How to diagnose multiple sclerosis

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How we diagnose Multiple Sclerosis
Video: How we diagnose Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that does not respond to treatment at this time. The disease is characterized by numbness or weakness throughout the body, vision problems, lack of balance, and fatigue. Since there is no specific diagnostic protocol for this disease, there are a number of tests that are done to rule out other causes of these symptoms. These tests can include blood tests, a lumbar puncture, and a diagnostic procedure known as evoked potential testing. Multiple sclerosis is diagnosed if no other physical disorder was detected during the testing process.


Method 1 of 2: Know the Symptoms

  1. 1 Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your symptoms and possible diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. You can try to diagnose multiple sclerosis yourself, but it is not easy even for an experienced specialist to make a final diagnosis.
  2. 2 Notice the early symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Many people with multiple sclerosis notice their first symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40. If you experience any of the following symptoms, write them down for your doctor to rule out other possible illnesses:
    • Fuzzy or double image of objects
    • Clumsiness or coordination problems
    • Mental problems
    • Loss of balance
    • Numbness and tingling
    • Weakness in the arms or legs
  3. 3 Be aware that symptoms of multiple sclerosis appear differently in different patients. No two cases of multiple sclerosis have the same symptoms. You may have:
    • One symptom followed by a break for months or even years before this or a new symptom reappears.
    • One or more symptoms that are directly related to each other and symptoms that worsen over several weeks or months.
  4. 4 Look for the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis. These symptoms include:
    • Tingling sensation, as well as numbness, itching, burning all over the body. These symptoms are present in about half of patients with multiple sclerosis.
    • Bowel and bladder problems. These include constipation, frequent urination, sudden uncontrolled urination, and trouble emptying the bladder completely.
    • Muscle weakness or cramps, resulting in difficulty walking. Other potential symptoms can make this symptom worse.
    • Dizziness or lightheadedness. While dizziness is not common, feeling lightheaded is a common symptom.
    • Fatigue . About 80% of people with multiple sclerosis experience chronic fatigue. Even after a good night's sleep, many MS sufferers feel tired and exhausted. Fatigue caused by multiple sclerosis usually does not depend on the amount of physical work or exercise you do.
    • Sexual problems, including vaginal dryness in women and difficulty getting an erection in men.Sexual problems can result from lower sensitivity to touch, decreased sex drive, and difficulty reaching orgasm.
    • Speech problems. These include long pauses between words, slurred speech, or strong nasal pronunciation.
    • Thinking problems. Difficulties with concentration, memorization and low attention span are characteristic.
    • Tremors that cause difficulty in daily activities.
    • Vision problems, usually affecting only one eye, and including dark spots before the eyes, blurred vision, loss of vision, pain or temporary loss of vision.

Method 2 of 2: Clarifying the diagnosis

  1. 1 Schedule blood tests that help your doctor diagnose multiple sclerosis. This will rule out other potential illnesses that could be causing these symptoms. Inflammatory diseases, infections, and chemical imbalances can lead to similar symptoms, causing false alarms. Many of these disorders can be effectively treated with medications and other treatments.
  2. 2 Schedule a lumbar puncture. Although a lumbar puncture or lumbar puncture can be painful, it is an important method in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. This test involves drawing a small amount of fluid from the spinal canal for analysis in a laboratory. A lumbar puncture is often an important part of diagnosing multiple sclerosis, as fluid can show abnormalities in white blood cells or blood proteins, which can indicate a malfunctioning immune system and a disease. This test can also rule out other diseases and infections.
    • In order to prepare for a lumbar puncture, you need:
      • Tell your doctor if you are taking any medications or herbal supplements that may thin your blood.
      • Empty the bladder.
      • Sign a consent for medical intervention.
  3. 3 Prepare for an MRI at your local health care provider. This test, also known as magnetic resonance imaging, uses a magnet, radio waves, and a computer to create an image of the brain and spinal cord. This test can be helpful in making the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis because it often shows abnormalities or lesions that could indicate the presence of a disease.
    • MRI is considered one of the best tests used to diagnose multiple sclerosis today, although the diagnosis of MS cannot be made using MRI alone. This is because the patient may have normal MRI results and still have multiple sclerosis. On the other hand, older people may have brain damage that looks like multiple sclerosis but is not.
  4. 4 Ask your doctor for an evoked potential test. As doctors learn more and more about how to diagnose multiple sclerosis, this test provides additional information to get accurate confirmation of the disease. The procedure is painless and involves using visual or electrical stimuli to measure the electrical signals your body sends to your brain. These tests may be performed by your doctor, but the results are usually sent to a neurologist for interpretation.
  5. 5 Schedule a follow-up appointment with your doctor as soon as the entire examination is completed to determine if the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis can be definitive. If your doctor diagnoses multiple sclerosis based on these studies, you will begin treating the disease. It includes teaching how to effectively manage symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.