How to Determine Passion

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Find Your Passion - 11 Abilities (Which one is for you?)
Video: How To Find Your Passion - 11 Abilities (Which one is for you?)


If you are reading this article, you may feel something is missing, as if you have nothing to desire and desire to achieve in life. You may have heard the advice "go after a passion", but this can be difficult if you are not sure what you really love. We all struggle with this at some point in our lives. Do not worried! While your passion is still vague at the moment, you will surely find it. Instead of just fantasizing about and waiting for something to happen, follow these tips to find something you truly love and live your passions on!


Method 1 of 13: Think about activities that make you feel happy and meaningful

  1. Take a few minutes to think about all of the usual activities you have been involved in and write it down. It could be hobbies, work, or anything that brings you pleasure. Pay special attention to activities that you are engrossed in doing until you forget about the time, as this often means that you are very excited.
    • Chances are you have done something that you are passionate about, you just don't realize it yet.
    • Ask friends and family members what you are talking about. If you do activities frequently, you probably have a bit of passion for the topic.
    • Consider aspects of your career as well. For example, if you enjoy coaching new employees, maybe your passion lies in education or working with others.
    • If you are looking for a passion in your career, think about everyday jobs that interest you most, such as giving presentations or coaching a new employee.
    • Think about the jobs you've ever loved and hated the most to find out what careers to pursue and which paths to avoid.

Method 2 of 13: Write down the values ​​you value

  1. Values ​​are core beliefs that make you feel good and become part of your personality. As you explore your passions, choosing what fits the values ​​you value will make you happier and more satisfied. Think about all the important things in your life to find out what activities, interests or careers match them.
    • Some of the core values ​​can be mentioned are loyalty, creativity, compassion, family or trust.
    • If you're still confused about what values ​​you value, make a list of a few people you admire and think about which values ​​they pursue. For example, you might admire your spouse's ability to listen or cherish a friend's honesty.
    • Consider the problems you want to solve and the people you most want to help out if you are looking for a career that makes you passionate.
    • It also helps to think about the outcome of the career you're looking for. For example, if you dream of becoming a writer, you might want to be recognized and shared your views with others.

Method 3 of 13: Examine your talents

  1. If you have talents or mastery of certain skills, maybe that is also a clue that tells you about your passion. Think about what talents you have, such as photography, giving public presentations or playing an instrument. Even if you feel like you have no talent, watch out when people praise you for something that you don't even think is good. Maybe you have a talent that you don't recognize.
    • Don't forget that being passionate doesn't mean you have to be good at it. For example, you can still love football even though you rarely get the ball in the net. As long as you're interested in an activity, you can still indulge in it.

Method 4 of 13: Find topics that interest you.

  1. While not everything you care about matches perfectly, it is possible that they are linked together with a deep passion that you may not realize at first. Think of books that you often love to read, hobbies you're always excited to participate in, things you don't spend time and money investing in to see if they have similarities. Are they all on a certain topic or share repeating concepts? If so, you can count on that to figure out what you're really passionate about.
    • For example, if you are often attracted to book pages about planets and enjoy watching the moon and stars, you may be passionate about astronomy and space.

Method 5 of 13: Narrow the scope of your concerns.

  1. After making a list of the things that interest you, select the items that you feel are most important at the moment. You can come back to choosing other categories later, but the things you're most interested in are often the things that you are most passionate about.
    • It's easy to be tempted to try all the things you enjoy, but pursuing too much can be tiring and stressful. You may also find that you are still not improving in certain areas because you have to split the time into too many things.
    • You can also narrow the scope of your career search by looking at the jobs of each career you're considering. Read about the responsibilities that a career entails and visualize your daily life in the future.

Method 6 of 13: Re-engage your childhood passion

  1. As you get older, you may find your childhood dreams irrational and no longer pursue them. Think about hobbies that you used to enjoy as a child but stopped when you grew up. Maybe you used to enjoy writing stories, doodling sketches, or playing sports. Try bringing childhood pleasures to the present life and see if you can find the same feeling you used to be.
    • Ask yourself what your inner child thinks about you now. Are you still doing things that you once thought were important and enjoyable?

