
How to build your future

How to build your future

To build a ucce ful future, it i important to act in the pre ent. tudy the information, do not be afraid to try new thing - all thi will help you ucceed in your work. Make mart financial deci ion that...

How to find a real friend

How to find a real friend

True friend hip i one of the deepe t feeling that ari e between people. A true friend i alway with you both in joy and in orrow. He will laugh and cry with you, and if nece ary, he will get you out of...

How to clear your sinuses

How to clear your sinuses

Due to cold and allergie , mucou ecretion can accumulate in the na al cavitie , often accompanied by painful en ation and cau ing infection . Blowing your no e will only provide temporary relief, wher...

How easy it is to do eye makeup

How easy it is to do eye makeup

1 Apply eye hadow in a neutral hade. U ing a makeup bru h, apply the eye hadow to the upper lid . hadow hould extend lightly beyond the crea e line. When creating a natural make-up, himmery eye hadow ...

How to look good in school uniform (girls)

How to look good in school uniform (girls)

High chool i a great time to experiment with look and decide what tyle you want to keep. chool uniform can make everyone look like a clone, but with thi guide, you can learn how to wear chool uniform ...

How to burn fat without losing muscle mass

How to burn fat without losing muscle mass

While trying to lo e weight and hed exce fat, it i quite normal to lo e ome mu cle ma in the proce . However, lo ing a lot of mu cle ma can be unde irable. To prevent thi , there are pecial diet , nut...

How to make lighting equipment at home

How to make lighting equipment at home

If you ju t et foot on the path of a photographer and want to create a imple home tudio or an experienced profe ional who want to ave a little, you do not need to pend ten of thou and of ruble on expe...

How to toast bread without a toaster

How to toast bread without a toaster

You will be intere ted in thi method of making toa t without a toa ter if there i no free pace on the kitchen table or you ju t do not want to buy another hou ehold appliance. Fortunately, there are e...

How to frame a photo

How to frame a photo

1 Mea ure the mat. Pa epartout i made of plain paper or cardboard and frame the image in ide the frame. Photo frame with mat look more profe ional and fini hed. It al o focu e on photography. Before y...

How to resize the taskbar in Windows

How to resize the taskbar in Windows

The Window ta kbar can be ea ily enlarged and reduced. Perhap you want to re ize the ta kbar, enable or di able hiding it, or even po ition it on top or ide of the creen. Thi article will how you how ...

How to Extend the Life of a Battery-Powered Quartz Wall Clock

How to Extend the Life of a Battery-Powered Quartz Wall Clock

Thank to technological advance , an efficient and ea y-to-maintain wall clock ha been created. Currently, quartz watche are the mo t widely available on ale. They u e mall quartz cry tal and electric ...

How to prepare for the new school year

How to prepare for the new school year

After month of tre -free vacation, preparing for a new chool year can be fearful and uncertain. Whether you're on vacation or work, changing your chedule around the tart of the chool year can be a...

How to remove ballpoint pen stains from cotton

How to remove ballpoint pen stains from cotton

Thi method work great on fre h tain that have not been wa hed. 1 pray hair pray directly onto the tain before wa hing (hold the can 5 cm away from the tain). 2 Gra p the fabric with both hand and gent...

How to make Mickey Mouse ears

How to make Mickey Mouse ears

1 Gather everything you need to make ear . For the ear , you will need black felt and cardboard. If you do not have cardboard, then in tead of it you can take con truction paper, which i al o quite de...

How to make a spiral perm

How to make a spiral perm

piral curl are ideal for people with long hair. piral curl u ually produce tight, full curl , although you can adju t the width of the curl. You can do a piral perm at home, but be aware that the pro...

How to get rid of puffy eyes from tears

How to get rid of puffy eyes from tears

No one like red eye that are wollen from tear . Fortunately, the be t way to reduce puffine i to apply omething cold to your eye for a hort time.However, if your eye are everely or frequently wollen, ...

How to know if you have unhealthy jealousy

How to know if you have unhealthy jealousy

Rea onably, jealou y i a normal part of life and relation hip . Everyone experience fear that can lead to feeling of jealou y. At time , jealou y cro e the line of normalcy and become unhealthy, there...

How to make homemade vanilla ice cream

How to make homemade vanilla ice cream

1 Heat milk, ugar and alt in a medium aucepan. On a cutting board, u ing a paring knife, carefully crape off the bean from the vanilla pod. Add the e eed to milk along with the peeled pod. Remove the ...

How to effectively resolve conflict

How to effectively resolve conflict

Conflict i more than ju t a difference of opinion. Rather, it i a deep- eated problem that exi t between people and affect their relation hip . If you want to re olve a conflict with another per on or...

How to stop your dog from pulling the leash

How to stop your dog from pulling the leash

On walk with the dog exactly you hould guide the dog, not he you. In addition to certain inconvenience for the owner, a dog con tantly pulling on the lea h can put both hi own afety and the afety of t...