How to bring a goldfish to life

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I brought my goldfish back to life
Video: I brought my goldfish back to life


From time to time, goldfish become depressed and try to jump out of the aquarium. Sometimes this is due to poor containment conditions. Perhaps you forgot to change the water of the fish, or other inhabitants of the aquarium scare it. Fish can jump out of the aquarium and fall to the floor. But all is not lost yet! Depending on various factors, goldfish can live out of water for several hours. For example, it depends on how much water the fish managed to capture, and on what surface it landed on.


  1. 1 First, figure out if you can still give your fish some help. Signs that the fish can no longer be saved: the skin cracks easily when bending, complete exhaustion, the eyes become concave, the pupils are gray. If you notice these symptoms in a fish, unfortunately, you can no longer help it. If you do not notice these symptoms, proceed to the next step.
  2. 2 Immediately place the fish in a container filled with cool aquarium water. Cool water contains more oxygen, which is important to revive your fish.
  3. 3 Carefully remove all dirt and debris from the fish. Be careful not to tear her skin.
  4. 4 Open the gill covers very carefully to allow oxygen-rich water to enter the gills. Reddening of the gills is a good sign.
  5. 5 Place the goldfish near a fan or somewhere with good air circulation.
  6. 6 Change the water in the tank to maximize aeration. Soon, the fish should come to its senses and recover.


  • If friends come to visit, tell them not to knock on the aquarium, as this may scare the goldfish.
  • You can give your fish special vitamins to speed up the recovery process.
  • If other pets live in the aquarium, monitor their behavior in order to resolve the conflict in time if they start attacking the goldfish.
  • Change the water in your tank as often as possible to keep it clean and oxygenated.
  • To prevent the fish from jumping out of the aquarium, buy a cover or shade the aquarium with a net.


  • Do not place fish in too hot or too cold water, as this can cause shock and death.
  • If you are placing your goldfish in an aquarium with other fish, make sure they do not offend or eat the goldfish.
  • It is not recommended to forcibly introduce water through the gills. It is much more important to maximize the oxygen saturation of the water.