Method 7 of 13: Discover the things you've always wanted to try

  1. We all have dreams of doing something, and nothing can stop you from chasing your dreams. Even if you are shy or embarrassed at first, you will never realize that you are truly passionate about something without trying it. Open up to new opportunities, maybe you'll find something that you never thought you liked before.
    • List experiences or activities that interest you slightly and find ways to participate.
    • Don't be prejudiced without pursuing interesting things just because they make you uncomfortable. If you do not approach things with an open mind, you may lose your chance to get used to things you might be passionate about.
    • Get ready to explore new career paths. Go online to find the vacancies and read carefully the job description to see if it matches your passion.

Method 8 of 13: Chat with people in your niche

  1. Even if you only have a little interest in something, finding someone who can guide you and give advice will help you learn more. Reach out to people who share your interests and have a little more experience than you in the field you want to pursue. Ask questions and discuss the activity so you can perform well with them.
    • As you become more involved, mentors can help you develop more passion.
    • Your advisor can be anyone, such as someone in your industry, your coach, your friends, or even family members.

Method 9 of 13: Be enthusiastic about everything you do

  1. It's easy to get pessimistic when completing a task that terrifies you, but feeling pessimistic will only push you into negative thinking. Even if you have to do something unpleasant, see it as an opportunity to learn. How do you know if you find your passion if you are not passionate about it?
    • For example, even if gardening may seem like an obligation, you may find yourself truly interested in gardening or studying native plant life.

Method 10 of 13: Take the path C.L.E.A.R. to find a new hobby

  1. The path C.L.E.A.R. break down each stage to help you realize when you are developing a hobby into a deeper passion. C.L.E.A.R. are the first letters of English words Curious (curious), Learning (Learn), Enthusiasm (enthusiasm), Aware (awareness and Recognizing (recognize). Passion starts from curiosity about something that grabs your attention. If you want to keep pursuing it, you will start Learn to better understand its requirements.
    • When the fire enthusiasm that is already aroused, you will really want to participate in those experiences.
    • In the end you will awareness and a determination to engage in the activity, such as purchasing items or spending more time on it.
    • As they continue to follow this path, people will begin recognize your passion as it is too obvious.

Method 11 of 13: Invest time in your hobby

  1. You may think you are passionate about something, but you won't feel a burning desire unless you spend time on it. Take time each week to focus on your interests and interests. As you dig deeper and become more aware of it, you will enjoy more and more passion in you will grow.
    • Finding your passion is a great step, but it takes time to develop.
    • Try to find a class or a coach related to your passions for someone to help you accountable.
    • Find ways to eliminate time-consuming activities in your schedule. For example, you can cut down on social media to spend more time with your passion.

Method 12 of 13: Persevere over challenges and setbacks.

  1. There will be times when you will encounter obstacles in your pursuit of your passion, but don't let them discourage you. Even if you don't have a natural talent for that area, just persevere and overcome difficulties to improve and improve. Once you are passionate about something, you will have to devote your time and energy to it, so don't waste your time, and consider failure as experiences to learn and move forward.
    • For example, filmmaker Steven Spielberg was beaten by the film university three times, but in the end there were blockbusters like Shark's jaw, Jurassic Park, and Rescue runner Ryan.
    • Walt Disney has been criticized many times for lack of imagination before he founded an animation company.
    • While persistence is essential, it is also important to realize when to stop pursuing something.If you don't feel as excited as before, maybe it's time to move on to something else.

Method 13 of 13: Don't limit yourself once you fall in love

  1. It's easy to find a comfortable, safe place, but it can prevent you from developing a passion. If there are new experiences you want to try, step out of your comfort zone and keep learning. Take in new things more often or do things that you have never tried before to motivate yourself.
    • Try changing your daily routine so that each day you can experience something different.
    • Get closer to the things you're afraid of. For example, if you are passionate about drawing but are afraid of working with paints, buy a set of paint colors and try to create a small piece to practice every day.
    • It may seem difficult at first, but you will be more satisfied and happier knowing that you are pursuing what you love.


  • Developing your passion takes time, so you need to maintain your focus and effort to follow your dreams.
  • Reduce stress or other time-consuming activities in your schedule, as it can distract you from your true passion.


  • Do not put all your energy right into a certain bias. Everything requires patience, careful planning and a lot of dedication.