How to get more fans to your Facebook page

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The popular social network Facebook is a great place to advertise your page, as thousands of fans can be attracted through timely and targeted efforts. It's not difficult, but it does take a smart approach - if you follow the tips below on a regular basis, your page's fan base will grow steadily. In this article, you will learn about several ways to popularize your page and, accordingly, increase the likelihood that you will be read by the masses.


  1. 1 Create a Facebook fan page. If you haven't created a page yet, do so. Fan Page and Likes are a powerful marketing tool for any purpose.
    • Your business Facebook page reflects your brand. Even if you do not represent a company, business, entrepreneur, community initiative and the like, you still develop a brand in one way or another. That is why it is important to plan in advance the look and content of your page, including the desired image. If you already have a fan page, but you are not too happy with its image, it's time to fix it!
  2. 2 Click on the "Invite Friends" link. After publishing (or, if necessary, updating) the fan page, it is important to distribute it among friends as widely as possible. If they accept your invitation and like the page, they will become your first "fans". Try sending out invitations to everyone you know: Facebook friends, coworkers, email contacts, your blog readers, and so on.
    • Write very clearly that you would be grateful if they liked your page. Not everyone knows what to do after they click on the link you sent in!
    • Grow through your friends' contacts. Ask your friends to recommend your page to their friends, both on Facebook and in other ways (Twitter, email). Word of mouth and friendly trust can and should be used to attract friends of friends who might like your page.
    • If any of your friends have significant influence on Facebook, ask them to recommend your page to their friends. You can thank them by linking to them from time to time on your increasingly popular page!
    • Send emails to friends who haven't signed up for a Facebook account yet. This might encourage them to join.
  3. 3 If you yourself are a fan of some pages on Facebook, often add comments there and links to your own page. Be the first to add comments on the most popular pages. Don't overdo it with links, or you run the risk of annoying other people.
    • Post a link to your Facebook fan page in groups and other pages. You can also include a summary of the page. Again, be careful and don't overdo it.
    • Use the @reply function (like the @reply function on Twitter) to tag someone on your Facebook page. A checkmark will appear on the page of the tagged company or person. Again, it’s important not to overdo it, or you can get serious problems for sending out spam. If you're promoting a business, don't be surprised if a competitor flags you on their page: smile, it's all part of the game!
  4. 4 Organize contests for those who become fans. Let them have the opportunity to win something, be it some kind of title, an award, or some kind of souvenir or a discount from your company. Try to arrange such contests regularly, say, once a week or at least a month.
    • Mark on photos: Ask the winners of the contests to upload a photo of them holding the prize they won, let them tag themselves. This will encourage them to talk about you; many will like the idea and will be grateful. The uploaded photos will appear on your page in the "Photos of fans" folder (you can call the folder "Winners" or something like that, let others see it and try to get there themselves), the marked photos will also appear on their feed, and, perhaps their friends will show curiosity and visit your page. The photo can be anything, the main thing is that it has something to do with your page.
  5. 5 Post your Facebook link on other social networks. You can use your Twitter address to link to your Facebook page. If your account is active, then many readers can go to your Facebook page. Add a link to the page on all social networks to attract as many visitors as possible.
    • To optimize and synergize work in different social networks, you can use special tools like Hootsuite or Seesmic. Be careful about sending direct messages with a link to Facebook, more and more users see this as just automatic messages. Add something personal, it shows that you wrote to them personally.
    • Share updates from other users. This will encourage them to reciprocate, that is, they will also share your recordings with their friends.
    • Add a link to Facebook on photo sites like Flickr. You can upload cool photos and add to the description: "To see more photos, go to XXX."
    • Add a link to Facebook in your profile on the various sites you use.
  6. 6 Promote your Facebook page and in real life. There are many ways to do this. Keep in mind that the more often the address of your page will catch the eye of people in real life, the higher the chances that they will come to you!
    • Advertise your page and its content on TV (visit for more details on this topic).
    • Print out your Facebook page address and stick it in a prominent place in your store.
    • Add your page address to flyers, coupons, or even receipts.
  7. 7 Add a Facebook Like button to your website or blog. This will make it easier for people to find your page and become fans. It is better if this key is located in a conspicuous place.The button can be located above posts or articles, but if it is on the side, then the faces of users who have already become fans are visible, in addition, statistics on fans will be turned on and potential fans will be able to familiarize themselves with it.
    • To add a "Like" button to your site, go to your Facebook page and select "Edit". Find "Promote on Facebook" and click "Promote with Like". Choose the height and width of the button that appears on your site. Try different settings. You can use "Show broadcast" and "Show title" - with this function, users see your posts and can immediately read them. Select Get Code and then include the iFrame or XFBML code on your site or blog.
  8. 8 Update the content on the page regularly. The most popular are collections of photos and individual pictures, videos, links to interesting articles (including various articles on WikiHow, of course!), Post such materials regularly, and your fans will not only visit the page more often, but also share your content with their friends ...
    • If possible, figure out how to create exclusive content published only on your Facebook page, not on your blog and website. These can be recipes, news, or links published only on the page. This kind of content will attract new fans and make existing ones check the page more often, in addition, people will share your content. In other words, a real incentive for real results.
    • Conduct research and polls, post anecdotes, quotes, and more. There is no need to write only about your product, service or topic - diversify the content, then your fans will share it, thus attracting new users, and they will also share it ... in general, the essence is clear.
    • Ask your readers questions regularly and get comments and answers from them. The people writing on your page are invaluable. Their comments are shown in their feed, which can attract their friends. In addition, comments help create a sense of community among fans of your page and demonstrate to new fans that the page is worthwhile (and you are friendly and quickly respond to comments).
    • Determine the balance that works best for your fans. Follow Facebook statistics for unsubscribing or blocking readers. Of course, if there are a lot of them, then you are updating too often or posting content off topic.
    • Also, do not let your account take its course; if you go on a six-week cruise, you can upload content to a program like Hootsuite, then it will already update the content on the page during your absence. If you suddenly show up again, people may unsubscribe, because they have forgotten about you, and you no longer use their trust and do not arouse interest.
  9. 9 Join the social media community. There are quite a few of them, mostly they just help each other share links. This can be very helpful if people from some other area help you as a member of their community. Such a network will help spread links to your page and increase the number of fans. Most importantly, do not forget to provide a reciprocal service.
  10. 10 Hire a community manager. If your page starts growing rapidly and you don't have enough time for it, find someone to do the job. For a company or business page, this is extremely important, because constant communication with fans is very necessary. In addition, the manager can help somewhere and give some advice.
    • Check that the person you hired is good at Facebook; if it is not, first "train" him.
    • Formulate its mission as "building and maintaining relationships with fans." Automation is not possible here, so you have to work on relationships and make an effort to maintain them.This includes responding to fan comments on the page, maintaining dialogues with regular commenters (including keeping track of their contributions and how actively they share your content), providing information, stories, opinions on issues of importance in your area and area. Respond to any complaints as quickly as possible. A willingness to respond quickly builds a bond with fans, and if you do it well, readers will start suggesting ideas and making constructive suggestions. You will only benefit from this.
  11. 11 Don't miss the opportunity to advertise your Facebook page for free. There are several ways to inform people about an interesting page without spending a single ruble:
    • Add a link to your Facebook page every time you post something on the Internet. Of course, do this when appropriate, do not fall into spam. You can add a link at the end of a blog post or forum post, an article you write, etc. If you are writing for someone else's blog, ask permission to post a link to your page.
    • Ask your team members, colleagues or partners after presentations and speeches to remind people to visit the page.
    • Add the link to your email signature. You can also add the link to all emails to blog readers.
    • Add a link to social bookmarking sites.
    • If you own a store, let customers know they can find you on Facebook.
  12. 12 Buy advertising. This is useful for companies, enterprises, or simply those who are ready to spend money to expand the readership of their page. This method can also be used by enthusiasts who would like to start making money on a blog or website.
    • Let Facebook do the advertising. If you are willing to pay, then Facebook will promote your page and attract fans. Better to promote something relevant and on the topic of the day. If the post is related to the latest news, then the likelihood of being seen will be higher. For example, an influential store has published an article about a celebrity who has gone bankrupt. Write a bankruptcy post on your page, add related keywords and possibly an image. When Facebook offers to advertise your post, agree. Next, you will see the price per impression, if necessary, you can manipulate with keywords. Decide if the price is appropriate, decide on the duration of the ad; if it's worth it, go ahead. You can try it just to see how many fans it gives you. New fan posts will show up in their feeds and possibly attract someone else even after the ad is over.
    • Buy Google ads, they drive traffic directly to your Facebook page.
    • You can advertise in local newspapers, newsletters, magazines and even television.
  13. 13 Keep learning and keep your fans engaged. Facebook continues to evolve, as do your strategies and fan page needs. As you continue to grow your fan base, keep the following in mind:
    • Building a fan base takes time and constant effort. More precisely, it takes a lot of time and quite a lot of effort. Be sure to respond in kind to all those who actively support and share your content and information. Patience and perseverance will help build a credible brand reputation on Facebook, your efforts will be noticed and appreciated in wider circles. Trust me, it's great to know that someone is linking to your blog and article as a social media reference.
    • Stay tuned for updates and changes, keep your finger on the pulse and try to be one of the first to evaluate them and express your opinion. Such knowledge inspires respect, and you can easily become one of the leaders of a new trend. This will definitely bring in new fans and guarantee a smarter job.Plus, it also keeps you from falling into spam, annoying other Facebook users by trying to change your marketing strategies to accommodate changing conditions, and just sleep well knowing that you are promoting your brand the right way.


