How to show yourself as a good person

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to introduce yourself | Kevin Bahler | TEDxLehighRiver
Video: How to introduce yourself | Kevin Bahler | TEDxLehighRiver


Have you ever felt how your heart smiles because a stranger smiled at you or after a short correspondence with a loved one? Have you ever felt inspired by another person, and the desire to one day change the world for the better?


  1. 1 Remain yourself. If you are uncomfortable, most people will notice your concern. Don't do things that you don't like or are uncomfortable with. Don't change yourself to please others. This is your life, your choice. You may feel happy only for a short time, pleasing others, but in the future it will not be so. Do what makes you feel better and gives you meaning in your life. Remember that no one else has the same mind and life experience. This is what makes us unique.
  2. 2 Be open-minded. If you make the other person unhappy, you will also become unhappy, not immediately, but later. Watch what you say and do. Avoid religious intolerance, racism, sexism, stereotypes, criticism and hatred.
  3. 3 Smile at other people if possible. This gives you a charge for the whole day.
  4. 4 Follow your intuition, act with all your heart.
  5. 5 Learn to respect other people's point of view, even if it is different from yours. We are all created to be different.
  6. 6 Do not criticize others on little things, because everyone makes mistakes and everyone is different. Despite the fact that many would like this, but, alas, no one is perfect.
  7. 7 Never speak behind the backs of others. This is emotional malice. If you gossip, gossip, spread rumors, exaggerate and stab you in the back, people will dislike you or even hate you. It hurts and doesn't benefit anyone. Don't be the kind of person who exalts himself at the expense of humiliating others.
  8. 8 Love everyone and forgive those who have offended you. This is easier said than done, so you take the burden off your heart. By loosening this knot, you can focus on more important things.
  9. 9 Have your own opinion. Consider the opinions of others and be on the alert when it comes to you, but don't be a sheep! Your friends may hate Ricky, but that doesn't mean he's a terrible person. Try to get to know him and form your opinion.
  10. 10 Appreciate life, all the ups and downs. It is much easier to enjoy life this way, and everyone is attracted to cheerful and cheerful people, because everyone wants to feel this joy.


  • You will not "adjust" to everyone, but try to be a good person with everyone, because how are you better than a mean person if you do mean things to them? Your actions define who you are.
  • Be there. Don't turn your back on those who need your help. At least try!
  • Desire more than you have.
  • Take care of yourself.
  • You obviously cannot change the past, so change the present and think differently! Think good!
  • Love your family and don't miss the opportunity to show them this.
  • Help others selflessly. Ask yourself: "Isn't that happiness when you make life easier for someone?"
  • Follow your intuition and don't do what you might regret.
  • Do what brings you joy every day.
  • Be optimistic!
  • All your actions show what kind of person you are.
  • Be a good friend and take care of your friends.
  • Treat people with respect, warmth, and sincerity. If you cannot do this, avoid them.
  • Treat animals and nature with awe.


  • Don't berate yourself for any reason such as your anger, it won't solve anything. Especially if you can't change it. If you can't help it, move on.
  • Try not to lose your composure. Do what will relieve you of stress: what is familiar to you, what you love and can do for a long time.
  • Don't try to start anything. Go away. You may seem like a coward to others, but it would be a very wise thing to do.
  • Do not lie or hide the truth in any situation. Always avoid lying if possible.