
How to make a do-it-yourself rabbit cage

How to make a do-it-yourself rabbit cage

Rabbit cage can be quite expen ive, e pecially if you want to give your rabbit a run when you are not around to relea e him / her. A cheaper and more efficient way to get a rabbit cage i to make one y...

How to make a hair bow using ribbon

How to make a hair bow using ribbon

1 elect the fabric you want to u e for the bow. Perfect for the e purpo e : atin, velvet, nylon, cotton, vinyl or poplin. You can choo e any of the li ted one . When choo ing a ribbon, you hould think...

How to treat hyperpigmentation

How to treat hyperpigmentation

Human kin contain cell called melanocyte , which produce melanin, a ub tance that tain the kin. Too much melanin lead to hyperpigmentation, the mo t common effect of which are freckle and old age pot ...

How to blanch kale

How to blanch kale

toring nutrient in bitter green can be tricky. Blanching prevent enzyme breakdown and doe not make them bitter. Follow the e in truction to blanch kale for freezing and earing. 1 Place a large pot on...

How to cut meat to the required thickness

How to cut meat to the required thickness

For ome di he , including chicken or veal, only thin piece of meat mu t be u ed. Take chunk of pulp and then beat them to the de ired ize u ing a meat hammer. Chill all cut of meat and trim them for f...

How to get a kid's attention

How to get a kid's attention

Everyone eem to be able to attract the attention of the average girl, but how to attract a girl who act like a kid? Be your elf for a tart, but you can increa e your chance by howing an intere t in th...

How to install blinds

How to install blinds

1 Mea ure your window . You mu t do thi in order to buy the correct ize blind . U e a tape mea ure to mea ure the ize of the window. You can attach the blind both from the in ide and from the out ide ...

How to make goat milk lotion

How to make goat milk lotion

Homemade lotion are healthy and ea y to make. They are good for kin care, e pecially when it i hyper en itive. Goat milk i an excellent kin moi turizer. Thi article will how you how to make goat milk ...

How to build skyscrapers in SimCity 4

How to build skyscrapers in SimCity 4

If you are building a city with a large population but no tall building , here are ome tip to help you build ky craper . 1 Focu on bu ine di trict . You will not have hopping ky craper until the offic...

How to shave with a straight razor

How to shave with a straight razor

1 Moi ten your face with hot water. Take a hot hower and let the water run over your face for about five minute . Thi will open up pore and often facial hair, making your next have much ea ier. You ca...

How to make vegetarian pho

How to make vegetarian pho

1 Chop vegetable . Vegetarian pho require a lot of vegetable . Peel and cut vegetable into large chunk . Any combination of four or more vegetable can be u ed. Take about 450 g of each type of vegetab...

How to make mom happy

How to make mom happy

It can be difficult to think of a way to make your mom happy except for the obviou thing like flower and gift . Of cour e, thi i all very nice and mo t mother will love it, but there are other way to ...

How to clean a foam mattress

How to clean a foam mattress

Foam mattre e are very comfortable and ea y to care for. If you need to clean the foam mattre , u e water and detergent very carefully. Foam rubber retain water and other liquid , e pecially in exce i...

How to Celebrate the Jewish Passover

How to Celebrate the Jewish Passover

Ea ter (Pei akh in Hebrew) i one of the mo t important holiday in Judai m. It commemorate the e cape of the Jew from Egyptian lavery and i celebrated in either March or April, depending on the date in...

How to clean chrome and remove rust without expensive cleaners

How to clean chrome and remove rust without expensive cleaners

Chromium i a hard but brittle metal that i often u ed a a coating for other metal . The chrome plating proce i often u ed in the manufacture of chrome grille , wheel rim and other automotive part , ba...

How to have fun during punishment

How to have fun during punishment

To be puni hed i terrible! Or not? Keep reading and you will find out how much more fun to pend your time during the puni hment. 1 Get active, go to your local lei ure center and go wimming, or vi it ...

How to wash vinyl seats

How to wash vinyl seats

Vinyl eat are very comfortable and tyli h, but like any eating furniture, it need to be cleaned from time to time. Check your vinyl eat in truction manual before tarting. U e only oft object , uch a d...

How to clean wallpaper

How to clean wallpaper

Wallpaper very often doe not re- tick for everal year , o a lot of du t and dirt accumulate on them. While many wallpaper can with tand a ingle cleaning, you need to be very careful not to tear the pa...

How to post Stories to Snapchat

How to post Stories to Snapchat

Learn how to u e the My tory feature to create a 24-hour napchat feed of photo and video .Friend can view the picture and video you have added an unlimited number of time within 24 hour . 1 tart napch...

How to control oily skin

How to control oily skin

I your kin very oily? There are everal way to find out the root cau e of thi problem, a well a option for controlling it, which will help your kin look healthier. It' much ea ier than you think! 1...