
How to restart Pokemon Platinum

How to restart Pokemon Platinum

Thi article will how you how to re tart your current game in Pokémon Platinum. While tarting a new game i very ea y, re tarting it when you already have a ave i a little more difficult a the game...

How to clean silverware with baking soda and foil

How to clean silverware with baking soda and foil

1 Line a baking heet with aluminum foil. Choo e a baking heet large enough to hold all the ilver item you are going to clean. Line the in ide of the baking heet with foil. Make ure to cover the entire...

How to group and structure data in Excel

How to group and structure data in Excel

Thi article will how you how to group data in Excel to hide it. Thi i u eful if you have a large table with a lot of data.Data can be grouped and tructured in Window and Mac O X. 1 Open an Excel pread...

How to ignore hunger

How to ignore hunger

Fa ting, dieting, and trenuou exerci e can cau e unbearable bout of hunger. ome cienti t even ugge t that "fa ting day ", i.e. day when you eat low-calorie food can boo t immunity and make y...

How to find out the characteristics of a video card

How to find out the characteristics of a video card

Don't remember the pecification of your video card? Or are you intere ted in knowing what characteri tic to u e for a new video card? Thi article will how you how to find out the pecification of y...

How to make a puffed rice treat

How to make a puffed rice treat

Popular with children and adult alike, thi treat i perfect for any ea on. It' ea y enough to make and you'll have a great excu e to lick your finger , becau e you're a chef! Thi article pr...

How to sign a bank card

How to sign a bank card

If you have received a new bank card, you need to ign on the back of it before u ing it. ign the card after you activate it online or by phone. U e a permanent marker to ign the card a you would ign a...

How to polish a car

How to polish a car

Car poli hing i the proce of directly removing a mall layer of paint from the out ide of the car body, thereby revealing a fre her paint coat. Thi proce re tore the original hine of the vehicle and en...

How to make a metal melting furnace

How to make a metal melting furnace

If you want to melt metal and hape it in different hape , you will need a furnace that can be hot enough to melt the metal. You can buy a ready-made oven or make your own from an airtight garbage bin....

How to check shock absorbers

How to check shock absorbers

If you feel that the ride of your vehicle ha changed, you hould check the hock ab orber . Verification i very imple and doe not take much time. A imple check will ave you an unnece ary vi it to the wo...

How to wear cuffs

How to wear cuffs

1 tand in front of a mirror. Until you get u ed to the correct po itioning of the cuff in your ear, the ea ie t way to put it on i by looking in the mirror. 2 Place the cuff over the top of your ear. ...

How to remove multiple people from your Facebook friends list

How to remove multiple people from your Facebook friends list

In thi article, we'll how you how to remove multiple people from your Facebook friend li t at once. Thi cannot be done u ing Facebook etting , o you need to u e an exten ion for the de ktop ver io...

How to check the clutch fluid level

How to check the clutch fluid level

While mo t motori t today prefer automatic vehicle , ome remain committed to manual tran mi ion car and truck . Vehicle with a manual tran mi ion u e one of two type of clutch: cable-operated clutch o...

How to calculate marginal cost

How to calculate marginal cost

Marginal co t i a production and economic quantity that characterize the co t of producing additional product . To calculate marginal co t , you need to know everal production quantitie , uch a fixed ...

How to make a baking soda and vinegar rocket

How to make a baking soda and vinegar rocket

1 Roll a piece of A4 or maller cardboard into a cone. Lay the heet horizontally and tart curling from the bottom right corner toward the bottom left corner.Roll the cardboard tight enough to form a ta...

How to download pictures from Twitter

How to download pictures from Twitter

You can download photo and other image from Twitter to your phone or computer. Thi article will how you how to do thi ; it al o de cribe the proce of downloading multiple image . If you want to downlo...

How to survive an earthquake in a car

How to survive an earthquake in a car

You may not know where the earthquake will catch you. If you live in an earthquake-prone region of the world, then there i every chance that at the time of it occurrence you will be in the car. In thi...

How to install a child car seat

How to install a child car seat

With the birth of a child, many new ta k appear, one of which i to en ure hi afety. Improper car eat in tallation i often overlooked and can put a newborn' life in danger. Thank to the tip in thi ...

How easy it is to make a slingshot

How easy it is to make a slingshot

Do you like hooting but don't want to u e real weapon ? If o, the e imple tep will delight you! You will be able to hoot piece of paper at a di tance of about 6 meter ! You, of cour e, gue ed that...

How to get a newspaper print manicure

How to get a newspaper print manicure

1 Gather all the upplie you need. They are li ted in the What You Will Need ection. 2 Before painting your nail , wa h your hand with mild oap. Thi will remove exce dirt and bacteria on your hand and ...