  • Try to create content for fans only on Facebook. You can post offers of products, photos, videos, services, and so on. If the reader has not yet become a fan, then this will make him give the coveted like. Will this work for your page or not? It depends on the quality and relevance of your offerings, and in addition to retaining such “forced” fans, you will need to maintain a high level of content.
  • After gathering fans around your page, do not relax - update it as often as possible, this will allow you to engage in dialogue with customers! You can even post discount announcements on your page or, say, put a new menu there!
  • Be sure to categorize the page correctly. There is a difference between entertainment and formal business groups. If you're confused, fans will get confused too!
  • If it is possible to add the address of your Facebook page somewhere or to something, use it. Seize every opportunity.
  • Feel free to be creative; Finding new paths to current and potential clients requires skill, and mistakes are inevitable from time to time. It's important to keep trying to work, connect with fans, and be bold and honest about success and failure.


  • Easy marketing doesn't exist. Work hard and success will come. Stop working and the results will be lost.
  • Do not spam other pages or groups with your links. You can do it once, but repeated posts will be deleted and marked as spam. In extreme cases, you may be blocked from accessing the page or group. For the company, this will mean a blow to the reputation.
  • Knowing your audience is very important. You need to communicate in a friendly way, do not try to convince people to offer your page to friends over and over again, instead, make them want it themselves.
  • You can post photos that won't hurt your reputation but will attract likes.
  • Try to post content that is fun, helpful, or relevant. Do not clog the walls of fans, otherwise they may unsubscribe from your page.