How to be a gamer

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be a 90’s Gamer
Video: How to be a 90’s Gamer


A player is often portrayed as the cold-hearted Casanova, who breaks the hearts of hundreds of girls every place he goes. When he appeared, every girl wanted to talk to him and wanted to be a couple with him. And if he really knows what he's doing, he can get a girl to bed faster than even asking for payment. If you already have a player's genetics and want to improve your skills, or this lifestyle is something you're looking forward to, don't miss out on this article.


Method 1 of 4: Think like a player

  1. Always be confident. You can walk and talk like a playboy, but if this doesn't come with a reasonable attitude, the girls will get bored. Before you can become a real player, you must practice to gain true confidence. Here's how to do it:
    • Reduce anxiety. Think of all the things that are worrying you like your future, your family, or your career, and try to minimize any negative thoughts about these. Moderate stress usually doesn't matter much, but if you are obsessed with what might go wrong, you won't be able to focus on reality, and girls will see a guy with so many things going on in his mind.
    • Be honest with your minus points. Always pay attention to what you are missing and try to fix it. Inability to listen, disorganized, or too easily distracted? Make a plan to improve those little by little. No one is born perfect, but everyone can become better.
    • Positive thinking. When you enter the "war", think of the three things that make you most proud of yourself instead of the three that you are trying to overcome. If you have positive thoughts about yourself, girls will have similar thoughts.

  2. Don't get too attached to anyone. A real player should value quantity over quality, so if you want to live this style, you need to enjoy the companionship of as many women as possible, and not fall for any girl. Come on. If you're worried about when she thinks about you or calls you, you're getting deeper into the realm of a serious relationship, and it's essential to protect yourself. Here's how to not be bound:
    • When you feel your relationship with a girl is getting too close, change direction. If she starts talking too deeply into your private life, wants to live together or plans a romantic vacation, this is definitely a sign she wants a serious relationship, and you should stop.
    • Don't let the relationship go too far. Enjoy your time together, but don't make her feel too warm and close. Focus on enjoying the good times when things are out and about and in bed, and switch topics when things start to go too far.
    • Don't become corny. When you meet an attractive girl, think about what it feels like to have fun when you dance, be intimate or have sex, not what your grandchildren will look like. Think comfortably, and everything will work out as you please.
    • If you really did find the girl of your dreams, maybe it's time to rethink this lifestyle. Even a true playboy can't escape love, so if you find a girl that makes you forget all the other girls and wants to spend the rest of your life taking care of her, keep her real. tight and never let go. This happens very rarely in the lives of real players, but if you can't control your emotions, maybe it's time to say goodbye to all the other girls.

  3. Always think about what to do next. As a chess player, you always have to be ahead of your opponent one by one, even many countries. If you only focus on reality, you won't be able to easily replace girl after girl in your game. Here's how to do it:
    • Always plan each of your games. If you two meet at the dance floor, think about where you want to take her next. Should you take her to a more informal bar, to your home, or to a favorite party with a buddy? Before inviting her into the car, have a plan for the night in mind, so you don't have to waste time thinking about what you should do.
    • Plan your weekends. You can say goodbye to the girl you met last night, but what are you going to do tonight? Unless you want to sit alone in your bedroom surfing the phone, having a list of girls willing to hang out with you is always welcome.

