How to make your weekend feel longer

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How To Make Your Weekend Feel Longer!
Video: How To Make Your Weekend Feel Longer!


Let's face it - weekends are prohibitively short compared to weekdays. Just two days (or even less for some!) Out of seven is not enough for a good rest. To the weekend seemed longer, you will need to plan ahead and deal with household chores in time. Read below to learn the secrets of time management.


  1. 1 Wake up at the same time as on weekdays. The biggest mistake is to think that the weekend is meant to be overslept.So you will only unsettle the body and miss the time that could be spent with benefit. Occasionally, when you are exhausted at the end of the week, you can go to bed early on Friday night and really get a good night's sleep on Saturday, but only as an exception - don't make it a habit.
  2. 2 First, sort out all the chores around the house. Almost no one likes to do this, you rarely find someone who is looking forward to cleaning, washing and washing dishes with trepidation. But someone has to do it. And the sooner the better. Set a time in advance, say, 7-9 a.m. on Saturday so that just do it, and involve all your free hands in the process. You will feel incredible relief when you are done with household chores, and thoughts of the upcoming cleaning will not poison your weekend. Preserving food, defrosting meat, etc. - these are also troubles, which are best dealt with as quickly as possible.
  3. 3 Don't waste time shopping. Try to stock up on groceries early on a weekday evening - this will give you another less worry. If that isn't possible, add shopping to your Saturday morning to-do list and finish by 10am, when most other people are still asleep. Avoid shopping at lunchtime, because by this time everyone is waking up and you risk getting stuck in traffic, missing out on a good parking spot and getting stuck in line, which is a waste of time. It is better to plan all trips to beauty salons, to the veterinarian or dry cleaning on Saturday morning.
  4. 4 Set aside time in advance for paying bills and other mundane paperwork. The office will not hang over your head like a black cloud if you set the time in advance when you need to sit down and deal with it. If you can set aside a minute for this on any weekday evenings to free up the weekend, great. If not, add paperwork in advance to the weekend schedule so that they do not interfere with fun and relaxation.
  5. 5 Plan your actions. The weekend will seem longer if you leave the apartment and use it for its intended purpose. Mark interesting events in your calendar - when you see an announcement about an event in a magazine or newspaper, cut it out and attach it to your calendar so you don't forget to go there. Find out how your family, friends, etc. enjoy spending the weekend. and plan a joint vacation in advance:
    • Plan a sports event - either play something yourself (like soccer in the park) or attend a sports game and support the participants
    • Plan a trip to a museum, zoo, park, art gallery, circus, local exhibition, fair, etc.
    • Plan a trip to visit relatives, friends, visit acquaintances who are in the hospital, etc.
    • Plan your vacation - no matter how trite it sounds, some part of the weekend should be devoted to quiet rest and relaxation (including rest from electronic devices!)
  6. 6 Plan your trip out of town. Change your surroundings! Have a picnic or just spend the evening in another city. Going out of town "stretches" the time, because such a pastime fills the brain with new information and impressions. Go hiking, biking, skiing or sledding, jogging or surfing, birdwatching, flying a kite, writing a heartfelt verse while sitting under the treetops - do whatever pleases you to diversify your outing.
  7. 7 Enjoy your evenings. Think about how you can replace watching TV, sitting at the computer and playing computer games. You've probably noticed how quickly time flies during these activities. Better spend it on one of the following:
    • Go to the cinema
    • Play bowling or other indoor sports
    • Go out for dinner - it doesn't have to be a fancy expensive restaurant, just call your friends or family and sit in a cozy place for a conversation
    • Go to a concert - whatever your taste in music, concerts always set you in a positive mood
    • Go shopping - walking through hypermarkets has its own charm
    • Pop into the pub - you shouldn't drink a lot, but you can talk a lot! Just don't stay there all night
    • Go to the bookstore - browse the assortment of literature, have a cup of coffee and buy a good book
    • Go to the theater - and you will be transported to a completely different world for a few hours
  8. 8 Plan your meals. Cooking can be time-consuming if you don't think ahead. Even just confusion can become a problem - what to cook? - caused by a deviation from the usual weekday routine. If you think about it in advance, you just have to go to the kitchen, follow the recipe and set the table. Use a time-saving technique - dishwasher, etc. If you don't enjoy cooking, avoid complicated and obscure recipes. Why waste your weekend on something you don't like?
  9. 9 Appreciate your weekend. It is very important to appreciate the time that you have, which means not to waste it and not worry about the fact that it flies too fast. Weekends are meant to rest, relax, and put your thoughts in order. Use them as directed and don't beat yourself up for not doing something more rewarding.
  10. 10 Enjoy Sunday evening. Prepare everything for Monday in advance so that on Sunday night you will have the opportunity to watch a good movie and enjoy the last moment of the weekend, and not be sad that it is over.
  11. 11 Watch less TV and play less computer games - these are real time killers.


  • Just relax and enjoy your vacation.
  • Always finish work on time so that thoughts of unfinished business do not bother you during the weekend.
  • Try to keep your home clean. You don't want to spend the lion's share of your free time cleaning, do you? And do not overload the house with unnecessary things - instead of going to furniture stores all day, it is better to do more useful things. Buy only what is necessary, practical and will not turn into a dust collector.
  • Try not to overdo it with alcohol and other mind-clouding substances. Under their influence, a person loses the sense of time, and after that he suffers from headaches, hangovers, fatigue and weakness. A weekend you may not even remember is not a weekend at all.
  • If the job really takes up a lot of your time, consider taking off some of your chores and hiring specialists - a gardener, housekeeper, etc. It costs a certain amount of money: correlate the price with your time spent on caring for your home and determine how profitable it will be to seek help. If you spend all weekend cleaning and trimming bushes, help will certainly pay off.
  • If you have kids who need to be driven around the weekend, it's time to start planning and sharing responsibilities. Ask yourself these questions:

    • Which child is old enough to get to their destination on their own?
    • Which parent / caregiver / neighbor / friend is willing to help you? For example, you and other parents could pay for private transport for the kids on the weekend together so that everyone can get some rest.
    • Maybe some activities for children can be arranged closer to home?
    • Do the children generally enjoy studying in the circles they attend, or is it time for a change (and at the same time, you can choose something closer to home)?
    • Can the children stay overnight with friends and go to class the next day with them?

What do you need

  • An action plan for Saturday morning to get through the hassle quickly
  • Entertainment plan
  • Car, train or bus for trips out of town
  • Tickets for events
  • Electronic device switch