How to be an awesome guy

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Tips To Be Cool INSTANTLY | How To Look & Act Cooler | Everybody Be COOL
Video: 10 Tips To Be Cool INSTANTLY | How To Look & Act Cooler | Everybody Be COOL


Trust me, no magic! By following simple steps, you can become an amazing young person. What does it mean to you to be “amazing”? What image appears before you when you hear this word? If you are reading this article, then most likely you care how others see you. However, before convincing others that you are irresistible, you must prove to yourself that you are an amazing young man. When other people see that you are confident, they will not doubt your superiority!


Method 1 of 3: Be yourself

  1. 1 Don't worry about what others think of you. If you strive to get others to think of you as an awesome guy, then you will never be able to achieve your goal. Others will not treat you like a tough guy, as you will constantly need their approval.Instead of trying to impress others in order to please them, learn to love yourself for who you are.
    • Of course, it's okay to worry about what others think of you. However, remember that it will not be possible to please everyone. Moreover, you can irritate other people. Instead of trying to please everyone, think about the people who carry a lot of weight in your life. These people can be your mom or your dad, grandfather or best friend. Noticing the love of your loved ones will make it easier to ignore the opinions of people who treat you badly.
    • For example, if someone who is not on the list of people who matter to you (a classmate who is not your close friend) insults you or speaks badly of you behind your back, think about what they are saying. Are his words true? This is most likely not the case. Therefore, do not pay attention to his opinion. Remind yourself that this person’s opinion doesn’t matter to you.
    • If you are one of those trying to assert yourself using social media, limit the amount of time you spend on Facebook and Instagram or delete your account. Likes are not an indicator of your superiority.
  2. 2 Be real. To be real, you must first of all think about your personality and strive to be a self-confident person. From the outside it is more visible whether a person says what others want to hear from him or has his own point of view and is not afraid to express it.
    • Don't try to impress. If you are constantly trying to impress others, it will be difficult for them to understand when you need to be taken seriously and when you are just trying to show off. For example, if you are treated like a clown in class, your classmates are unlikely to take you seriously. They may laugh at you, but not with you. This is a significant difference.
    • Of course, it will take time and effort to understand yourself. Think about your behavior and emotions. Do you agree to a friend's offer to take a walk even if you don’t want to? Playing a role will lead to feelings of dissatisfaction. If you are a sincere person, the way you are, you will experience happiness and satisfaction.
    • Start keeping a journal in which you will write down your emotions and actions in those moments when you are who you really are. Mindfulness is the hallmark of sincerity. If you reflect on your emotions and actions on a daily basis, your behavior will be more conscious and, accordingly, you will become a more sincere and real person.
  3. 3 Find a hobby. Famous people always do what they like and never apologize for it. Do you like art, books, music or sports? Whatever it is, do it.
    • People who are admired by others tend to have things they love. If you have a hobby, improve your abilities. For example, if you are into basketball but are having trouble shooting three-point shots, take more time to learn how to do it. Exercise until you learn how to do this throw with your eyes closed! Others will treat you like a tough guy who can do three-point shots.
    • Tell others about your hobby. For example, if you love reading, you can start a book club. This will help you find friends who share your interests.

Method 2 of 3: Improve Yourself

  1. 1 List the qualities you think people are amazing. Think about why the qualities you have chosen are so good. Can you learn it yourself? If not, what can you do about this situation?
  2. 2 Develop abilities that are not so amazing. Remember that there is no standard set of qualities and abilities that every person should have. For some, this can mean being in good shape. For others, develop musical talent or read more.
    • If you have chosen a skill that you will improve, make a plan and stick to it. If you want to learn how to play the guitar, sign up for lessons and hone your skill every day. If you want to read more, make a list of books you should read soon. Also, make it a goal to read a certain number of books each month.
    • Do not give up! Quitters never become awesome people. You don't want to be the kind of person who has a reputation for getting down to business and then giving up. Others will admire your determination.
  3. 3 Maintain a positive attitude. Awesome people love life, even though things don't always go smoothly for them. If you have a black streak in your life, find a ray of hope that will help you cope with difficulties. Also, think about what you can do to improve your situation. For example, let's say you got a bad grade on a math test. Instead of grieving, do your homework and get help from a tutor who can explain things you don't understand.
  4. 4 Add humor to your life. Watch impromptu comedy performances by artists. This will make you look at life in a positive way. You won't take it too seriously.
    • If you are a pessimist, learn to spot positive things even in the most difficult circumstances. Few people like to communicate with gloomy and disgruntled people.
  5. 5 Be a creator. Create amazing things. As a rule, the person who creates interesting things is an amazing person.
  6. 6 Believe in yourself, but don't be overconfident. You shouldn't tell everyone about your uniqueness. Let your actions speak louder than words.
  7. 7 Develop relationships with other people. Show loved ones that they are valuable to you by showing gratitude and kindness to them.
    • For example, if your teammate helped you score a goal, be grateful. Tell him that he is a great friend and be sure to do him a favor when the opportunity arises.
    • Donate your time for the benefit of others. If you see that your classmate is having a hard time with math, and you understand it well, take the time to help that person figure out what he does not understand. You may have a new friend!
    • Be prepared to stand up for the person being bullied. Nobody thinks about bullies that they are amazing people. Therefore, when necessary, be prepared to stand up for yourself or for someone who cannot stand up for themselves.

Method 3 of 3: Introduce yourself correctly

  1. 1 Connect with other people. Talk to people and listen carefully to what they have to say. Show that you care what happens to them.
    • Even by simply saying hello to fellow practitioners, you will show that you are not self-centered.
  2. 2 Be a leader, not a follower. Being a leader means being responsible not only for yourself but also for others.
  3. 3 Dress nicely. Clothing helps you feel more confident. You don't have to have very expensive clothes, but if you wear things that you feel comfortable in, you can feel more confident.
    • If you find it difficult to choose clothes, ask a friend to help you. You will look amazing.
  4. 4 Maintain your hygiene. Use deodorant and brush your teeth every day. Take care of your skin, hair and nails.
    • If you have acne, use a cleanser that helps prevent acne breakouts. Consult a dermatologist.
    • Do not be of the opinion that only girls should take care of nails and hair. Visit your hairdresser regularly.You have to look neat (unless you have a goal of looking messy, of course). Also, trim your nails and remember that burrs will make your hands look messy.
  5. 5 Watch your posture. Typically, when you first talk, people pay attention to how you look, not what you say. The position of your body says a lot about you. Stand straight with your shoulders straight. However, you shouldn't look like a statue.
    • Don't cross your arms or legs. This position of the body says: "Leave me alone!"
  6. 6 Act with confidence. Don't be the person who only says to do something, but never does it.


  • Be confident in yourself. Trust your intuition and good luck becoming an amazing person!
  • Don't let your friends restrict you to your advantage.
  • Do what will make you amazing. If you don’t believe in yourself, others won’t believe in you either.
  • To stay optimistic, think about the future and that you have complete control over who you want to become when you grow up. The very fact that you always have the opportunity to improve yourself says that you are amazing.


  • While self-confidence is a positive trait, do not become arrogant and self-confident, which is not particularly well received by the people around you.
  • You don't have to go out of your way to try to be awesome, you will achieve the exact opposite effect.
  • You can be amazing even without material resources. A car and fashionable things will not help you become amazing, as only your inner energy is capable of it.