Method 2 of 4: Dress up like a playboy

  1. Always wear the right clothes. You need to dress like a hand before acting like a hand. A real gamer should dress well, but it should look like he's not trying too hard. The clothes you're wearing should serve only one purpose — helping you find a girl willing to take it off. Here are a few ways to choose the right outfit:
    • Wear an unbuttoned long-sleeved shirt with a tight-fitting tank top. Girls will want to get closer to that shirt to feel your muscles. Always wear shirts that show off the deadly beautiful muscles on your body.
    • Wear pants that are a bit loose so they can always be in an attractive position. Give her a hint of your "weapon", and find an excuse to pull your shirt up to show her your solid abs. Once the girls bite, they will be swept away wherever you want.
    • Choose smart shoes. Even when sitting in a luxury restaurant or exercising with casual sneakers, always send a clear message with new, hard and expensive shoes. The ladies will think you are willing to spend the same amount of money on luxury dates.
    • Always carry accessories to create accents. Get creative with purses, gold necklaces or fancy jewelry. A player is not someone who always tries to be subtle in front of girls. You can wear a belt with a prominent buckle, directing the girls' gazes to the right direction at first sight.
  2. Practice for the perfect body. The life of a player isn't just about night parties and girls. In order to maintain a glamorous appearance, you will have to spend a lot of time exercising.Seducing a girl can be difficult if your arm looks like a cowpea. Here's how to get the body you want:
    • Work out with cardio activities. Start by jogging for two to three kilometers, but learn to run for 8 kilometers continuously before stopping. You won't be Don Juan if your conquest just reach the stairs and are breathing hard.
    • Build muscle. Do everything you can to achieve strong abs, perfect chest muscles and strong shoulders. Do push-ups at the gym, or do a sport that benefits your muscles like boxing or basketball.
    • Eat right. If you take her to dinner, you can reward yourself with delicacies like steak, but when alone, try to put in a balanced amount of fruit, vegetables, protein, and sugar, Starch and fiber, which can help you burn excess fat and build muscle.
  3. Perfect body language. Acting open and assertive will make your "prey" feel not only your confidence, but also all the energy you're focusing on for her, of course, just in the meantime. Here's how to get there:
    • Attractive eye contact. When you talk to girls, be sure to stare into their eyes, as if you're about to jump right into her arms. When she receives such eye contact, she will be attracted to her and you will more easily excite her. Makes her feel like she's the only woman, not only in the room but in the world.
    • Lean over to her while talking. When you are talking to a girl who is clearly “falling in”, approach her as if you could kiss her at any moment. That will make her crave more from you.
    • Direct your body to face her. Don't cross your arms, or point your feet in the other direction. All your gestures have to say: "Hey beauty, you are ready."
  4. Clean as a player. Body hygiene is just as important as dress or gesture. Girls wouldn't be attracted to a stinking guy like spending a day in the slums. Here's how to seduce a woman with just cleansing her body:
    • Use strong, masculine perfumes. This will make the girls just want to fall into your arms.
    • Bathe and wash your hair at least once a day. Use a shampoo and shower gel with a masculine scent to make girls swoon the first time they meet.
    • Always use hair wax. Add charm to your hair with some kind of hair wax, so girls can't resist getting their hands through your hair.
    • Always keep your breath fresh. You will need this when talking with her.
    • Keep your face clean. Shave off the beard and bring your hands to your face. Then look at her and say, "Feel the smoothness, beauty."
  5. Buy yourself a house that deserves this lifestyle. To complete the final chapter of the book "Becoming a Player", you will have to have a home, besides a glossy appearance, that is worthy of the spoils you bring in every night. Here's how to prepare your girl for a sexy sleep:
    • Keep everything clean. Since you can bring a girl home in the blink of an eye, it's important to keep fresh tablecloths, kitchen counters clean, and most importantly, the bathroom without stains. If the girl feels uncomfortable the moment she enters the room, she will find ways to leave before you can do anything.
    • Always have spare supplies. Fill the refrigerator with wine, or junk food like grapes or strawberries for hot dinners.
    • Keep the room flashy. Leather seats, bright lights and flat screen TV will make her feel right in your room. If you don't have the money to have super luxurious rooms, focus on keeping your home clean.

