How to get rid of nasolabial folds

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can You Get Rid of Nasolabial Folds? | Dr. Jonathan Sykes
Video: Can You Get Rid of Nasolabial Folds? | Dr. Jonathan Sykes


The folds that stretch from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth indicate that your life was full of joy, smiles and laughter. However, these deep wrinkles sometimes make us look older. There are several ways to reduce or eliminate nasolabial folds. For this purpose, use a variety of cosmetics, such as exfoliants, resort to special beauty treatments and do exercises for the muscles of the face. In addition, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle: eat a balanced diet, keep your body hydrated, and exercise regularly.


Method 1 of 3: Using cosmetics

  1. 1 Use moisturizers daily. Moisturizers (creams and lotions) moisturize the skin and smooth fine lines, including those around the mouth. The best effect is provided by moisturizers containing collagen, which help restore skin health and elasticity.
  2. 2 Apply exfoliants regularly. Exfoliants (scrubs) help remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, under which there are healthier and younger ones. This reduces the wrinkles that appear when you laugh or smile. Find the right exfoliant for your skin type. Moisten your face with warm water and apply the exfoliant to the skin in gentle circular motions. Then rinse your face with warm water.
  3. 3 An exfoliant can be made with brown sugar and coconut oil. At home, the exfoliant can be prepared with a variety of oils, but a combination of coconut oil and brown sugar is the most commonly used. Combine two tablespoons of brown sugar and two tablespoons of coconut oil. Apply the exfoliant to your face in gentle circular motions. After a few minutes, wash off with warm water.
    • Brown sugar acts as a scrub and coconut oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The face becomes fresher, and wrinkles are reduced with regular use of this exfoliant.
  4. 4 Protect your skin from sunlight daily. Ultraviolet radiation leads to premature aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. To protect your skin and reduce wrinkles around your mouth, apply sunscreen daily, spend more time in the shade, and wear a hat. A sunscreen for daily use should have a protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, and for prolonged exposure to the sun - for example, for a beach holiday or a picnic in nature - a protection factor of at least 30.
    • You can use foundations with sunscreen properties: they not only protect the skin from sun damage, but also help mask wrinkles.
  5. 5 To hide nasolabial folds, use a cream with a blur effect or a foundation. While you have not completely overcome the nasolabial folds, you can mask them with a primer or cream with a blur effect. After you have applied your sunscreen and before you apply any foundation or powder, dab some primer or blur cream on your finger and gently fill the nasolabial fold with it. This should be done before applying basic makeup.
  6. 6 You can smooth out nasolabial folds with injections of a dermal filler. Skin fillers are gels of various compositions that fill wrinkles and smooth nasolabial folds. Some of the safest dermal fillers are Restylane and Juvederm, which are approved by the US FDA. The filling procedure performed by a plastic surgeon usually takes 15 minutes to one hour.
    • It should be remembered that the effect of dermal fillers is limited: one injection is enough for about 4-9 months, and then the procedure will have to be repeated.
    • Filling is a rather expensive procedure, the price of which ranges from 10 to 15 thousand rubles per injection.
  7. 7 Make an appointment with a beautician and take a skin care course. In addition to filler injections, there are many other cosmetic procedures and skin care products: anti-wrinkle creams, retinol preparations, laser correction and botox injections. All of them help to reduce or completely eliminate nasolabial folds and wrinkles. Make an appointment with a beautician and discuss how best to eliminate your nasolabial folds for a long time.

Method 2 of 3: Exercising the Facial Muscles

  1. 1 Exercise your facial muscles. Facial yoga is a natural way to help you look younger. It strengthens the facial muscles and reduces wrinkles. First, press your index fingers to the corners of your mouth and stretch it out to the sides. Try, overcoming resistance, to return the corners of the mouth to their original position. Hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. Ideally, this exercise should be done daily, 10 to 25 times a day.
  2. 2 Draw some air in your mouth and puff out your cheeks. To strengthen your cheek muscles and smooth your face, take a deep breath through your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Blow air from one cheek to the other. Exhale and repeat the exercise.
  3. 3 Smile broadly without unclenching your teeth. A wide smile strengthens the muscles of the face and thereby tightens the nasolabial folds. Grit your teeth and smile as wide as you can. Hold the smile for 10 seconds, then relax the muscles. Repeat this exercise 10–20 times daily.
  4. 4 Pull your cheeks up. Stretch the facial muscles with your hands and smooth out the nasolabial folds and wrinkles. Place your palms on your cheeks diagonally so that your fingers rest on the top of your cheekbone. Pull the corners of the lips upward until the teeth are partially exposed. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Let go of your cheeks. Repeat the exercise three times.

Method 3 of 3: Good Habits and a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. 1 Drink plenty of water. Drinking enough water will naturally moisturize your skin and smooth wrinkles and folds. Increase your daily fluid intake by replacing sodas and coffee with pure water. Coffee and sugary drinks help drain fluid from the body and dry out the skin, exacerbating the problem of nasolabial folds.
  2. 2 Exercise regularly. Exercise improves blood circulation, which helps the skin produce lipids and retain moisture, and accelerates the growth of new cells. It is recommended that you engage in aerobic exercise several times a week, such as jogging, walking, dancing, or swimming.
  3. 3 Eat foods rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are natural substances that interfere with oxidative processes in the cell, promote the production of collagen and elastin in the skin and smooth wrinkles. Foods that are high in antioxidants are berries (blueberries, cranberries), vegetables (tomatoes, broccoli), and green tea.
  4. 4 Include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids help the body fight inflammation, promote healthy skin and thereby help reduce nasolabial folds. Many omega-3 fatty acids are found in tuna, salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds.
    • The required daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids is found in one serving of fish, two tablespoons of flaxseed, one tablespoon of chia seeds, 50 grams of walnuts, or two cups of soybeans.
  5. 5 Give up tobacco. The chemicals found in most tobacco products break down collagen and elastin in the skin and deepen wrinkles. If you smoke, try to quit this bad habit as soon as possible. Quitting tobacco use will help smooth out wrinkles and skin folds.


  • Before embarking on any nasolabial fold correction procedures, including plastic surgery, consult a beautician. A professional cosmetologist will assess the condition of your skin and recommend the most optimal way to eliminate nasolabial folds, appropriate for your skin type.
  • If you have skin conditions or are undergoing treatment, consult your dermatologist before using any cosmetic product.