How to be a good sister

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be a Good Sister
Video: How to Be a Good Sister


Whether you are an older, middle, or younger sister, you need to be patient and try to spend more time with your brother or sister. Spending time with siblings fosters strong relationships. They will share all the joys and hardships with you. Of course, conflicts can arise between you from time to time. However, if you learn to tackle them correctly, your relationship will become much stronger.


Method 1 of 3: Befriend a Brother or Sister

  1. 1 Chat with your brother or sister as often as possible. Regardless of whether you live under the same roof or in different cities, remember that regular communication is important. Use a variety of ways to help you stay in touch with your loved one.
    • Communicate via text messages or video calls once a week if your family member lives far away.
    • Have lunch together if you live nearby.
    • Write messages that show your family member what you think of him.
    • Send hilarious photos.
    • Give postcards.
  2. 2 Spend time together choosing interesting activities. When you are together, give your full attention to your brother or sister. You can take a walk or stay at home and have fun. Do what you both like. For example, you can try this:
    • watch a movie together;
    • play board games or video games;
    • go in for sports;
    • take a walk after lunch;
    • have fun on the beach;
    • go to a cafe;
    • cook something delicious together;
    • do needlework.
  3. 3 Get to know your brother or sister better. While they may have hobbies or habits that are different from yours, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be spending time together. Find out what your loved one likes and what they think is important. Ask if you can accompany him next time he does what he likes.
    • For example, if your brother loves to play football, ask him when the next game will be so you can come and support him.
    • If your sister enjoys playing video games, ask her to teach you how to play her favorite game.
    • If your loved one likes a musical group, you can go to her concert together.
  4. 4 Do not forget about important dates in your brother or sister's life, such as a birthday or other holiday. This is an easy way to show your concern and concern. Mark in the calendar all the important events that happen in the life of someone close to you, for example, a birthday, wedding or graduation. Buy a card and a small gift to show how you feel about your brother or sister.
    • Choose a gift that suits the interests of your loved one. For example, if your sister is doing ballet, you can give her a ticket to the show.
    • Gifts don't have to be expensive. In addition, you should not attach great importance to the gift, choosing too carefully what to give. You can make a gift with your own hands.

Method 2 of 3: Provide support

  1. 1 Help your brother or sister when your relative needs it. If someone close to you is facing problems in their personal life, at work or at school, your love and help is just what he needs. If your loved one asks you for help, do everything in your power to provide it.
    • Don't wait for your brother or sister to ask you for help.If you know a loved one is having a problem, take the initiative. For example, you might say, “Are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help? "
    • Be prepared for a loved one to refuse your help. Respect his decision. However, be sure to say that you are always there and ready to provide the necessary assistance if he changes his mind. For example, you might say, “I understand. If you need help, be sure to contact us. "
  2. 2 Praise a brother or sister for the good qualities he or she has. Notice your relative's successes and abilities. Be sure to tell your loved one that you are proud of and admire their abilities.
    • If your loved one is unsure of something, be supportive by saying that you admire them. For example, if your brother is worried about going to university, you can tell him, “You are trying so hard! It takes you so much time to get ready. No matter what happens, I know you will succeed. "
    • Congratulate your brother or sister on their accomplishments. For example, if your brother received an award, say that you are very proud of him.
    • Give examples of how your brother or sister has positively influenced you.
    • Talk to your brother or sister about how they are inspiring you. For example, if a person close to you does not give up what he has begun, even if it is not easy for him, tell him that this behavior is very inspiring for you, and you admire your loved one.
  3. 3 Thank your brother or sister for what they are doing for you. If your loved one is doing something for you or giving you the support you need, be sure to thank him for it. Say that you are happy to have such a brother or sister.
    • For example, you might say, “I want to thank you for always listening to me. It is real happiness to have such a brother (sister)! "
  4. 4 Listen when your brother or sister speaks. When things go wrong, talking to a loved one can be very helpful. Talk to your brother or sister about what's going on in your life. Thanks to this, your loved one, in turn, will also share with you innermost feelings and thoughts. Share what is intimate and listen carefully to your brother or sister as they do so.
    • Sometimes a person needs just someone to listen to him, and not give advice. Before giving advice, ask, "Do you need my advice?" If the loved one refuses, just listen to him.
    • Show that you are listening carefully by periodically repeating the words of your interlocutor. For example, you might say, “I understand that the boss just ignored you. Didn't you get the promotion you wanted at work? "
    • Keep your brother or sister's secrets. You can only reveal a secret when you know that a person's life and health are in danger.
  5. 5 Protect your brother or sister. If someone close to you has relationship problems with someone, ask if they need your help. He may ask you to talk to the person or help you file a complaint. If your brother or sister asks you not to interfere, you can limit yourself to providing emotional support, such as listening and giving advice.
    • If your brother and sister are fighting, don't take sides. Instead, become a mediator who can help those closest to you to resolve the situation.

