
How to remove timestamp on Whatsapp

How to remove timestamp on Whatsapp

What app i a great way to connect with people a you only u e it over Wi-Fi. You will not be charged extra for ending M u ing thi application. What App ha time tamp that how when a me age wa ent, recei...

How to paint a countertop

How to paint a countertop

An inexpen ive alternative to high quality faux tone countertop that co t thou and of dollar i to u e paint to renovate exi ting urface . Laminate and ceramic tile countertop will have the be t painta...

How to make a kite from a plastic bag

How to make a kite from a plastic bag

1 Decide on the ize. A ruler will help you figure out how big your nake hould be in relation to the ize of the pla tic bag you have. For example, if thi i an ordinary mall bag for vegetable or fruit ,...

How to collect the "alarm bag"

How to collect the "alarm bag"

An emergency kit i a bag or backpack packed for emergency evacuation. Collect it today and hopefully you never need it. After the event of eptember 11, 2001, the U Department of Homeland ecurity prepa...

How to use the English word nor

How to use the English word nor

The word "nor" i a negative conjunction of the Engli h language, which i u ually u ed in conjunction with the word "neither," although not only. 1 After "neither" put &qu...

How to make your nail polish matte

How to make your nail polish matte

1 Apply ba e coat.Apply ba e coat in a very thin layer.Remember to file and poli h your nail before applying any poli h.Clean each nail with a cotton wab dipped in nail poli h remover.Let the ba e coa...

How to prevent others from using you

How to prevent others from using you

People around you con tantly u e you for their own elfi h purpo e , and you do not prevent them from doing thi ? No, thi doe not mean at all that you are weak. You ju t don't have enough armor and...

How to solve trigonometric equations

How to solve trigonometric equations

A trigonometric equation contain one or more trigonometric function of the variable "x" (or any other variable). olving a trigonometric equation i finding uch a value "x" that ati ...

How to know if your girlfriend wants to have sex with you

How to know if your girlfriend wants to have sex with you

If you've been dating a girl for a while and you're ready to take the next tep toward intimacy, you're probably wondering if the girl want to. It may eem like ju t a king a girl about it i...

How to lighten hair multiple tones

How to lighten hair multiple tones

If you want to lighten your hair without heading to the hairdre er, look into your kitchen cabinet for in piration. By u ing hou ehold product uch a lemon juice, honey, olive oil, and hydrogen peroxid...

How to use applesauce in baked goods

How to use applesauce in baked goods

1 Puree your elf if you can. Pureeing will allow you to control the amount of ugar and pre ervative you need, even with healthy baked good . To make your puree, wa h, peel, and cut into 4 piece 900g a...

How to remove stains from a suede handbag

How to remove stains from a suede handbag

uede i a oft velvety leather that i one of the mo t popular material for clothing and acce orie . A uede handbag can add ophi tication to any outfit. It only drawback i that cleaning the uede can be ...

How to format text in Discord as code

How to format text in Discord as code

In thi article, we are going to how you how to create line code or block code in Di cord chat. Thi can be done on a computer and a mobile device. 1 Launch Di cord. Click the white Di cord logo icon on...

Drying clothes outside

Drying clothes outside

If you want to ave money or energy, you can kip the tumble dryer and dry your clothe outdoor . unlight i a natural di infectant and bleaching agent and i healthier for clothe than drying in a dryer. P...

How to fix a leak in an automatic watering line

How to fix a leak in an automatic watering line

Lo of pre ure, fountain of water from under the ground, non-flooded and flooded area , all thi may indicate a malfunction of the automatic irrigation water upply y tem. It' time to get up the cour...

How to get rid of sides (for women)

How to get rid of sides (for women)

Women are genetically predi po ed to accumulate exce fat in the thigh and buttock . If you have found in your ide , fat depo it on the hip and oblique mu cle of the pre , then the ea ie t way to get r...

How to speak English at a more advanced level

How to speak English at a more advanced level

Template: intro Thi article will how you how to go from beginner to advanced level of Engli h proficiency. 1 Read con tantly in Engli h, be it book like Harry Potter or popular cience book . 2 You can...

How to cook mung bean

How to cook mung bean

Mung bean i a deliciou and ver atile bean that can be added to ju t about any meal. Thi plant make the perfect crunchy nack or healthy high-calorie dinner. Fre h bean are u ed in andwiche , alad , tir...

How to become a model if you are a teenager

How to become a model if you are a teenager

The fa hion indu try i great and modeling can become a pa ion. Tyra Bank tarted modeling at ju t 15 year old! Getting tarted when you're a teenager can be a really good way to become a model. 1 Te...

How to respond to a sneak kiss

How to respond to a sneak kiss

A neak ki i any ki you are not ready for, whether it be an unwelcome ki from an unacceptable per on or a plea ant urpri e from a loved one. Regardle of the circum tance , it i important to how the per...