How to Perform Simplified Multiplication Using Vedic Mathematics Methods

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Quickest way to multiply two numbers | Vedic Math tricks for fast calculation
Video: Quickest way to multiply two numbers | Vedic Math tricks for fast calculation


Using the methods of Vedic mathematics, you can multiply multidigit numbers in a few seconds without using a calculator! Below you will find some simple examples showing how you can use such methods.


Method 1 of 3: Two-digit numbers

  1. 1 Write two two-digit numbers next to each other, for example:
    • 97 x 93
    • Note: In this method, you need to take numbers that both start with the same digit, while the sum of their second digits is 10 (in our example, both numbers start with 9, and their second digits, 7 and 3, add up to 10) ...
  2. 2 First, we multiply the second digits. In this example, it will be:
    • 7 x 3 = 21
  3. 3 Place the result on the right side of your final answer.
    • So you can see now that your final answer will be xx21
  4. 4 Now add one to the first digit of the first number:
    • 9 + 1 = 10
  5. 5 Multiply 10 by the first digit of the second number:
    • 10 x 9 = 90
  6. 6 Place this result on the left side of the final answer. So, you can see how easy it was for you to calculate the correct answer for the original problem.
    • 9021

Method 2 of 3: Alternative method for two-digit numbers

  1. 1 Choose another pair of two-digit numbers that you want to multiply. Remember, the first digits of both numbers must be the same, and the sum of the second digits must be ten.
    • 98 x 92
  2. 2 Above each number, write the difference between that number and the number 100.
    • For 98 this would be -2, so write -2 over 98
    • For 92 this would be -8, so write -8 over 92
  3. 3 Subtract the resulting numbers "criss-cross" by subtracting each number from its opposite factor. You will see that you end up with the same numbers.
    • 98 - 8 = 90
    • 92 - 2 = 90
  4. 4 Put this number on the left side of your final answer
    • Your final answer should now look like this: 90xx
  5. 5 Multiply the resulting differences with each other.
    • -2 x -8 = 16
  6. 6 Place the resulting number on the right side of the final answer. Again, you can see that you can easily calculate the answer to the original problem.
    • 9016

Method 3 of 3: Three-digit numbers

  1. 1 Take two three-digit numbers that you want to multiply and write them side by side, for example:
    • 104 x 103
  2. 2 In this case, your numbers are greater than 100, so you need to write down how much each number is greater than 100.
    • 104 is more than 100 by +4, so write +4 above 104
    • 103 is more than 100 by +3, so write +3 above 103
  3. 3 Add the resulting numbers "crosswise", adding each number to its opposite factor. You will see that you end up with the same numbers.
    • 104 + 3 = 107
    • 103 + 4 = 107
  4. 4 Put this number on the left side of your final answer
    • Your final answer should now look like this: 107xx
  5. 5 Multiply the differences between each other.
    • 4 x 3 = 12
  6. 6 Place the resulting number on the right side of the final answer. Again, you can see that you can easily calculate the answer to the original problem.
    • 10712


  • While this method will allow you to quickly multiply numbers by hand, make sure you know what you are doing before you get rid of the calculator. In any case, it doesn't hurt to check your answer with a calculator.