
How to keep ice from melting for a long time

How to keep ice from melting for a long time

Keeping the ice for longer than a couple of hour , for example, at a party, eem like a daunting ta k, e pecially if you have cute conver ation with gue t and are unable to con tantly make ure that the...

How to breed budgerigars

How to breed budgerigars

Breeding budgerigar can eem like a great hobby and it i ! However, you need to have a lot of knowledge! In addition, you need to make all budgerigar happy and healthy o that they can create a happy fa...

How to write an ionic equation

How to write an ionic equation

Ionic equation are an integral part of chemi try. They contain only tho e component that change in the cour e of a chemical reaction. Mo t often, ionic equation are u ed to de cribe redox reaction , e...

How to cure exfoliative cheilitis

How to cure exfoliative cheilitis

Exfoliative cheiliti i a condition that cau e the kin on the upper, lower, or both lip to thicken, cau ing the kin to become dry, flaky, and cracked. Thi article will tell you how to cure exfoliative ...

How to Transfer Music from iPhone to Computer

How to Transfer Music from iPhone to Computer

Thi article will how you how to u e iTune to copy purcha ed mu ic file from iPhone to your computer, a well a how to redownload purcha ed ong to your computer. 1 Make ure to buy the mu ic file you wan...

How to remove a fish hook from your finger

How to remove a fish hook from your finger

Taking the ooze off the hook, and then a painful urpri e? Below you will find tip from the fi herman on how to remove the hook from your finger, no e, lip ... 1 Gently pu h the hook through your finge...

How to get Likes on Facebook

How to get Likes on Facebook

We've all een people get a lot of like on everything they po t to Facebook, whether it' tatu update or photo of their lunch. How do they do it? To learn how to increa e the number of like on y...

How to delete all files from a Windows XP computer

How to delete all files from a Windows XP computer

In thi article, you will learn how to delete cu tom file , folder , and program on a Window XP-ba ed computer by u ing the in tallation CD and formatting the hard drive. To u e the method de cribed he...

How to deal with stupid people

How to deal with stupid people

You ee them in the tore, tanding in line in front of you. Maybe you pa them by at work, at chool, or, even wor e, meet the e people among clo e relative ! They are ... tupid people. And, unfortunately...

How to clean microfiber

How to clean microfiber

Microfiber i a material made from extremely fine man-made fiber . It i u eful for making ab orbent material uch a plate towel , cleaning cloth , etc. They are very ea y to keep clean, a you can ee by ...

How to make a bun for short hair

How to make a bun for short hair

1 Comb your hair thoroughly. 2 Pull back the hair a you would normally when braiding a ponytail. 3 Braid your tail. Pa the hair through the ela tic twice, and do not thread it all the way through the ...

How to memorize poker card combinations

How to memorize poker card combinations

The combination of card in poker are arranged in the order that how the probability of a player getting a particular combination. The combination of the highe t card in poker i called trong hand . You...

How to feed your chickens

How to feed your chickens

A you know, chicken are con umer of barnyard wa te. They will feed on kitchen crap , grain and commercial food; however, their nutrition i alway in delicate balance. When hatching egg , feed with a hi...

How to open 7z files

How to open 7z files

If you come acro a file with the exten ion ".7z" and you do not know how to open it, thi article will be u eful for you. "7z" or "7-Zip" are archive of one or more file i...

How to give an intramuscular injection

How to give an intramuscular injection

Knowing how to give an injection i u eful if you or a member of your family have a medical condition that require intramu cular medication. The deci ion to u e intramu cular injection hould be made by...

How to play Pokemon games

How to play Pokemon games

Pokémon are fictional mon ter that fight each other to get their owner a reward ... or, in rare ca e , to ave the world! 1 Catch a Pokemon. Without Pokémon, you will not be able to play, the...

How to have a prom

How to have a prom

Doe your on or daughter graduate from high chool or college? Or maybe you are a graduate? Well then congratulation ! Of cour e, you mu t decide how you are going to celebrate uch an important occa ion...

How to make chocolate ice cream

How to make chocolate ice cream

Cold, deliciou chocolate ice cream with a hint of cinnamon. Thi recipe wa created a long time ago, but till ati fie modern ta te . 940 g cream 480 gr. milk, u e whole milk for extra fat 225 gr. ahara ...

How to teach your Rottweiler puppy to follow simple commands

How to teach your Rottweiler puppy to follow simple commands

Rottweiler are loyal dog by nature and trive to plea e their owner . Conveniently, they are al o very intelligent, o training (if trained at 6 week to 6 month ) hould be very ea y. 1 The fir t thing y...

How to burn calories

How to burn calories

Mo t likely, you already know that in order to lo e weight, you need to burn more calorie than you con ume. In thi article, we'll take a clo er look at a few imple way to burn calorie that you can...