How to kiss a girl in the movies

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to KISS a Girl at the MOVIES (13 Steps)
Video: How to KISS a Girl at the MOVIES (13 Steps)


A kiss in the cinema is one of the first steps to a relationship. The hardest part of this process is building up the courage and daring to invite a girl to a movie. If the girl agreed to go to the movies with you, start developing tactics. Believe me, everyone loves kissing, and the chance that the girl will not mind your kiss is pretty high. The best advice for this kind of situation is to just relax. If a girl agreed to go to the movies with you, most likely she herself is looking forward to when you kiss her!


Part 1 of 3: Build an Action Plan

  1. 1 First, find the right movie to watch. Search the internet for a poster and find something that works for a kiss. There are now several smartphone apps that show what's on in nearby cinemas.
  2. 2 So, pick a movie. A movie that you both don't want to watch is best. This may confuse you a little, but you go there to fulfill your mission! The movie you really want to watch will be in the cinema for a few more weeks.If you know that the girl is really looking forward to some kind of movie, invite her to go to it yourself.
    • You should not go to the premiere of a film, it is better to choose a film that will not have a whole bunch of people.
    • Pay attention to the length of the movie. Decide right away which duration suits you best: a three-hour movie or a standard one and a half hour.
  3. 3 Now think about the genre. In a serious movie, you don't really want to hug or kiss. Choose from comedy, melodrama, or horror. Plus, there aren't usually as many people going to these films as they are to blockbusters.
  4. 4 Pick a movie together. Go to the same page and just watch the movie trailers. If you really want to see something, say so, but don't be too persistent. Choose what you both like.

Part 2 of 3: Create the Right Mood

  1. 1 Make an appointment early. This will give you time to flirt a little before the movie. Don't be nervous, because the girl has already agreed to go on a date with you! Just be yourself.
  2. 2 Invite her to play a game. This is a great way to defuse the atmosphere and have a little chat. Look into her eyes periodically.
    • Don't try to beat her with all your might! Be playful and cute. If you perceive her as a real rival, you will ruin all chances for a kiss!
  3. 3 Offer her a snack or cocktail. Buy a large popcorn and cocktail for two. If this is your first date with this girl, be sure to suggest the first snack.
  4. 4 Choose a location. The last rows and corners are best for kissing, but try to choose a location that is away from other spectators.
  5. 5 Pay attention to your lips: Are they soft enough? Before a date, you can apply a light coat of chapstick to help keep your lips from chapping. During the day, do not smear with hygienic lipstick, otherwise the lips will be too sticky. Do not worry.
  6. 6 Carry peppermint gum with you. Even if you just ate a cake or something tasty and flavorful, carry gum with you anyway.

Part 3 of 3: Take Action

  1. 1 Wait for the movie to start. If you start to climb kissing during commercials, it can embarrass the girl. Let her get used to your company, wait at least 20 minutes after the start of the film. The perfect moment to kiss is the slow romantic scene in the movie.
  2. 2 Maintain eye contact. You shouldn't sit and stare at a girl for the entire movie, but sometimes try to glance at her and meet her gaze, and then watch the movie again.
    • If you and she turn red after accidentally meeting your eyes, that's a good sign.
  3. 3 Take her hand. If a girl puts her hand on the armrest, most likely she is waiting for you to take her hand. Don't be too pushy - just place your hand on her arm and wait for the girl to respond to your token of attention.
  4. 4 Try to guess how she is feeling. Watch her: if she is leaning on the opposite side of the seat, she most likely does not want to kiss and hug. If a girl straightens her hair and tuck it behind her ear, this is a good sign. Try not to stare at her, but just glance occasionally.
  5. 5 So it's time to get down to the main part. Slowly turn towards her and gently touch her chin with your finger. This gesture will tell her: "I want to kiss you." Then the girl should slightly tilt her head towards you. As soon as you see that she is waiting for a kiss, slowly move closer to her lips.
    • If you see that the girl does not respond to your signs of attention and clearly does not crave a kiss, leave this venture.
  6. 6 After the kiss, evaluate her reaction. She may want you to kiss her again. After the first kiss, act like a real gentleman, be adorable. You shouldn't say banal phrases like: "Well, yes, that was good" or "You kiss well."
  7. 7 Take short breaks between kisses. Don't kiss her whole movie! Kiss and then watch the movie again. Wait 20 minutes, and then turn your head to her side again. If a girl liked your first kiss, she will also tilt her head in your direction.
    • Guys usually take the first step in these things, so you need to muster your strength and be confident. If you act confidently but gently, the girl will be comfortable with you.
  8. 8 Compliment her. After the movie ends, be sure to say that you were really good with her, that you had a great time. Be sure to hint or say directly that you would like to meet again sometime. You shouldn't question the girl if she liked the kiss or something like that. Be honest, but not intrusive.


  • If you feel that the girl liked the kiss, extend it!
  • Show her attentions, but not all at once! Start small.
  • Be discreet.
  • Do not kiss a girl in front of her parents - the girl will be very uncomfortable. Just hug her gently.
  • Be confident, but don't be cocky or rude. Be sure to listen to her feelings and watch her reactions.
  • If the girl herself touched your hand, this is a sure sign that she expects a kiss from you.
  • Don't yawn or put your hand on the back of her chair. Perhaps many consider this trick a success, but she is unlikely to find it cute.
  • If she is leaning on the armrest between yours and hers, she most likely wants you to take her hand.
  • Take a shower before your date!
  • Don't ask her friends about her impressions after the date.


  • Don't move too hard, or she will get worried.
  • Before reaching for her, make sure she is not eating or drinking, otherwise this will be a pretty awkward situation!
  • Try not to cut your teeth into her teeth while kissing.
  • Remember that you are not alone in the theater. There is nothing wrong with kissing, but if you draw a lot of attention to yourself, other viewers will reprimand you.

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