How to deal with dyslexia

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Dyslexia and the Brain
Video: Dyslexia and the Brain


Dyslexia is a form of specific learning disabilities. It is not easy to get help and advice on how to deal with the problems you are facing. This guide is based on alternative strategies and techniques.


  1. 1 Start by changing your attitude towards illness. You need to stop thinking about dyslexia as a problem and develop the idea that you have received a rare gift.
  2. 2 Understand the frustration you are feeling and use this energy to your advantage. This is the key to your success.
  3. 3 Accept that you are different and stop trying to imitate what they are doing. You are unique and your brain is wired differently.
  4. 4 Understand that you are not stupid, inhibited, or ignorant. You are gifted, creative and think outside the box. Only people with dyslexic tendencies have this unique view of the world.
  5. 5 As they say: "A picture is worth a thousand words." Pictures and images are easier to understand than words. Use pictures instead of words. Shapes and colors also work well. By shaping or colorizing a word, you can remember how it is spelled, spoken, or used.
  6. 6 Be creative! Play with your mind. Develop your own language that works for you, and over time it will be easier for you to learn by taking in a wealth of information. Once you get comfortable with this, you can learn anything.
  7. 7 Do not be hard on yourself if you cannot immediately understand something. You will find a way if you are creative.
  8. 8 Music is another useful tool because the mind recognizes sounds before words, so use sounds in your teaching.
  9. 9 Try to study at night. You may find that it is easier for you to concentrate at night than during the day.
  10. 10 Repetition is pointless. Dyslexics learn holistically, learn all at once. You don't have to hammer something into your head when you understand it.
  11. 11 When you are having trouble understanding something, breathe. Try to calm your mind, then focus on the sensations in the body and move this energy up the spine to the head. Look at the problem as a picture, sort it out and you will find that you can handle it with ease.
  12. 12 Never force the mind to work. If you're not in the mood, relax and wait. Sooner or later you will be in the mood for work. Forcing yourself will only lead to unnecessary stress.
  13. 13 You can study anything. Believe in yourself and you can do it.
  14. 14 Help others (teachers, parents, co-workers, spouses) understand that you are thinking and learning differently. This will help them help you. It can also prevent conflicts caused by this disconnection.


  • Remember, you are not alone.
  • There is a way to solve any problem, you just need to find a solution.
  • Think outside the box. You are creative and special, not many people are as blessed as you are. You have a reason to be different.
  • Don't be afraid to fail or be different.
  • Don't be discouraged, meditation can help you.
  • Know that you are not stupid.


  • Don't get angry with people who don't like your approach to business. They probably just don't understand.