How to catch a fly

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Catch A Fly
Video: How To Catch A Fly


Flies are small annoying creatures that buzz, sit on food and, in general, are quite annoying. On the other hand, some are willing to devote hours to studying the behavior of flies, while for others, it's everyday food. Whether you're catching flies for food or trying to get rid of them, there are several effective methods that can help you do just that.


Method 1 of 3: Using a fly trap

  1. 1 Make a plastic bottle trap. One of the most effective homemade fly traps is made from a regular plastic bottle.
    • Simply unscrew and remove the cap, then use scissors to pierce the plastic and cut off the top of the bottle.
    • Fill the bottom of the bottle with a quarter cup (60 ml) of sugar, a quarter cup (60 ml) of water, and add a couple drops of blue food coloring. The blue color attracts flies. You can also use any color other than yellow. Yellow is the only color that repels flies. Alternatively, you can use water mixed with dish soap and a few drops of apple cider vinegar.
    • Take the top of the bottle, turn it over and place it on top of the second half of the bottle to create a funnel. Flies will be able to crawl into the bottle, but it will be much more difficult for them to get out of it.
    • Place the trap in a sunny location with lots of flies and wait for them to collect in the bottle.
  2. 2 Make a trap using a glass jar and plastic wrap. If you don't have a plastic bottle nearby, you can make a homemade fly trap using a regular glass jar (or even a glass) and cling film.
    • Take a glass jar and fill it almost to the top with sugar and water mixed with dish soap and a few drops of apple cider vinegar.
    • Take a square piece of plastic wrap and use it to close the opening of the glass jar. If it does not fit snugly, secure it with an elastic band.
    • Use a pen or scissors to poke a small hole in the center of the plastic wrap. Through this hole, the fly will enter the can. Once inside, she will drown in the liquid.
    • Place the trap in a sunny location or where there are many flies.
  3. 3 Use flypaper. Fly tape is a sticky fly tape that you can hang indoors.
    • The surface of the tape is impregnated with a special substance, the smell of which attracts insects. In addition, it is saturated with a poisonous solution, so it is a good remedy if you want to get rid of intruders in your home. While Velcro may look unaesthetic, it is a very effective method for catching flies.
  4. 4 Make your own flypaper. Although you can get Velcro at most hardware stores, try making your own. To do this, you will need a brown paper bag, maple syrup, and sugar.
    • Cut the paper bag into equal strips of 2.5 centimeters each.
    • Use a pen to poke a hole at the top of each strip and thread the rope or twine through to form a loop.
    • In a wide saucepan or bowl, combine 1/2 cup (120 ml) maple syrup, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) white sugar, and 2 tablespoons (30 ml) brown sugar.
    • Place paper strips in this solution (so that the ribbon hangs over the edge) and let them soak for a few hours or leave them overnight.
    • Remove the strips from the mixture and hold them over the sink, allowing excess liquid to drain off. Then hang them indoors or outdoors where there are a lot of flies.

Method 2 of 3: Using your hands

  1. 1 Cup your palm. The first step in catching flies is to fold your dominant hand into a cup shape.
    • Learn to quickly squeeze your palm by bending your fingers towards the base.
    • Make sure that there is space inside the clenched palm, because this is where the fly will fall.
    • Be careful. If you squeeze your fingers too tightly, you can crush the fly. If you are not worried about this, then you can skip this tip.
  2. 2 Wait for the fly to land. When you catch a fly with your bare hands, it is best to wait until it sits on a flat surface such as a table.
    • Move slowly towards the fly. Any sudden movement can scare her and she will fly away. You will have to wait for her to sit down again.
    • By waiting for the fly to land on the surface, you can more easily predict its movements.
    • Make sure that there are no other objects on the surface that you can knock down while trying to catch a fly!
  3. 3 Wave your palm, which is folded in the shape of a cup. As soon as the fly sits down, wave your folded hand a couple of centimeters above it. After that, squeeze your palm in the way you learned to do it.
    • Sensing your movement, the fly will get scared and fly up - right into your cupped palm.
    • Squeeze your palm very quickly, bending your fingers towards its base. The fly should be inside. Now you can release the fly outside, plant it in a jar for further study, or feed it to your pet!

Method 3 of 3: Using a cup

  1. 1 Prepare all the necessary supplies. If you want to catch a fly using this method, you will need a cup, preferably transparent and plastic, and a sheet of paper or cardboard.
    • The cup will be a fly trap. You will use a sheet of paper as a cover to keep the fly from flying away.
  2. 2 Wait for the fly to land. Once it lands on a stable surface, such as a table or window pane, it will be much easier to catch.
    • Walk up to the fly slowly. Any sudden movement can scare her and she will fly away. You will have to wait for her to sit down again.
  3. 3 Cover the fly with a cup. Once the fly has settled, quickly and discreetly cover it with a cup to trap it. If you miss, chase her until she sits down again.
  4. 4 Slip a piece of paper under the cup. Once the fly is in the cup, you are faced with the problem of how to lift the cup off a flat surface without letting the fly fly away. A sheet of paper or cardboard can help with this.
    • Keep your cup as close to the table as possible when you place the sheet of paper. Otherwise, the fly may fly away.


  • Try covering the fly in a confined space, such as a toilet.
  • Close all windows and doors. Leaving them open can get rid of an annoying fly, but at the same time, a dozen others can fly in.
  • Act quickly but quietly.
  • Flies can live up to 30 days if they have a source of water and food. They are able to live up to 15 days without food or water. If you cannot catch the fly, you can wait until it dies by itself.


  • Flies can carry germs and bacteria. Be sure to wash your hands after any contact with them.