How to love your job

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Love Your Work
Video: How to Love Your Work


Who among us does not dream of getting a job of our dreams one day? There are no such? No wonder! Alas, people who would like their work 24/7/12/365, and even 100%, simply do not exist. However, there are ways to make work bring joy and not… ahem… well, let's not talk about sad things! How can you change your attitude towards work? Read this article, everything is written in it.


Part 1 of 3: Get More Fun at Your Work

  1. 1 Don't forget about gratitude. Whatever your job - beloved, unloved, or none, it is difficult to constantly remember what you should be grateful for. Difficult, but necessary. If you don't like your job, then think about all the things that you should be grateful for in the job - this will help you not to break down. If you see the work in a more positive light, then that too will not be superfluous.
    • You can even keep a special diary in which you will write down everything for which you are grateful to your work. Every day, you should enter at least 3 points of thanks in the diary. Here are examples: "The sun is shining through my window", "A pretty courier girl is looking at me", "Today I was promoted." Even if you have nothing special to thank for your work, then make an effort on yourself and find three reasons to write in your diary.
    • Try to understand why the job is good for you. Maybe the salary is decent, but such that it is enough for the books you dreamed of since childhood? Or do you work close to home, saving a couple of hours that you could spend on the road?
  2. 2 Find at least one reason to love your job. Even if you don't like work at all and even somewhere against the grain, you need to try to find at least one reason to go to work every day. Believe me, it will only benefit you! Even if this occasion is the assortment in the dining room where you go during your lunch break.
    • Of course, here you need to do more than just find something that you are grateful for. You need to find exactly that excuse to get out of bed and go to work again and again.
    • Example: just after waking up, but not yet getting out of bed, lie down for a minute and think about that very reason (say, the reason for you is the opportunity to flirt with a pretty intern). In the afternoon, accordingly, having flirted from the heart, stop for a second and say to yourself, "This is what I am grateful for in my work."
  3. 3 Think about what you've learned at work. Maybe you, hardened by the tyrant boss, can now work in any team? Have you become a more effective manager? Have you learned to better manage your own time? Any work teaches us something, even if at first glance it seems that the only conclusion that can be drawn is the conclusion that you hate your work.
    • Some people place an emphasis on the skills they acquire in a particular position - this, they say, will help their career. And even if you are stuck in the position of "junior assistant to a not very senior manager", take comfort in the thought that the skills you have gained will help you one day to break out into the big, big bosses.
    • Others, in turn, focus on the knowledge they gain at work. Yes, let's be objective, most vacancies these days are about nothing. The salary, as they say, is small, but the work is hard. What kind of knowledge is there, you ask? And very important - you learned what you do not want to do for the rest of your days. And this is already the motivation to find a better job, to start doing what the soul is in.
  4. 4 Think about the importance of the job itself. Consider why the work you are doing is important. Think about what your presence in the workplace means for the company. You can always tell about something, even if it is just professional ethics or, say, the ability to quickly make a sandwich.
    • Remember, every employee, that is, part of the team, is important in some way. Accordingly, think about what you are doing so important, and this will allow you to look at work a little ... warmer.
    • Do not forget that all professions are important, all professions are needed. Any work is important, if, of course, you know from which side to look. Do you work in a coffee shop? You help people to cheer up and do their job!
  5. 5 Be realistic. You won't love your job if you push yourself. Well, not a bit. Not a penny. Don't even hope it won't work. What you will succeed is only to discover around you more and more difficulties and unpleasant moments associated with your work.
    • Do not deny yourself the pleasure of waking up from time to time and realizing that you do not want to go to work, that you do not love your job - even when you are trying to find something for which you could be grateful to this job. Be aware that white stripes will inevitably turn into black ones.
    • If something happens that makes you angry or annoying, try to remember that the problem is in the situation, not in the whole work. This will help you hold on and not slide into the abyss of blues and irritation with work.
  6. 6 Find something for yourself that you can do professionally outside of work. Sometimes we all just need to get distracted. Someone is blogging, someone comes up with how to optimize the structure of the enterprise ...
    • Think about how you could make your job better. Maybe you can work more efficiently? Faster? Better? All this will allow you to show your creativity and initiative, will give you a goal - in general, it will not hurt.
  7. 7 Do your job better. Sometimes there are ways to turn work-torture into work-dream (or, more likely, work-to-be-tolerated). Maybe it's just enough to talk to your boss about moving to a more convenient work schedule?
    • Example: Your coworker or even your boss is annoying you all the time. Talk to them about this one-on-one. They may not even know how it all affects you! If they do, then try to reach out to their conscience (and give them reasons to change their behavior) - this can change everything for the better!
    • Indicate the limits and boundaries of what is acceptable. If you are overworking and thank you, please discuss it with your management. If the work is such that overwork is implied - run from there!
  8. 8 If work is still a bone in your throat, quit and do not regret it, because life is one, and even that is short. Yes, sometimes you and your job are just incompatible for one reason or another. Well, just find yourself a new job - the one you like best.
    • Consider whether quitting is really worth it. If your job hurts your health, physically or mentally, if your colleagues humiliate you, and you can't do anything with all this, then it's time to quit.
    • Try not to quit somewhere, that is, without finding a new job. However, remember - it is not at all a fact that you will immediately reach the previous level. You may have to start from the beginning. But, of course, this does not mean that you need to continue to languish at your unloved job.

