Meditate for beginners

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10-Minute Meditation For Beginners
Video: 10-Minute Meditation For Beginners


Daily or regular meditation has many benefits, and there are countless reasons for meditation: to silence your inner voice, get to know yourself better, find calm and ground, or live the faith in a new way. Whatever the reason you want to meditate, it can be quite difficult to start and stay motivated to continue.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Pick a basic meditation

  1. Choose a simple basic meditation program to learn about the benefits of meditation. Most people start with an easy, sitting exercise in a quiet place and focus on their breathing. As you gain more experience, you can also try out other variants. Consider, for example, meditation while walking and meditation that focuses on solving a specific problem.
    • Do not start immediately with complicated poses or with purchasing certain materials or clothing. Meditation is always possible, whatever clothes you wear and wherever you are.
    • Try not to get too relaxed and do not meditate on the couch or in bed. During meditation it is important that you stay alert. Therefore, if you are meditating for the first time, it is wise to sit cross-legged on the floor or on a chair (provided this is a comfortable position for you).

Method 2 of 4: Prepare

  1. Make sure you are alert. An alert mind helps you get the best out of meditation. So do not drink alcohol or use drugs in advance. In addition, try to make the meditation a regular activity, even if the conditions are not ideal.
  2. Your digestion can be quite a distraction. For some people it is easy to meditate on an empty stomach at first. Wait two hours after you have eaten and try not to eat or drink just before the exercise.
  3. Try not to smoke just before meditation. Wait for at least half an hour after your last cigarette before starting to meditate. Of course it is even better not to smoke at all.
  4. Wear comfortable clothes. Take off your shoes and loosen tight clothing a bit so that you are comfortable.

Method 3 of 4: Prepare your meditation room

  1. Choose a quiet place. When you first meditate, make sure you are in a quiet place. This is very important.
    • With lots of practice, you will eventually be able to meditate even in noisy places. While these are not ideal conditions, meditation in a slightly less quiet place can also help you unwind.
  2. Silence phones and silence sounds from laptops.
  3. Make the room feel comfortable. Light a scented candle, put a bunch of flowers on the table; do small things to make yourself comfortable for your first meditation.
  4. Dim the lights. Or switch off lights completely and use candles. It is not pleasant to be immediately surrounded by bright light after your meditation.
  5. Use a chair with a straight back so that you sit upright. You can also use pillows to support your back and head. If you meditate outside, lean against a tree or wall. If you want to meditate cross-legged, a meditation cushion is very useful.
    • If you prefer to meditate on your knees, you can use a meditation bench for this. This ensures that there is not too much pressure on your legs.

Method 4 of 4: Start meditating

  1. Sit still. Watch your breathing. Whenever you get distracted (thinking about shopping lists or songs, for example), refocus on your breathing. Don't be too hard on yourself, but try to keep coming back to your breath.
    • Take a deep breath in and out.
    • Try to become aware of the different physical sensations you feel while breathing.
    • Notice how your body expands with each inhalation and contracts with each exhalation.
    • Feel how you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Notice how this feels in the rest of your body.
    • Experience the silence before and after every breath.
    • Concentrate on your breathing over and over again.
  2. Accept that it can be difficult to focus at first. While it's important to stay focused, it can be tricky at first. It is quite normal that you have to get used to that. While meditating, try to quietly take your thoughts off your mind by focusing on your breath. You will probably have to repeat this many times and according to many, this returning to the present moment is precisely the basis of meditation.
    • Some people can concentrate better if they choose a certain method of silencing their inner voice. An example of such a method is the counting method. This counts how long each breath lasts, making you focus on something other than distracting thoughts. Start counting again with each new breath. However, try not to count constantly, but from time to time also breathe in your head without numbers.
  3. Do not expect to much. Some people become disappointed and frustrated because they expect immediate results from meditating. However, it may take a while before you actually notice a difference. It may take a few days, but for some people it may be weeks or months. Don't give up too quickly and at some point you will notice why you are making an effort!
  4. Practice and hold on. You will experience the benefits of meditating at an unexpected moment. Meditation cannot be planned and the moment when you consciously benefit from the meditation will come naturally. However, it can help to meditate with others. This way you can share your experiences with one or more other people.
  5. Meditate daily. A short meditation per day has a greater impact than a long meditation per week. So 10 minutes a day is better than 70 minutes on Sunday. Try to meditate for 20 minutes a day for best results. It is okay to skip a day now and then.
    • Over time, the awareness during meditation will affect the rest of your life. As a result, you will want to be more aware of your diet, exercise and other things such as reading, watching and listening.


  • Keep your spine as straight as possible, but keep it comfortable.
  • Find a quiet place so that you can focus properly on the meditation.
  • Make sure your phone is on silent.
  • Meditate before bed. This helps to silence your brain and relax your body.
  • Make sure the light is dimmed and there is possibly soft, quiet music on it.
  • Listening to soothing music will help you relax.
  • Try to schedule at least three to four hours between meditation sessions.
  • Don't try to meditate while doing heavy work.


  • Many people find it difficult to control their thoughts at first. Meditation is not a magical solution to this, but a process. Keep practicing every day and eventually you will find the calm within yourself.
  • Be on the lookout for organizations that charge a lot of money for meditation classes. Some people don't know any better and spend hundreds of euros for lessons, while you can just as well learn meditation at home. There are tons of people who can meditate and many of those people will be willing to help you for free.
  • Frustration is part of it. Accept that a learning process simply involves some frustration. Don't let this influence you too much, just let it go and become one with the universe.
  • Many people use a mantra to focus on their breath. OM is a common mantra, but some people prefer to use music to relax. Make sure that you put on quiet songs that allow you to focus on the meditation process.


  • A room where you feel at ease
  • Comfortable clothing
  • Pillows
  • A note on the door saying you don't want to be disturbed
  • Relaxing music (you can find all kinds of suitable meditation music online)