How to get rid of puffy eyes from tears

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes from Crying | 6 Best and Natural Methods
Video: How to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes from Crying | 6 Best and Natural Methods


No one likes red eyes that are swollen from tears. Fortunately, the best way to reduce puffiness is to apply something cold to your eyes for a short time.However, if your eyes are severely or frequently swollen, small lifestyle changes can help.


Method 1 of 3: Treating puffy eyes

  1. 1 Wash yourself with cold water. If you are in a rush or in a public place, go to the bathroom for a quick freshening up. Fold a paper towel in half to make a neat square, then blot it in cold water. Press lightly against your eyelids, 15 seconds each. Look up and place the tissue directly under your lower lashes, pressing gently on each eye for another 15 seconds. Let the skin dry. Repeat as necessary.
    • Do not rub your eyes or use soap.
    • Some people like to mix about 1 teaspoon (5 ml) table salt with 1 cup (240 ml) ice cold water. Do not use this method if you have red, irritated skin.
  2. 2 Pat your eyes dry with a cold towel. Soak a soft, fluffy towel in ice water. Roll up and apply to eyes for about 10 minutes. The cold should narrow the blood vessels around the eyes, reducing the swelling.
    • You can achieve similar results with an ice pack or frozen peas. You can also stuff the sock with raw rice and place it in the freezer. Do not use packages with large and thick vegetables, as they will not fit around the eyes.
  3. 3 Cover your eyes with cold spoons. Choose a pair of metal teaspoons that are close to the size of your eyes. Refrigerate them for a couple of minutes or refrigerate for 5-10 minutes. Apply to eyes with light pressure. Leave the spoons on until they heat up.
    • If you have time, freeze 6 spoons. Replace spoons with new ones as soon as the previous pair heats up. Stop after 3 pairs to avoid skin damage from hypothermia.
  4. 4 Pat your eyes lightly. Use your ring finger to lightly pat your swollen eyelids. This will help stimulate circulation and remove stagnant blood from the eyes.
  5. 5 Massage the bridge of your nose. Close your eyes and massage the bridge of your nose. Focus on the skin to the left and right of the nose, where glasses are usually located. This will help relieve sinus pressure that may have increased while crying.
  6. 6 Lie with your head elevated. Place two or three pillows under your head to raise it above the rest of your body. Lie with your neck straight, eyes closed and relaxed. Even a little rest can lower blood pressure.
  7. 7 Apply chilled face cream. Place the moisturizer in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes and then massage gently into your skin. The cold affects the swelling, and the cream will leave your skin soft and shiny.
    • The use of special eye creams is controversial. They have not been reliably proven to be more effective than regular face cream.
    • Avoid creams with scents or mint. They can irritate the skin.

Method 2 of 3: Preventing Eye Puffiness

  1. 1 Get enough sleep. Even if your eyes are swollen from crying, other factors can make the result worse. Sleep for at least 8 hours every night to reduce your risk of puffiness and bags under your eyes.
    • Children, adolescents, and adults require different amounts of sleep. See your doctor for recommendations.
  2. 2 Drink plenty of water. Salt buildup around the eyes can cause fluid retention, causing puffiness. Drink plenty of water to prevent this.
    • Reduce your intake of salt and caffeine, both of which cause dehydration.
  3. 3 Treat allergies. Mild allergic reactions to pollen, dust, animals, or food can cause puffy eyes. Avoid any food that makes you itchy, swollen, or uncomfortable. If not, take medications to ease the reaction. See your doctor for advice.
  4. 4 See your eye doctor. If your eyes are constantly swollen, it may be due to your body. An optometrist can check your vision and may prescribe glasses or contact lenses to reduce eye strain. An ophthalmologist can examine your eyes for their health.
  5. 5 Take a break from screens and books. When you're looking at your computer, phone, or book, get distracted every 20 minutes. During these breaks, focus on objects across the room. While eye strain is not the most common cause of puffy eyes, this method is recommended for overall eye health.

Method 3 of 3: Evaluating Home Remedies

  1. 1 Use a cold towel instead of tea bags. Many people place cold, wet tea bags on puffy eyes. This method only works because of the cold temperature. Different medical practitioners advise black, green, or a variety of herbal teas. Much of this has not been studied, and caffeine (the ingredient that seems to be the most potent) likely has no effect. Perhaps a towel has the same effect, but with a reduced risk of bacterial contamination.
  2. 2 Stay away from food products. The most common treatment for puffy eyes is cucumber wedges. Yes, it is effective, but only because the cucumber is cold. It is best to use a cold towel or ice pack to reduce the risk of bacterial infection through food.
    • If you're using home remedies, washed cucumber is probably the safest way to go. Stay away from potatoes, egg whites, yogurt, and acidic foods such as strawberries or lemon juice.
  3. 3 Keep irritating medications away from your eyes. Some home remedies are dangerous when used on the eyes, causing severe pain or damage. Do not treat puffy eyes with hemorrhoid cream, warming creams, or hydrocortisone.


  • If you cried with painted face, remove makeup with a cotton swab and dip it in makeup remover. You can use soap or a washcloth dampened with water if you do not have makeup remover with you.
  • White eyeliner can help reduce eye redness.
  • Cover puffy eyes with a brightening concealer or a mixture of liquid concealer and liquid highlighter.


  • By wiping away tears, you increase the swelling. Better to let your tears dry naturally.