How to get Likes on Facebook

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
1 Simple Hack to Getting 1000 Likes on Facebook
Video: 1 Simple Hack to Getting 1000 Likes on Facebook


We've all seen people get a lot of likes on everything they post to Facebook, whether it's status updates or photos of their lunch. How do they do it? To learn how to increase the number of likes on your page, read this article.


Method 1 of 3: Be on Facebook all the time

  1. 1 Like your friends' posts. This will encourage your friends to love you back. Better yet, comment! Be active on your friends' pages and they will be active on yours.
    • Thanks to this, not only will your name appear on their page with every like and comment, but also Facebook will start identifying your news as important and will display it in your friends' feed.
    • Heard about S4S on YouTube? This means Sub-For-Sub: you subscribe to a channel and the owner subscribes to yours. The situation is similar with Facebook - if you like your friends' photos, they will be more inclined to like yours. Think of it as an unspoken rule.
  2. 2 Share. Share the content of other users (friends or interesting pages and sites) that you like; it is possible that your friends will also like it. Today it is possible to share directly from most sites.
    • Share by their photographs. If you add a photo, only those who are currently online will see it. If you post it later, completely different people will see it.
  3. 3 Have a sense of humor. It doesn't have to be your jokes - you can borrow them from other places and it will be equally effective.
    • Remember the timing. If you post a cool joke at 4 a.m., only those who suffer from insomnia and those on the other side of the world will appreciate it.
    • Be on trend. Humor tends to change over time (like hashtags). Use what people like at the moment to reach a larger audience.
      • Consider the specifics of your audience. When you hit your finger on a chair, you might think that this will be big news to your friends - but alas, they may think otherwise.
      • Some things never change. People will always love children.
  4. 4 Be proactive. If others like and comment on your posts, love them back! This exchange will lead to even more communication and interaction.
    • Tag your friends on the posts associated with them. These can be photos, statuses, etc. Thanks to this, they (and maybe their friends) will definitely see this recording.
  5. 5 Add more people as friends. It's very simple: more friends = more likes!

Method 2 of 3: Be Mobile

  1. 1 Notice interesting points. The best moments are usually spontaneous. Be ready to take a photo at any time and send it to Facebook in three clicks.
    • If you don't have a smartphone, take your camera with you and add photos later.
    • Add relevant photos. If you have a photo of a friend in his pajamas, it might not be worth posting.
  2. 2 Take notes. If your friend is laughing and can't stop, pick up the phone and write shortly the reason for the laugh. Attended a revelation in the middle of the night? Write it down and post it later.

Method 3 of 3: What to Avoid

  1. 1 Do not overdo it. Don't have too much content, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.
    • This includes status updates, photos, etc. Obsession with the news feed can lead to your news being hidden or removed from your friends.
  2. 2 Don't post trivial things. Don't post if there is nothing outstanding about it. You can add a photo of your lunch to your blog. Have you seen a three-legged talking cat? Publish now!
    • Think about whether the post contains something that other people might like. If not, don't post the post. She will not get the reaction you expect.
  3. 3 Don't buy Facebook likes. This should not be done under any circumstances. Anything that will not give you true connoisseurs of your content is not worth the time and money spent, and will only have a temporary effect. If robots like your posts, this does not mean that real people will do the same.


  • Don't ask to like you. Few people like beggars.
  • Don't be intrusive! It's just as easy to become intrusive on Facebook as it is in real life - perhaps even easier. Don't comment or post on someone's Facebook page more often than you do on yours.
  • Posting inappropriate photos containing nudity might get you Likes, but this is clearly the wrong way to go. Do not post such photos, otherwise you may be blocked on Facebook.