How to be friends with an egoist

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO DESTROY YOUR EGO - Michael Pollan | London Real
Video: HOW TO DESTROY YOUR EGO - Michael Pollan | London Real


In our society, the number of egoists is several times greater than the number of altruists. And this is unfortunate. The fact that you are now reading this article, most likely, suggests that you are an altruist. Selfish people do not know how to be friends, so you will surely become this person's first friend. If so, then you are facing a very difficult task, you will need maximum patience, endurance and a positive attitude. But if you really want to make friends with this person, then nothing is impossible, and soon the wall of selfishness that your friend has built will collapse.


  1. 1 Define the problem. Understand exactly where your friend is being selfish. What worries you the most about your friend?
  2. 2 Find out the cause of selfishness. If your friend behaves this way, then he has a reason for it. If you understand people and can interpret their behavior, try to understand why your friend is being so selfish. If you manage to talk to your friend, then perhaps you can help him find a solution to this problem.
  3. 3 Look at yourself. An egoist wakes up in every person from time to time. Understand at what moments selfishness awakens in you. For example, if you have a boyfriend / girlfriend and you want him to spend all his time with you, then this is pure selfishness.If you and your friend show selfishness in the same situations, then you cannot help your friend until you change yourself.
  4. 4 Try to spend time together. You will not be able to provide support, help, if there are many people nearby.
  5. 5 Listen more, talk less. Try to hear what hasn't been said. Don't take negativity and denial to heart.
  6. 6 Help your friend open up new horizons, realize himself in new areas of life for him.
  7. 7 Rate your progress. Stop all efforts, and after a while check how far your friend has come. Is there any progress?
  8. 8 Understand that if your friend does not want to change, does not strive to become the best, then this friendship may have to be given up. Give your friend time, as changing something (and even more so in yourself) is actually difficult.
  9. 9 Talk to your friend. It is possible that he is not even aware of his selfishness. Tell us how his attitude towards you offends you and, perhaps, he will change something.
  10. 10 If all else fails, tell your friend that you need to stop communicating for a while. You can also try to start behaving the way he behaves, and he will understand how difficult it is to be friends with an egoist. But this COULD HAVE UNPLEASANT CONSEQUENCES! Give your friend the opportunity to understand your mistake, but don't allow yourself to become selfish. Remember that there is nothing more important in friendship than sincerity and openness.
  11. 11 Be a positive person. Even if your friend says something hurtful to you, try not to pay attention to it.
  12. 12 If your friend is too selfish and sneaky, you may not need such a friend, because he can pull you down with him. Take a look around, and for sure you will be able to find a more worthy person for friendship.
    • Do not be afraid to break friendship, otherwise you risk becoming an egoist yourself.


  • If your friend is too selfish, try not to spend a lot of time with him, otherwise his selfishness may pass on to you.
  • Choose words if other people are nearby, as they may not interpret everything that way.
  • Talk about all manifestations of selfishness to your friend. Yes, he may like it, but your job is to help him understand the problem and do your best to solve it.
  • Do not start this conversation in public, otherwise it can provoke a large amount of unnecessary gossip. And this can lead to the fact that your friend stops trusting you and refuses to be friends with you.
  • Hear what your friend is telling you. Every person wants to talk, and all people like to talk about themselves.
  • In no case do not put up with the selfishness of your friend, because you can lose friendship this way.


  • Don't push your friend. Talk to him as if he were a child and you were an adult.
  • It will be difficult for your friend to accept reality, because he is used to the world in which he lives. Your task is to pull your friend out of his world.
  • Let your friend understand that you care about him, that you need his friendship.