Method 3 of 4: Hunting like a player

  1. Choose wisely. Before you act, make sure the girl you're targeting is comfortable with your lifestyle. If you make the wrong choices, you might meet someone who doesn't care, or someone who wants to marry you as soon as possible. Here's how to find the right girl:
    • Find a girl who is smiling, cheerful, and looking for a great night out with a guy. Don't talk to girls who are bored, fiddling with the phone or looking for something more interesting than this party. These girls are usually easy targets, and you want to spend time with people who deserve your attention.
    • Avoid the girls who are looking for the wandering of her life. A lot of the girls you approach will want more than a hot night out. Any girl who mentions arranging a date with her friends and family, wants a stable life, or her time as a bridesmaid, usually doesn't want to be the tenth favorite girl on the list. your lover. Let her go to find her home, do not waste your time, or hers.
    • Avoid girls who already have a boyfriend. If you see a girl who doesn't care about a guy who's trying to chase you, don't stop. But if she is glued to her boyfriend, or future partner, unless you are ready to face the challenge, find someone who is more interesting that is not out of reach.
  2. Makes her feel special. Approach a group of girls, have fun chatting and show them that you're a great guy around. But after a while, move on to your prey, find a way to separate her and make her feel special. Here's how:
    • Start softly. Start a conversation with gentle jokes or ask her what she wants to drink. Find ways to make her smile and show herself as a guy she is worth talking to.
    • Tell her how special she is. Say something like, "There's something different about you." Make her feel that you stand out the most that night, and that you are the one who clearly sees her uniqueness.
    • Compliment her. Don't overdo it, but let her know at least three things you like about her, whether it's her eyes, her dance, or how she smiles. You don't have to say deep things, just let her know that you value who you are and really want to get to know her.
  3. Make her the center of the story. Everyone wants to be an interesting person, so listen carefully to her and make it clear that you really care about what she says.
  4. Always a gentleman. Treat her, her friends, waiters, and strangers with respect. This signals her that you are a mysterious guy in a positive direction, and that you will be nice to her.
    • Keep the door open as she comes in, help her put on her coat, and listen attentively to what she wants.
  5. Stay calm when she refuses. Maybe she's not comfortable with a one-night affair, or she's not looking for that fun today, or she doesn't like men. Stay calm and look for a new goal.
    • If you are rejected immediately, politely nod and say goodbye. After that, continue to look for a girl that is easier to agree with.
    • If she doesn't want to go beyond a certain limit, accept her decision and cool down the story. Keep everything normal and don't put pressure on her.
  6. Don't cheat on her. The difference between a real gamer and a bastard are the lies that bastard would be willing to tell any girl. You don't want to be dating someone who keeps in mind that this is the start of a long-term relationship. Let her know that you are not the one seeking fidelity, so that these awkward situations of misunderstanding won't happen later.
  7. Always the one who ends the story. Stick to the sequence of your approach and always try to take the story to the next level. Your goal is to get her to bed, not to have a deep conversation about the meaning of life.When you feel an invisible connection between you and her, show her that you want to take the fun to the next level. Here's how to do it:
    • Keep things simple. Say something like, "Do you want to get out of here?" or "Would you like to find another place to talk?"
    • Actively attack. After taking her somewhere where the two of you are alone, gently touch her, or ask if you can help her take off her coat. Tempt up her as soon as possible, as long as she wants you to continue.
  8. Make sure you stay hot in bed. To become a real player, you need to show her that you are not a mere martial artist. Here are a few tips to help you improve your bed's ability to keep girls wanting to be with you:
    • Massage her. Massage her shoulders, lower back, or even her legs, to show her that you are someone who knows how to serve ladies' bodies.
    • Kiss with passion. Don't stick your tongue in her mouth — start with a gentle kiss and move on to hot sex.
    • Once you get her to bed, take it easy. Give her enough time to prepare to have sex. Make fun of her, bite her gently, or do any other way to get her excited. Do not be in a hurry to make love because it will only make your sex time painful and lose the hot part.
    • When it's over, go back to being a polite guy. You don't have to spend hours cuddling in bed when the fun is over, but spending time with your girl, kissing her gently, or letting her stay the night will help her feel full. more specifically, immediately rushing into the bathroom after the rain had ended.
  9. Always keep calm. After having a good time with a new girl, keep the right attitude if you want to see her again, or at least leave a good impression, and you won't be the bad guy in the business. chat between her and other girls. Here's how:
    • Don't make it clear when you'll see her again. Tell her that the two will meet again at some point in the future. Don't try to invite her out to dinner next week, this is not what people do.
    • Always a gentleman. Help her put on her coat or take her to the car. Make a good final impression so she doesn't think you're a sleazy.
    • Don't be too overworked with flattery. Tell her you had a great time, not the best night of your life. Be realistic and don't make her think you are something you aren't.
    • End with good action. When you say goodbye, make her smile, give her a gentle kiss, or talk about the great things about the previous cuddles. Make sure she wants to see you again, and that you are the one to decide if that happens. If you want to see her again, wait a few days before sending the text. Don't stop, playboy!

