mile and a half. If he finds it difficult to breathe, then this is a sign that he knows that he has to say something, but cannot find the right words or just any words in order to speak.
    • He is often near you, but not getting closer with you? Maybe he enjoys your company, but he just does not want to touch your hand when you are around. If he's always around, but never close enough to you, then maybe he's just as hopelessly in love with you as you are with him.
  5. 5 Try to catch his eye on you. Since shy guys suppress their feelings much more than others, they try to keep their interest in secrecy, and sometimes avoid the danger of falling in love altogether. At the same time, they often sneak glances in order to somehow compensate for their stiffness. Look at him with peripheral vision to notice how he looks at you when he thinks you are not. If he looks a few times, then he definitely likes you. However, be careful: if you look at him at this moment and he immediately turns away, then he will be very embarrassed. Smile at him if you want to give him hope.
    • Is he consistently wary of looking at you? Even shy guys look at girls “sometimes”. If he's consistently trying not to look at you, then maybe he doesn't want you to notice his secret feelings. Pay attention to whether he is looking at other girls to find out if he does this all the time or only when he is around you.
  6. 6 Pay attention to how he talks to you. Everyone gets a little nervous when interacting with a person they like, but shy guys get it even worse; they usually give either short, quiet, or, which happens quite often, even harsh answers or they respond very quickly and leave in panic. Again, pay attention to whether he only speaks so awkwardly to you or to other people as well.
    • Does he give you short yes or no answers and refuses to explain anything? It's not that he's not interested in the conversation; he too much interested in the conversation and just doesn't want to say anything that might express his affection for you.
    • Does he behave more confidently with friends? His friends give him some psychological support. He's still afraid of failure, but he's a little more willing to engage in conversation.
  7. 7 See if he is friendly with your friends. He doesn't necessarily have to like your friends - he's just looking for an excuse to be closer to you and wants to be able to get to know you from the people who know you best. Especially if he is trying to make friends with all your friends, and not with you, it could mean that he fell in love with you.
    • Make sure he isn't flirting with your girlfriends, though. In this case, it may mean that he truly loves one of them, and not you. On the other hand, the purpose of his flirting may be to show you that he is capable of impressing other girls.

Method 2 of 3: Getting to Know Everything for Real

  1. 1 Ask him to do something for you. Though shy guys beware actively get close to those they are interested in, they often do something passively in order to express your concern for the object of your interest. If he loves you, then, most likely, he will be ready to leave all his affairs in order to help you, and more than once. However do not abuse your power over him... This is especially cruel to a shy guy; in fact, the reason for his shyness in the first place may be that he is used to being mistreated.
    • Quietly and kindly ask him to carry your books or satchel for you to the next class. If you need an excuse (you can't just ask him like that), then tell him that your back hurts a little and you don't want it to get worse.
    • Ask him to help you with your difficult homework assignments. If he is not good at mathematics, then do not ask him to help you with geometry - this will only make him even more nervous. Find out what he is good at and ask him to explain it to you.
    • Suggest that he exchange something tasty he brought for lunch. Maybe he brought gummies and you met in the cafeteria. Ask him for some gummies in exchange for glazed apples or something sweet. If he gives his sweets without hesitation, then this is definitely a good sign.
  2. 2 Give him a nice compliment and watch how he reacts to it. The compliment should not be very flattering, phrases: "Good decision", - or: "Thanks for the help in math!" - are quite suitable. It can be difficult for you to compliment, especially if you are shy too, but it will really help him feel safe around you and also give you a chance to know if he likes you. The most important thing to pay attention to is his reaction:
    • Reaction he is in love with you:
      • he stutters, becomes silent, or becomes very embarrassed or even more shy;
      • he responds with a compliment, even if it's not entirely appropriate.
    • Reaction he doesn't like you:
      • he pretends that there was no compliment at all;
      • he reacts with obvious displeasure or disappointment.
  3. 3 Chat with him on the Internet. Many shy guys feel more comfortable in front of a monitor screen than during face-to-face interactions. Try starting a conversation with him on Facebook, Twitter, VK or via Skype and use the following tips to find out if he is flirting with you or not.
    • If he sends to you request for friendship in VK or Odnoklassniki, then this is a great sign. Refrain from sending your request first if you have recently become acquainted with it. Wait while he does it himself.Guys, as a rule, do on the Internet what they could not do personally. And he definitely wants to get to know you better if he sends such a request.
    • If he is truly talkative only online and is happy to communicate with you, then this is because he is very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you, albeit not in person, and wants to control the situation. On the Internet, he feels he is better at managing the situation, because he does not have to worry about how to open up to you personally.
    • Ask him a few questions and see if he asks you anything. Shy guys tend to be pretty good at asking questions (they don't want to talk all the time themselves). If he consistently asks you about your past, your goals, or simply how your day went, take that as a good sign.
    • Don't limit your conversations to just the internet. This is a great opportunity to start talking to him (on the website or in the chat), but in the end, you will need to go to him and try to get him to open up to you. Otherwise, he will be too comfortable on the Internet and may need additional courage in order to take a step in developing personal relationships.

Method 3 of 3: Take Action

  1. 1 Start a relationship with him in his native element. You can often feel that shy guys are in some conflict with the rest of the world, as if the world is spinning at one speed, and they are at another. In this case, it can be excruciatingly difficult for a guy to do basic things like talking to people at school. But there is a possibility that the shy guy has a “safe place” where he feels completely comfortable at home. If you can find this place and make sure that you are welcomed there, then this will be the first step to becoming friends.
    • Where is this special place? It depends on the guy! For some guys, it’s a football field, for others, it’s a library. Find out what he loves to do the most and work your way to his comfort zone.
  2. 2 Be prepared to be friends to begin with. Shy guys just stay on friendly terms for agonizingly long periods of time, worrying about the pros and cons of asking a girl out on a date. For them, friendship is the golden mean. They enjoy the opportunity to be close to the girl and communicate with her without the risk of rejection when asked on a date. As such, they are in a low risk area and a lot of shy guys love it.
    • Don't be discouraged or believe those who say that you can't date him after you become friends. This is simply not true. You are in control of your own destiny.
  3. 3 Pay attention to your body language. You tried to read his body language to see if he likes you; now it's time to study your own body language to make sure you are sending him the right signs. The bottom line is to communicate openly and not hide from him:
    • Show openness: Smile, take off your headphones to communicate with people around you, smile in front of strangers, and laugh when you have something to laugh at. This will allow him to subconsciously understand that it's okay, you don't bite!
    • If you lean over your laptop in the corner with your headphones on and ignore other people, it will just go numb and not come close to you. Avoid so called “closed” body language at all costs!
  4. 4 Be patient when he approaches you. The best option is to show him that he is interesting enough to you so that he will learn it well and ask you out on a date. Then you will know for sure that he fell in love with you, and you will not doubt it during your meetings.If you get close to him in his native element, make friends, correct your body language and be patient a little, then he will invite you, provided that he likes you. It's just a matter of time.
  5. 5 If all else fails, then invite him yourself. You can send him as many notes in your class as you want, or try to gain attention in other ways. Sometimes guys are very shy and don't take hints. In this case, the only thing left to do is ask him out on a date. Don't worry - this is not the end of the world, and many beautiful, intelligent and desirable women have done it. Do you really like him? Then it doesn't matter who invites whom, because soon you will enjoy the sunset together.


  • There is a very subtle difference between a shy guy who doesn't want to hang out with a girl and a guy who doesn't like a girl. If a guy sends more negative signals (does not hide that he is bored when you communicate, avoids you, and so on) than positive (looks intently, shy), then you are most likely just annoying him or not like him.