Dating a Gemini

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DATING A GEMINI | Benito Skinner (2019)
Video: DATING A GEMINI | Benito Skinner (2019)


Gemini are curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active people. Gemini go everywhere together, hand-in-hand, symbolizing their dual nature. Although Gemini are active and fun people, they have two major flaws; they never stop talking and are constantly distracted. But don't worry, this article will show you how to pick up Gemini with ease.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Knowing what to do

  1. Listen to them and involve them in a conversation. They are huge chatterboxes by nature, so Gemini love to talk. If you don't listen, talk a lot, or if you interrupt them often, a Gemini may think you aren't interested or you don't care about the conversation. However, don't worry too much about finding a topic to talk about. Gemini are creative enough themselves, and will probably find something to talk about.
    • Gemini is a curious sign and loves to learn. If you are an expert in something, do not hesitate to share your knowledge. You will impress your date.
    • Gemini love the debate. They don't want to argue; they just try to see things from a different perspective and sharpen their minds.
    • Gemini are known for their communication skills. If you have a problem in your relationship, don't try to hide it. You better just discuss it.
  2. Introduce something new to the relationship to keep things interesting. Gemini love to be active and try new things. If you have a thing for Gemini, get ready for new experiences. It can also be a good idea to bring something new into the relationship. For example, if you are on a date with him or her, try to find a new place to eat or drink each time.
    • If your date really loves something, don't get used to it; he or she may want to try something completely different next time.
  3. Be patient when they seem moody or indecisive. Sometimes dating Gemini can make you feel like you are actually dating two different people. This shouldn't surprise you; Gemini is represented by a twin symbol. One moment Gemini can appear happy and cheerful, and the next he or she can be grumpy and moody.
    • When Gemini starts to get moody, don't take it personally. Be patient and let the mood change pass. You can also try talking to him or her to find out what's wrong.
  4. Embrace and encourage the child in Gemini. Gemini are more in touch with their inner child than other signs. They love to joke and play pranks. Some of their jokes may seem a bit childish, but that's part of their charm. Don't try to curtail or force Gemini to change themselves.Even if you're serious about yourself, try to join in with their fun, or let them express themselves completely.
  5. Be prepared for a social life, but also expect quiet moments. Gemini are social flutterers by nature, but sometimes they just like to stay home. Don't assume they just want to party all the time, or hold them back if they just want to stay home and watch a movie. If you are introverted or not very outgoing, be open about it. Try to come to some sort of compromise.
    • An example of a compromise could be that you go to a slightly smaller party, a little less stressful for you but still attractive to a Gemini.
    • Another example of a compromise could be that you go to a party one weekend and stay home the next.
    • You also try to slowly become acquainted with your Gemini's social circle. For example, you can start with smaller parties and less busy situations to build this up to bigger, wilder events.

Part 2 of 2: Knowing what to avoid

  1. Don't force a Gemini to make decisions when he or she is indecisive. Duality is an important aspect of Gemini. That is why they get stuck between two choices. Some of them want one thing and some want something completely different. If you are dealing with such a situation, make a suggestion. For instance:
    • If your date can't choose between Italian food or sushi, you can say something like, "Well, we had pasta last week. Why don't we try some sushi tonight? That new restaurant further up the road looks good. "
  2. Never betray Gemini's trust. A Gemini can forgive you in the end, but will never forget what happened. If you betray Gemini's trust, you may never get it back. Also keep in mind that the Gemini is curious; they love to learn and discover things. If you have something to hide, Gemini will become suspicious and eventually find out. Better to be open and honest with him or her. Honesty is very important to Gemini; he or she will appreciate the truth, even if it is not very pleasant.
  3. Do not try to limit or control a Gemini. Gemini are very independent. They don't need someone to hold their hand constantly, and they certainly don't want to be overpowered. Gemini needs space to experience the world on their own. If you try to send a Gemini, you will end up with a very unhappy boyfriend or girlfriend.
    • At the same time, however, it is also important to provide support if your Gemini asks for it.
  4. Don't consider what a Gemini says or wants to be a fixed fact. Gemini are known for their contradiction. They are also known for their spontaneity and desire to try new things. They also have a multidimensional personality. Just because the Gemini you're dating loves the outdoors doesn't mean he or she is there always want to go out; at some point he / she just prefers to stay at home. If your Gemini would like to try something different, don't try to force the "old way". Instead, you can also enjoy the change.
    • At the same time, when your Gemini is suddenly angry or unhappy, it is always a good idea to ask what's wrong instead of simply accepting it as the new "norm".
  5. Don't get upset if Gemini suddenly changes their mind and cancels or wants to change a plan. As the name implies, Gemini is fickle and keeps changing their mind. Plans can change immediately. Don't take this the wrong way. It's probably not personal. Instead, try to accept it as part of the Gemini's changeable nature.
    • If this really bothers you, talk to your Gemini about it. Don't accuse him or her of "always being fickle." Instead, explain that you take plans seriously and that it hurts you if they are suddenly changed.


  • If you and your date can't agree on something, find the compromise.
  • If you have no idea what you can do for the next date, look for new things. Gemini loves to try new things.
  • Gemini can be very passionate. This means that they can be exceptionally happy, but also extremely angry.
  • If you're not sure what you want, just ask. Don't make assumptions.
  • Try to keep things interesting or your Gemini won't stay with you long.
  • Gemini tend to offend people, but they don't do this on purpose. Don't take it personally. Rather, say how you feel. Gemini don't really like to talk about their feelings, but they do want to know when you feel hurt.
  • Gemini can be flirty. They are still loyal to you, but are also very friendly and open to others. If you find this disturbing, let him or her know, but don't accuse him / her of cheating.
  • Gemini love active, creative and fun people. Even if you are not particularly active in and of themselves, still try to participate in some of their activities. Who knows, you might even find a new hobby!
  • Gemini, especially men, fall in love with their wits first. The heart will follow later.


  • Don't pretend you're not interested for too long; Gemini quickly become impatient, and will therefore lose interest if you act like that.
  • Not all Gemini is the same. Some may have the typical Gemini traits, while others are quite the opposite. Always consider your date as a unique person in the first instance.
  • Do not try to control or curtail a Gemini. Gemini are independent and need the space to grow and explore.