Method 3 of 3: Keep the Peace

  1. 1 Set boundaries before problems arise. Don't assume that your brother or sister can read your mind. Your loved one should understand what you expect from him, that he will respect your personal space and not take your things without asking. Tell him about it or use another method.
    • For example, if you are buying a certain type of coffee for yourself, you may not want other family members to take it. Tell your brother or sister that they can only take coffee with your permission.
    • You can also ask them to respect your privacy and free time. For example, you might say, “When I come home from school, I need 30 minutes to rest. Please do not disturb me at this time. "
  2. 2 Resolve conflicts peacefully. If an argument breaks out between you, try to remain calm. Screaming or crying will not solve the problem. Speak in a calm voice, avoid criticism and blame, and try to focus on solving the problem.
    • Speak calmly and give facts. If you feel that the situation is heating up, go to another room and calm down.
    • If the problem is minor, try turning it into a joke and ending the conversation.
    • Do not bring up previous conflicts with your brother or sister. This will only make the situation worse. Instead, focus on solving the problem.
  3. 3 Do not tease a loved one if you know their weak point. This behavior is often found in families. However, don't do that. Don't laugh at someone you love, knowing that it might hurt their feelings. For example, if you don’t like the way your sister dresses, don’t taunt her because of it.
  4. 4 Be prepared to compromise. Sometimes, to avoid a fight, you just need to give in. If the situation escalates, consider how you can fix the problem. Remember, compromise is a two-way street. Everyone should take a step towards the meeting.
    • For example, imagine you want to take a bath for 20 minutes. Perhaps your sister wants the same. In this case, instead of wasting your time resolving the conflict, divide your time in half and enjoy your bath.
  5. 5 Give your brother or sister the opportunity to have privacy. Of course, spending time together is a great opportunity to strengthen relationships. However, like you, your family member needs personal space. If you do not give your loved one personal space, he will be fed up with your attitude towards him. Instead, respect your brother or sister's desire to spend time with friends or alone.
    • Do not take your brother's or sister's things without asking. Also, don't enter their room without asking permission.
  6. 6 Don't judge your brother or sister. Perhaps a loved one leads a lifestyle that you do not like. You shouldn't criticize him for that. Respect his right to live as he sees fit.
    • If topics such as religion or politics are a bone of contention for you, avoid them.
    • If the behavior of a sibling can lead to irreparable harm, for example, your loved one abuses alcohol and drugs, or has suicidal thoughts, encourage them to seek help from a therapist.
    • Let your brother or sister learn from your mistakes. Making mistakes that do not threaten life and health is part of personality formation.


  • If you are an older sister and your brother or sister's behavior upsets you, think back to yourself at their age, how you behaved, and what you enjoyed.
  • Don't compare yourself to your brother or sister.
  • Even if your loved one does something wrong, this is not a reason to stop loving him.
  • If a conflict arises between you, resolve it as soon as possible. The longer you resent each other, the more stressful your relationship will be.
  • Do not forget that your loved one looks up to you. Treat him with respect. He will do the same.
  • Remember that both you and your siblings face different developmental stages as you grow up that affect your relationship. For example, puberty can affect moods and attitudes towards people around you. Also, during adolescence, your sibling's friends may come to the fore in their lives.
  • If someone close to you does not want to acknowledge your authority at times, just remember that you are still a brother / sister, even if you are 10 years older.


  • Don't lie to your brothers and sisters or make up false stories about them. Otherwise, you will not be able to maintain a good relationship with them.
  • Do not treat your brother or sister as if you are better than them. If you show your superiority, they will get angry and resentful at you.