
How to replace ballast in a fluorescent lamp

How to replace ballast in a fluorescent lamp

All fluore cent luminaire con i t of at lea t a lamp, ocket, balla t and internal wiring. ome older type have tarter .Balla t i u ed to create the voltage and current required to tart the fluore cent ...

How to deal with insomnia

How to deal with insomnia

You've probably come acro many article on how to get rid of in omnia, but many till fail to do o. Try to cope with in omnia with the following method : improve your diet, energize your elf through...

How to clean the fabric softener dispenser

How to clean the fabric softener dispenser

The fabric oftener di pen er in a top-loading or front-loading wa hing machine may become clogged during u e. Fabric oftener, oap and dirt that pa e through the wa hing machine can clog and damage the...

How to be a good girl in sixth grade

How to be a good girl in sixth grade

It' hard to move to ixth grade. pecialty te t and large project . Many people find thi tran ition a little difficult. But by following ome rule and tip , you can urvive, and even have fun, being i...

How to be a good sister

How to be a good sister

Whether you are an older, middle, or younger i ter, you need to be patient and try to pend more time with your brother or i ter. pending time with ibling fo ter trong relation hip . They will hare all...

How to distinguish a venomous snake from a non-venomous snake

How to distinguish a venomous snake from a non-venomous snake

Encountering a nake in the wild can be dangerou , e pecially if you don't know what kind of nake it i . A venomou nake bite can be fatal. To under tand whether the nake i poi onou or non-venomou i...

How to punish a child for smoking

How to punish a child for smoking

Everyone know that moking i harmful to health. However, teen are eager to try it. And while it' okay if your daughter or on experimenting, you hould convince your child that you houldn't take ...

How to lead an active social life

How to lead an active social life

Are you planning to throw a night out for the third aturday in a row? If o, then perhap it i time to develop your ocial activity. Of cour e, thi i ea ier aid than done, e pecially if you are hy or afr...

How to wash jeans with acid

How to wash jeans with acid

Acid wa h i a proce that partially di color jean u ing chlorine bleach and pumice. You can wa h jean in an acidic olution right at home. To do thi , you will need a bleach mixture, a pair of old jean ...

How to change case of letters in Excel

How to change case of letters in Excel

1 Open the table and in the column enter a erie of name (title ) or text data. To u e the UPPERCA E function, letter or character in the text can be of any ca e; thi function will convert all letter t...

How to use glucer

How to use glucer

Glucerne i a pecialty product for diabetic . Glucerne wa originally invented a a food for people who are fed through a tube. It include lowly dige ting carbohydrate , macronutrient , vitamin , mineral...

How to burn a podcast to CD

How to burn a podcast to CD

Love podca t but can only play them on your computer? Then burn podca t to CD to li ten to wherever you go. To do thi , you need iTune or one or two free program and a computer connected to the Intern...

How to jump on a skateboard

How to jump on a skateboard

1 Find a good, flat pot to learn thi trick. If you are new to kateboarding, you will want to train in a place where the board will tay in one place (not rolling forward or backward). If you are afraid...

How to change your city of residence on Facebook

How to change your city of residence on Facebook

In thi article, we'll how you how to change your current city of re idence on Facebook. 1 tart Facebook. Click on the icon in the form of a white letter "F" on a blue background. If you ...

How to tell if your cat is in heat

How to tell if your cat is in heat

When the cat i about 6 month old, he will be in heat. Cat are polye ter (which mean they are in e tru many time a year ... dog are die tric, a they u ually have e tru twice a year), which mean they ca...

How to block a Discord channel on a computer

How to block a Discord channel on a computer

In thi article, we are going to how you how to block Di cord channel on Window and macO computer. No one on the erver will be able to u e the blocked channel. 1 Open the Di cord ite on your computer. ...

How to deal with dyslexia

How to deal with dyslexia

Dy lexia i a form of pecific learning di abilitie . It i not ea y to get help and advice on how to deal with the problem you are facing. Thi guide i ba ed on alternative trategie and technique . 1 tar...

How to care for a ball python

How to care for a ball python

Ball- haped, or royal python are very popular among tho e who want to have a nake at home. Like all nake , ball python require careful grooming. The python of thi pecie live up to thirty year , and fo...

How to use a cuticle pusher

How to use a cuticle pusher

1 For be t re ult , often your nail and cuticle before u ing the pu her. Thi i a nece ary tep in order to facilitate the pu hing off of the cuticle. If the cuticle i not oft and you try to pu h it awa...

How to make your weekend feel longer

How to make your weekend feel longer

Let' face it - weekend are prohibitively hort compared to weekday . Ju t two day (or even le for ome!) Out of even i not enough for a good re t. To the weekend eemed longer, you will need to plan ...