
How to write a story about yourself

How to write a story about yourself

elf- torie u ually focu on a pecific real-life event that wa extremely important to the author. You may need to write a tory about your elf a an e ay for college exam or for homework. To write a good...

How to clean the "Coach" bag

How to clean the "Coach" bag

You have a favorite Coach bag. Although the purcha e wa quite expen ive, it wa well worth it - you can carry thi bag day and night, and it alway get the approval of tho e around you, no matter where y...

How to survive the death of your grandmother

How to survive the death of your grandmother

For many people, the death of a grandparent mean the lo of a very clo e relative who played an important role in their live . After the death of a grandmother, a per on can experience many different e...

How to make spam musubi

How to make spam musubi

1 Rin e the rice beforehand. Rin ing or wa hing the rice i generally a traditional procedure in preparing Japane e rice, however, you wa h away the nutrient that the cereal ab orb in the proce . 2 Coo...

How to sew curtains on fabric loops

How to sew curtains on fabric loops

1 Decide how many curtain you need. For a mall window, one curtain may be ufficient. However, if the window i quite large, you can make two curtain for it o that you can move them apart from the middl...

How to make a lightsaber using household items

How to make a lightsaber using household items

A light aber for game can be crafted from crap material . You will get a very pre entable final re ult, the word will glow amazingly in the dark and will be the perfect complement to the co tume of th...

How to find the circumference and area of ​​a circle

How to find the circumference and area of ​​a circle

A circle i a flat, clo ed curve with all point equidi tant from the center point. The circumference (C) i the length of the clo ed curve that form the circle. The area of ​​a circle (A) i the amount o...

How to make a braided hair band

How to make a braided hair band

1 Cut five narrow trip of fabric from the bottom edge of your old T- hirt. Fir t cut off the hem, and then cut five horizontal trip of 2.5 cm wide from the bottom edge of the hirt. Cut the re ulting r...

How to stop being paranoid

How to stop being paranoid

Are you con tantly afraid that omething will happen to you? Do you notice that you often look over your houlder or think what other are aying about you? If the e cenario de cribe you, you may be paran...

How to become a goth without upsetting your parents

How to become a goth without upsetting your parents

Over the year , the Gothic tyle ha alway been very intimidating to parent and other adult . Becau e of thi , many parent react extremely negatively when their children become goth . Fortunately, there...

How to go camping

How to go camping

Everyone need a break from their daily routine. Plunging into outdoor recreation i very intere ting and not difficult at all. Make ure you bring all the item you need to achieve the be t camping exper...

How to paint a motorcycle gas tank

How to paint a motorcycle gas tank

1 Remove all old paint. and the ga tank down to bare metal with andpaper and a andbla ting gun. There may be cratche and mall dent on the tank that need to be repaired with putty. Then you need to gri...

How to get rid of dandelions on your lawn

How to get rid of dandelions on your lawn

1 Try to mow your lawn a dandelion emerge. By preventing them from ripening, you will prevent the dandelion from preading. Adju t the mower blade to at lea t 5-6 cm o that the tall gra block out the u...

How to create notes in the Mac bar

How to create notes in the Mac bar

ticky note can remind you of certain event and deed . You can u e note on your Mac da hboard to remind you of your ta k . The note will be di played on the computer and whenever you look at the da hb...

How to test your computer's RAM

How to test your computer's RAM

In thi article, we will tell you how to find out how much random acce memory (RAM) your computer i occupied by a program or a group of program . Thi can be done on Window and macO . 1 Run the program ...

How to quickly make a Greek goddess costume

How to quickly make a Greek goddess costume

An intere ting and creative Greek godde co tume i very ea y to make your elf. It doe n't take much of your time, and you may already have all the material you need at home (or can be ea ily purcha...

How to breed pheasants

How to breed pheasants

Phea ant are much more difficult to breed than other dome ticated bird . Many female refu e to lay egg or feed chick in captivity, and even egg in an incubator hatch le than 50% of chick . Neverthele ...

How to please a girl from school

How to please a girl from school

A king omeone on a date at chool i not alway ea y. E pecially if you really like thi omeone. Of cour e, you can't get a per on to have mutual feeling for you, but there are many way to impre a gir...

How to remove moles without surgery

How to remove moles without surgery

Mole are the common name for benign pigmented le ion on the kin, often in the form of a dark brown pot or pea. If you are looking to remove a mole, the afe t and mo t effective way to do thi i to get ...

How to behave on a date at the cinema

How to behave on a date at the cinema

A date at the cinema i an intere ting and romantic idea. Thi i a great chance to pend time together and enjoy a good how. Even if you're nervou , the be t way to behave on a date like thi i to ju ...