How easy it is to do eye makeup

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
5 MINUTE Eye Makeup for Work / School / Everyday
Video: 5 MINUTE Eye Makeup for Work / School / Everyday


1 Apply eyeshadow in a neutral shade. Using a makeup brush, apply the eyeshadow to the upper lids. Shadows should extend slightly beyond the crease line.
  • When creating a natural make-up, shimmery eyeshadow should be avoided.
  • Grays, browns, honey and cream shades are the most suitable eyeshadow colors for natural makeup.
  • Choose a color that is slightly darker or slightly lighter than your skin tone. If you have dark skin, as a rule, light shadows will suit you, but with light skin, everything will be exactly the opposite.
  • Even natural tones can stand out if they differ from your basic skin tone.
  • 2 Apply some highlighter to the inner corners of your eyes. Choose shades that are lighter in color, such as honey or white. Lightly dip a clean brush in the shade and apply to the inner corners of the eyes near the tear ducts. This little detail will make your eyes shine.
    • You can also use any other kind of highlighter for these purposes. Foundations, concealers and contouring kits are great for this step.
  • 3 Blend the shadows thoroughly. Use a clean brush or the one you used for the eyeshadow. Start at the outer corners of your eyes, where the shadows begin. Make small circular movements with your hand across the eyes. Repeat this until the makeup looks natural.
    • Blending softens the blend lines and makes the makeup look more natural. By blending well, you will ensure that the shadows blend smoothly to match your skin tone.
    • With just one eye shadow, this procedure shouldn't take much of your time.

    Katya Gudaeva

    Professional makeup artist Katya Gudaeva is a professional makeup artist and founder of the Bridal Beauty Agency in Seattle, Washington. He has worked in the beauty industry for over 10 years, including for companies such as Patagonia, Tommy Bahama and Barneys New York, and with clients such as Amy Schumer, McLemore and Train.

    Katya Gudaeva
    Professional makeup artist

    The secret of success is in the shading, not in the cosmetics itself. Katya Gudaeva, a professional make-up artist, says: “It is important to shade the shadows to achieve a smooth color transition. If you can see where the shadows begin and end, the makeup looks very noticeable. If you shade them, you get a beautiful image, but the fact that you are wearing makeup will not be striking. "

  • 4 Draw a thin outline with eyeliner. Apply a thin line to the upper lids along the lash line.
    • For a natural look, thick contours should be avoided. A little contour on the lower lids will make your makeup look more natural if you have dark skin and dark eyes. Otherwise, it is necessary to apply the contour only to the upper eyelids.
    • If you are a beginner and find it difficult to get a straight line, try using a hard pencil instead of liquid eyeliner. A harder pencil is easier to erase or blend.
    • If you have blonde or red hair, then it is better to choose a brown or dark gray pencil. Black pencil is too dark for blonde women.
    • If you are just learning how to do makeup, then it will be difficult for you to apply a contour pencil, especially if you need to give the image a natural look. It is better to completely refuse to use it if at the moment it causes you difficulties.
  • 5 Finish off with mascara. Apply one layer of mascara to upper lashes.
    • Mascara, like eyeliner, is an additional element in creating a natural make-up. Mascara is much easier to apply, but not necessary, especially if you have naturally defined lashes.
    • Remove excess mascara from the brush before applying.
    • If you have blonde or red hair, brown mascara will look more natural than black.
  • Method 2 of 3: Create a Light, Classic Makeup

    1. 1 Choose eyeshadow. When applying this type of makeup, you will need 2 eyeshadow colors: a base light and a darker one for shading.
      • You can choose any color as the main one, as long as it is lighter than the skin tone of your eyelids. Choose your favorite shade or one that matches the color of your clothes.
      • Some colors will suit you better than others. Shades that match the color of your eyes (for example, blue eye shadows for blue eyes) will make them more expressive. Bright and saturated colors will look great on dark skin, while rich tones are great on light skin.
      • Black is the most common color, but other dark colors are also popular.
      • Many eyeshadows are sold as a palette of colors that blend well together.
    2. 2 Apply base eyeshadow to upper lids. Dip a clean brush in the eyeshadow. Apply eyeshadow starting from the outer corners of the eyes. Make some horizontal strokes and then blend them for an even coverage.
      • Before applying the second color, it is necessary to remove any excess shadows that may crumble in the process. This is especially important if you are using flesh colors that contrast with your skin tone.
    3. 3 Apply a dark color along the crease of your eyelid. Start at the outer corner and work your way towards the inner corner. You can use the same brush that you used to apply the base color.
    4. 4 Apply some highlighter to the inner corners of your eyes. Lightly dab a clean brush in the shade and apply to the inner corners of the eyes near the tear ducts. This will make your look more expressive.
      • Highlighters can be of any type, however be sure to choose a light tone (slightly lighter than your skin tone). White and honey colors are popular. You can also use light foundations and concealers.
    5. 5 Blend the eyeshadow thoroughly. To do this, use a clean brush. A fluffy brush works well. Apply the brush to the lash line of the outer corner of the eye. Move in small circular motions from the corner of your eye for about a quarter of your eyelid. This way you can blend the two colors together for a great looking makeup. Then brush along the crease of your eyelid several times. This will soften the color of the shadows.
    6. 6 Add eyeliner. You can brighten the outline if you want. For a simple (but still glamorous) make-up, you need to line up your upper eyelids with a black outline. Start at the outer corners of the eye and work towards the inner corners.
      • Try using a pencil instead of liquid eyeliner if your hand is shaking. Some people find it easier to use liquid eyeliner, although jagged lines drawn in this way will be more difficult for you to correct.
      • Cat eyes are another popular way to apply makeup. Just add two more lines to the outer corners of the eyes and extend the outline to the end of your brows. Draw a thin line back to the lower eyelid. Liquid and gel leads are best for bright and expressive makeup.
    7. 7 Finish off with mascara. Mascara is needed to make your eyes wider by coloring the eyelashes. To do this, you can use black mascara on the upper and lower eyelids.
      • Do your best to keep your eyelashes from sticking together. For this, mascara should be applied in no more than two layers. If your lashes stick together immediately after the first or second coat, try removing excess mascara from the brush with a cloth before applying.

    Method 3 of 3: Prepare your face

    1. 1 Start with your usual makeup. Apply foundation or concealer, if you are using one, before starting your eye makeup.
      • You don't have to apply your makeup in that order. Some people, especially professional makeup artists, have their own preferences for the technique of applying makeup. However, for lack of experience, this is a very simple and familiar way to apply makeup.
    2. 2 Apply eyelid foundation. Regardless of the kind of eye makeup you want, a layer of eyeliner foundation will help you get the best results. The base makes the surface smooth, making it easier to apply makeup. It also makes makeup more permanent.
      • It is recommended to apply a makeup base at this stage.
      • For lack of a foundation, you can use a layer of foundation and concealer. Don't forget to powder the foundation to help the eyeshadow stick better.
    3. 3 Curl your eyelashes. The eyelash curler may look intimidating, but it is very easy to use. Curling should only be done before applying mascara. Curling your already painted eyelashes can cause them to break off.
      • After curling, your lashes will look thick and long. It will also make your eyes look more open and expressive.

    What do you need

    • Eyes foundation or primer
    • Makeup brushes
    • Eyeshadow
    • Eyeliner
    • Mascara
    • Eyelash Curler