Part 2 of 3: Make Your Workplace Better

  1. 1 Appreciate your colleagues. Even if you don't really appreciate them, remember - the working atmosphere in the team will be better if you treat them at least professionally. Understand and acknowledge that all of your coworkers are doing something good for the firm.
    • Don't forget to say thank you to your colleagues. You can thank both for something in common (thanks for not forgetting to turn off the lights in the kitchen) and for the work done (thanks for working on the presentation - it is just a masterpiece).
    • Recognize that each of your coworkers is important. Actually, it is - we are all valuable as workers who produce this or that product (even if it is intangible). Support service? The face of the company. Canteen workers? They feed you. Cleaning woman? Thanks to her, you are not working in a barn! Appreciate and respect other people's work.
  2. 2 Try to remember the names of colleagues and use them in conversation. Instead of the stereotyped "Hello, how are you?" it is worth getting used to referring to colleagues by name. The mechanism is simple: people love to hear their name, people are warmer towards those who know by name. And we know that how pleasant your place of work is, largely depends on the team, and relations with the team can be improved simply by remembering the names of colleagues. It's simple - say their names more often, and people will reach out to you!
  3. 3 Help each other, support each other. A more positive work atmosphere is based on mutual assistance and support, on the feeling of shoulder and elbow, so to speak! You understand that you spend 24 hours with these people, so you shouldn't make your life difficult.
    • Start by saying that now and henceforth follow a simple principle - a colleague can be trusted until he proves otherwise. The bottom line is simple: trust them to do their own work, trust that they will treat you normally. This attitude will allow colleagues to reciprocate you. Will people cheat on your trust? By itself! Nevertheless, it's better this way, since your trust is unlikely to be deceived often.
    • If you have people at work who are unpleasant to you personally, try to communicate with them as little as possible. Do not be rude to them yourself, be polite, neutral and do not lose face.
    • Remember the golden rule of ethics and do to others as you would like them to do to you. Do your work on time, do not be late for work, do not spread gossip about your colleagues. This behavior (but, of course, without the notation that everyone should behave this way) will play into your hands.
  4. 4 Try to find something in your work to inspire you. Even if your job is cleaning hotel rooms, or selling sandwiches on the street, or an important job at a large bank. Whatever you earn for your daily bread, try to find an inspiring moment in it - even if only for yourself. It's up to you to decide why your job is important.
    • Look to the example of people who inspire you, including celebrities. You don't have to become a second Mother Teresa, but you can help one or two people!
    • Start some kind of creative project at work or outside it (but in a way that is connected with it). This is a great way to stay inspired. You can think of new ways to get the job done - it will do.
  5. 5 Don't forget to have fun with your coworkers. Even if you don't really like what you have to do at work, a little humor and fun will allow time to fly by faster. To do this, by the way, you don't need to be lazy or cruel!
    • Write down the funniest sayings of the day, written by your colleagues, on the marker board.
    • Organize a really bad joke contest and offer some stupid prize for winning it. It is advisable, of course, to avoid rude and cruel jokes.

