How to build your future

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)
Video: How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)


To build a successful future, it is important to act in the present. Study the information, do not be afraid to try new things - all this will help you succeed in your work. Make smart financial decisions that will keep you stable and secure in the future.Take time for yourself and your loved ones, take care of your family, your physical and emotional health. There are things you can do for your career, financial stability, and personal life right now. The future starts today.


Method 1 of 3: How to Build a Career

  1. 1 Join a professional association. Almost all spheres of activity have their own associations. All areas are different. Membership is usually paid, but for students and beginners, the rate is often reduced.
    • Find yourself a mentor. It is not uncommon for beginners and trainees to benefit from the help of mentors.
    • Ask for help finding a job. Professional associations often have access to a list of available vacancies.
    • Strive for professional development. Many associations organize seminars, workshops and offer literature in their field.
    • Attend the annual conventions of the association. This is a great way to meet helpful people. At conferences, you can also learn about fresh vacancies and meet potential employers.
    • Find out if you can apply for a study grant (if you haven't completed your education yet).
  2. 2 Try to move up the career ladder. List your goals and work towards achieving them. You can aspire for any position, be it project manager or editor-in-chief. For a career to develop successfully, you need to take proactive steps.
    • Learn to think outside the box. Offer your company original solutions. Assess the situation and think about what can be improved in it.
    • Take on projects that are outside your comfort zone. The more new responsibilities you have, the more opportunities you will have to learn new skills that will be useful for your career.
    • Solve problems yourself, don't pass them on. Be confident that you are capable of solving problems.
    • Ask your mentor to assess your strengths and weaknesses to see if you are making progress towards your goals.
    • Adapt to new positions. Your career will develop, but you should be prepared for the fact that your skills may not match your new position. Ask a mentor to assess your behavioral skill set to help you cope with your new job.
    • Take your work seriously. Know how to focus on work and complete all tasks quickly and efficiently.
    • Learn critical thinking. Analytical people can anticipate and prevent problems. Sign up for classes or seminars that develop critical thinking.
    • Try to meet useful people and develop connections with them. Make contacts within your company and in a professional environment. This will help people learn about you.

    Chad Herst, CPCC

    Mindfulness Coach Chad Hirst is an herbalist and senior coach at Herst Wellner, a San Francisco health center specializing in mind-body connectivity. Accredited as a Coactive Professional Coach (CPCC), has been in the health industry for over 25 years with experience in acupuncture, herbal medicine and yoga teaching.

    Chad Herst, CPCC
    Mindfulness Trainer

    Consider how you can use your strengths at work. If you can apply what you do well in your work, you will be more motivated to go to the office and work towards a fulfilling future.

  3. 3 Think about moving horizontally when the moment is right. Moving horizontally within or outside your company can be beneficial to your career. You will be able to gain new skills and knowledge. Moving to another job helps prevent the feelings of anxiety and stagnation that often arise from working in one place for too long.There are many benefits to the transition.
    • Moving horizontally can help you find a good leader or mentor, which is especially useful if you don't have one in your current job.
    • If you move into another area within your company, you may be recognized by more helpful people.
    • Moving from one department to another or from one company to another means meeting new people, making new contacts, and gaining access to new resources.
    • Moving to a different department can give you new opportunities for promotion, especially if your department lacks development opportunities.

Method 2 of 3: How to Achieve Financial Stability

  1. 1 Set a realistic budget that you can stick to. Think about your budget so that you have money for unforeseen expenses. You should work on the budget constantly. Your financial situation can change, and if your budget allows you to cover all of your variable costs, you can save money, pay off debt, and invest money to make it work for you.
    • Keep track of your expenses. Keep track of all expenses during the month so you know where the money is going. You can use a special application for this or write everything down on paper.
    • Save 10% of your income. Try to transfer money to a deposit right away so that you are not tempted to spend it.
    • Be patient and stick with your plan. If you set aside $ 100 a month, you can raise $ 48,000 in 40 years. If you invest at 7% per annum with capitalization, your $ 100 per month will turn into more than $ 260,000.
    • Save money for retirement. Try to secure a decent retirement fund yourself.
    • Allocate about 35% of your savings for housing and utilities.
    • Save another 10% if you have specific goals: buying a new car, paying for your child's education.
    • Cut down on unnecessary items. Use online movie viewing services to avoid going to the movies (it's cheaper). Discard unnecessary utilities. Unplug your television if you are not using it.
    • Spend the rest of the money as you please: on food, entertainment, vacations, and so on.
  2. 2 Reduce credit card debt. Credit cards make shopping too seductive. When you pay with a card, you do not see real money, so it can be difficult for you to realize that you have spent it. Credit card debts can increase very quickly.
    • Come up with a plan that will allow you to pay off your credit card debts based on your budget. Know exactly how much money you can transfer each month to pay off your credit card debts.
    • Pay off your debt on cards with the highest interest rates first. For the rest of the cards, transfer the minimum allowable amounts.
    • Pay off debts in equal amounts on a regular basis. Many people begin to pay less on their debts when the amount of debt starts to decline.
    • Try to pay in cash so you don't accumulate credit card debt. Pay cash for groceries, clothing, vacations, and other non-essentials.
  3. 3 Get interest on your money by investing. Invest the surplus in your budget. Do this regularly, spreading your money across multiple locations.
    • Invest 10% of your income. You can also divide the money you are saving into savings and investments.
    • Invest in stocks through intermediaries if you don't know about stocks yourself. Over the past 70 years, on average, stocks have started to bring in about 10% profit per year.
    • Open-ended mutual funds are also suitable for an investor with no special knowledge.
    • Compensate for stock volatility by investing in bonds and swaps.This will lend your money at interest, so your capital will grow, albeit at a slower rate than the return on stocks.
    • Try using automated investment services. The commissions for these services are small. They allow you to choose where to invest money, taking into account the desired term and initial capital.
    • Try transferring money to a bank deposit on a monthly basis. Thanks to this, you will be able to allocate money for investment without thinking about where to invest it.