Method 4 of 4: You should be a player if ...

  1. You are not looking for stability. Becoming a player is not the journey to find "that person". This is a journey of getting to know many people and constantly changing from one partner to another. There's no right way to date, but understand that living as a player is a shallow way of building a relationship.
    • If you're looking for a deep emotional bond, don't be a player.
    • If you want to find the other half of your life, don't be the player.
    • If you don't feel good about disappointing others, don't be the player.
  2. You love going out of the house and meeting new friends. The life of a player is constantly on the move. You will go to parties, clubs and events every weekend and constantly make new friends. A player usually has many friends, although only a few of them are called "close".
    • If you just enjoy sitting at home and watching Netflix, don't be a player.
    • If you just enjoy meeting brothers at a fancy bar, don't be a playboy.
    • If you want the comfort and ease of a long term relationship, don't be a playboy.
  3. You don't have a problem hurting someone else's feelings. The truth of being a player is that you hurt many girls' feelings. Someone will feel attached to you. You may also feel an unexpected attachment to someone. If you are caught up in that attachment, you will never have complete control over the other person's emotions. Occasionally, there will be endings not as simple as you want. You will need to be polite to disappoint the other person.
    • If you don't like breaking up, don't be a player.
    • If you understand the fatigue of confrontations, don't be a player.
    • If you feel bad about sleeping with someone and say goodbye the next morning, don't be a playboy.
  4. You're always ready to juggle with many girls at the same time. A player does not belong to the world of those looking for the other half of his life. However, dealing with multiple lovers at once is not easy, especially if you don't reveal to them that you are flirting with other girls. That doesn't mean you are doing wrong or unethical things. You just need to have a clear understanding of what you are about to enter.
    • If you feel uncomfortable holding relationships with many girls at once, don't be a player.
    • If you hate managing multiple relationships, texting, keeping secrets, don't be a player.
    • If you have a moral problem with polygamy, don't be a player.
  5. You're always ready to find new ones. Whatever happens, you don't have to choose between being a player and staying away from all the fun. You can always live between two extremes. If you are unsure of your options, you can always try living as a gamer. Try to find a new partner, try to keep the girls from making little impact on your life. If you are interested in exploring relationships, feel free to apply the following tips in the order you want. advertisement


  • Remember that before you break up with a girl, be a polite, respectful man and treat her gently. You will have a better chance of avoiding future conflicts if you behave properly the last time you meet.
  • If she appears with a group of friends, try to make friends with everyone. Getting the respect of the leader will increase your attractiveness in her eyes.
  • Be a gentleman. Keep the door open for her, ask her if she coughs, and show as much concern as you can.


  • Never date a girl that is part of a close group of friends or coworkers. This can have unpredictable consequences.
  • Women can become players just like men. A female player can use the strategies mentioned above to gain the upper hand in a fight where you are prey. Remember you can choose to participate or not.
  • Don't be a bastard. You can be confident and hunt without having to portray a bad guy.