Part 3 of 3: Live More Than Just Work

  1. 1 Remember that your work life affects your personal life, and your personal life affects your work life. What we do at work is also important when we come home. How we feel at home becomes how we feel at work. This is a cycle, and an eternal one, where both parts influence each other. Try to maintain a balance between work and personal. More on this later.
  2. 2 Spend time with family and friends. People tend to withdraw into themselves and their work. And then they suddenly realize that it's been a year since the last time they saw their friends! And all why? But because they devoted all the time and all their strength to work, hoping to earn a promotion.
    • The support of family and friends is very beneficial for your health. People who have strong friendships and family ties live longer and richer, and therefore, as a result, happier.
    • Meet with friends at least once a month. Even if someone does not come one day, that person can come another day!
    • Make sure to spend time with your family. Even if you're tired, at least talk about how their day went, help them with household chores, and so on.
  3. 3 Don't forget your hobbies. Most of us are not destined to do at work what our soul lies in. Of course, this does not mean that you should forget about your hobbies! You need to find a way to do them outside of work, unless, of course, you can't do it at work.
    • For example, if you are into rock climbing, then you don't have to become an instructor at a mountaineering school or look for a similar profession. You can find a job that will give you enough money to conquer the entire Himalayas! Yes, twice!
    • Find a creative hobby for yourself. Do you like knitting? Or drawing? Believe me, the way to let the creative energy come out productively will only benefit you.
  4. 4 Get out of your comfort zone. Discover something new for yourself, it significantly brightens life and allows you to discover more and more new sources of inspiration!
    • It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on, say, a round-the-world trip or skydiving courses (although if there is an opportunity and desire, then why not?). You can also discover something new on a more budgetary basis - for example, by signing up for a cooking course or starting to grow flowers in a flower bed under the window.
    • You can volunteer. Why not? This will take you out of your comfort zone at the same time, and at the same time, it will allow you to remember that everything in this life that you have is worth being grateful for.
  5. 5 Monitor your health. Stress on and off work erodes health, both mental and physical. Accordingly, this issue must be addressed! There are many ways to stay healthy even in the face of stress and difficulty.
    • Exercise is one of the most important aspects of good health, mental and physical. Exercise allows the brain to release endorphins, the hormones of happiness. Exercise for at least half an hour a day, and every day. If you feel sleepy at work, get up and walk (even if only up the stairs or around the building) - it's much better than another caffeine!
    • Eating well is important too, because your body needs healthy food to keep it going. Frequent consumption of foods rich in fat, sugar, or salt will not do you any good. You need proteins (meat, to be more precise), you need fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates (and high quality ones)!
    • Get enough sleep. Many people these days suffer from a lack of sleep, which makes them work less efficiently and feel unhappy in general.You need to sleep at least 8 hours, and preferably at night. The more hours you sleep before midnight, the more refreshed you will wake up. Half an hour before going to bed, you need to turn off everything that will distract you.
  6. 6 Take a vacation. Many people, even those who are entitled to paid leave, seem to forget about it - of course, to their own detriment. Vacation is always useful, it is an opportunity to take a break from work, take a fresh look at it and think about whether it is worth continuing to spend time and energy on it.
    • At least a week, but you need to rest. Spend this time on rest, rest and rest again ..


  • You can, of course, complain about work, it helps to relieve stress. However, everything is good here when in moderation. If your job constantly gives you reasons to complain, you need to change something about it ...
  • Reward yourself for being effective. Let's say buy yourself a new book or a cookie. Such rewards are a stimulus for the brain to work better, and they're just nice little things!


  • There is nothing that is "forever". Your job is also not for life. If it seems to you that you will never get rid of it, then only make life difficult for yourself, and it will be more difficult to quit. In addition, if you remember that your dream job is not forever, then you will appreciate it more.
  • Do not substitute your position and work for your personality, no matter how much you like your job. Remember that work is just work and you are you. Do not confuse warm with soft, friends.