Method 3 of 3: How to develop your personal life

  1. 1 Make time for your family. What will you remember in old age? How did you successfully complete the project, or how did your son ride his bike for the first time? Try to deliberately divide your time for work and family and do not get distracted by business during “family” time.
    • Discuss working hours and management expectations with your supervisor to set boundaries and not let work take up your personal time.
    • Spend time with your kids and spouse, even if you can just do 15 minutes of exercises together in the morning.
    • Establish a rule that prohibits the use of electronic devices while eating, so that all family members spend time with each other, rather than looking at the screens.
    • Take regular vacations with your family. This is a great way to make time for your family without being distracted by work issues.
    • Discuss childcare with your spouse. If you both work, you must have a clear and fair plan for each parent's responsibilities.

    “You should not just communicate, but speak sincerely, from the bottom of your heart. Learn to connect, be vulnerable. "

    Chad Herst, CPCC

    Mindfulness Coach Chad Hirst is an herbalist and senior coach at Herst Wellner, a San Francisco health center specializing in mind-body connectivity. Accredited as a Coactive Professional Coach (CPCC), has been in the health industry for over 25 years with experience in acupuncture, herbal medicine and yoga teaching.

    Chad Herst, CPCC
    Mindfulness Trainer

  2. 2 Create a small circle of close friends. Strong relationships with friends make life more interesting. Friendships fill life with new experiences as you share your thoughts, relive great moments together, and strengthen bonds with people you can rely on.
    • Make a list of loved ones. Invite them home for dinner, for a cup of tea, invite them to watch a movie. At home, it will be easier for you to relax and talk.
    • Volunteer for a project or organization that is close to you. Working together on a case that is close to each of the participants contributes to the formation of strong friendship.
    • Develop relationships with people you know. If you have acquaintances that you have interacted with through your friends and who you like, try to develop a relationship with them.
    • Join a book club. Book clubs meet regularly, and many have been around for many years. Common interests contribute to the establishment of friendships for years to come.
  3. 3 Engage in activities that are close to you and for which you have an inclination. What do you enjoy doing? What are your favorite activities that bring you the most pleasure? Make a list.
    • Take classes where you can develop what you love. There are many different courses: cooking, programming, painting, archery, and so on.
    • Go outdoors and hike if you enjoy that kind of vacation.
    • Help children in orphanages.
  4. 4 Monitor your physical health. If you remain in good health, you will thank yourself for this in the future. Take care of your body now.
    • Eat right. Eat fresh foods, lean protein, dairy products, and whole grains.
    • Eat hearty meals three times a day.If you don't eat a large amount of food once a day, it will be easier for you to maintain a feeling of fullness throughout the day, which will make you less likely to crave junk food and eat less overall.
    • See your doctor regularly. Remember, prevention is better than cure. Vaccinations, regular check-ups and check-ups can help you prevent the development of serious diseases that can affect your future.

    Chad Herst, CPCC

    Mindfulness Coach Chad Hirst is an herbalist and senior coach at Herst Wellner, a San Francisco health center specializing in mind-body connectivity. Accredited as a Coactive Professional Coach (CPCC), has been in the health industry for over 25 years with experience in acupuncture, herbal medicine and yoga teaching.

    Chad Herst, CPCC
    Mindfulness Trainer

    Learn to take care of your body and mental health. Career Coach Chad Hirst states: “It's important to understand how you can pay attention to your physical and mental well-being every day. It is important not only to play sports, eat right and rest, but also find opportunities for spiritual development. We all need to feel connected with something greater than ourselves, and for each person it is something different. "

  5. 5 Exercise regularly. Sports have many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and increased life expectancy. Sports can also help you maintain your weight. Exercise tightens the body, strengthens muscles, promotes bone health, and improves sleep and mood.
    • Exercise at moderate intensity for 150 minutes per week, or at high intensity for 75 minutes per week.
    • Start by walking for 15 minutes every other day. Gradually increase the duration and speed to reach a half hour run.
    • Instead of walking, you can do 25 minutes of aerobic exercise, three times a week. Exercise intensity should be high.
    • Strengthen muscles and prevent bone density loss with strength training (resistance exercise). You can work out in the gym or at home with free weights.
  6. 6 Pay attention to your mental state. When a person is strong psychologically, he is able to make the right decisions in all areas of his life. It also allows for a more positive outlook on life.
    • Get enough sleep. Try to sleep at the same time every day. Do some calming activities before bed. Do not use electronic devices in bed. Sleepiness impairs concentration, increases stress levels, and exacerbates mood swings.
    • Don't use drugs and alcohol. Strive to keep your mind always clear.


  • Set specific, measurable, achievable, meaningful, and time-bound goals.
  • Learn to manage your time. Answer business calls quickly. Submit reports on time and start working on projects as early as possible. Take breaks from work, but do not prolong them. Always show up for work on time.
  • Read books that will inspire you and help you in life. Read books written by successful authors - people you would like to follow.
  • Learn to adapt to circumstances and make tough decisions. The working environment can constantly change. You, too, will change as you learn new things and become more effective in your workplace, and as you gain new experience and develop new good habits at work. Be prepared to change because of changes in circumstances.
  • Take smart risks when you're still young. If the person still has time to recover from the negative consequences of decisions, the risk may be justified.If you take the risk and everything goes well, you can achieve great success. At an older age, the presence of a family and the financial obligations associated with this, as well as the chosen ways of investing, can influence decisions and discourage making risky decisions.