
How to win a street fight

How to win a street fight

Never u e force to olve problem with tranger on the treet.Fir t of all, you need to try to re olve all i ue or defu e the ituation with word . If you find your elf in a ituation where you need to defe...

How to get Gengar in the game Pokémon Fire Red

How to get Gengar in the game Pokémon Fire Red

Gengar i a unique Pokemon. To get thi Pokémon, you need to exchange the Haunter Pokémon with trainer . After the exchange, Haunter evolve into Gengar. To trade Pokémon, you need to know...

How to activate reading text by voice on Mac

How to activate reading text by voice on Mac

If you want your computer to read the text aloud, we will how you how to do it. 1 Open y tem Preference . 2 Click on the peech option. 3 Click on the text to peech tab. 4 Click on y tem voice. 5 Click...

How to install a tachometer

How to install a tachometer

A car tachometer i a device that how how many revolution per minute the engine' crank haft make . In other word , a tachometer i a gauge for engine peed. ome car are not equipped with tachometer ;...

How to make toys for hermit crab

How to make toys for hermit crab

Hermit crab love to play with a variety of toy . It i in your power to provide him with the e toy to keep him happy, and not ju t it in the aquarium. Toy and other item make hi life richer, you can ma...

How to get a temporary tattoo

How to get a temporary tattoo

1 Come up with a tattoo de ign. To get a good re ult, think about the drawing in advance and practice on paper before painting on your kin. U ing a regular pencil, jot down your idea on paper. Remembe...

How to stretch jeans

How to stretch jeans

Wearing jean that are too tight i uncomfortable and difficult. Fortunately, there are everal different way you can tretch them! If you are able to put on jean , but they make you uncomfortable, try do...

How to date a ladies man

How to date a ladies man

Dreaming of a hand ome man with luxuriou eye ? Do you have a weakne for that tout man who treat girl a if they can ea ily find a replacement? Can't re i t hi bad boy image and want to give him a h...

How to drink brandy properly

How to drink brandy properly

Attention:thi article i intended for per on over 18 year of age.The very name "brandy" mean "burnt wine". Brandy i di tilled from wine or fruit to create an afternoon drink with an...

How to make sense of the summer night sky

How to make sense of the summer night sky

For tho e who live in the northern hemi phere, ummer night can eem imply dazzling, becau e they hine with hundred , and in fact thou and of tar . While they can be daunting at fir t, you can memorize ...

How to know that he is not the same

How to know that he is not the same

If you want to know if he i your one and only or not, then the be t thing you can do i to li ten to your inner voice. Be that a it may, thi i ometime not enough, and you need other ign that will help ...

How to identify symptoms of an enlarged heart

How to identify symptoms of an enlarged heart

Heart enlargement, al o known a cardiomegaly, can be cau ed by a variety of heart condition . Although heart enlargement i often not accompanied by obviou ymptom , hortne of breath, a trong or irregul...

How to calculate the dimensions of a countertop

How to calculate the dimensions of a countertop

In talling a new countertop will help refre h the look of your kitchen and make cooking your favorite meal ea ier and more enjoyable. However, in order to compare the co t of countertop material uch a...

How to tell if you are in labor during your second pregnancy

How to tell if you are in labor during your second pregnancy

While mo t women are more confident and p ychologically trong during their econd pregnancy, it i very important to know that not everything will be exactly the ame a during the fir t one, e pecially w...

How to massage a dog

How to massage a dog

Have you thought about pampering your dog even more? It i not nece ary to take her to a dog alon (which can be very expen ive); you can ma age her at home a well. A with human , ma age help dog relax,...

How to write a plan for educational work

How to write a plan for educational work

tudent need to feel comfortable and afe in order to be mo t productive in their tudie . All teacher hould manage their cla room in uch a way that they create uch an environment. If you are a pre choo...

How to find pi using round objects

How to find pi using round objects

How wa the mathematical con tant pi found? Who did thi ? We will tell you how to independently find the value of pi, a well a find out about the original ource of the origin of thi con tant. Pi can be...

How to cook black rice

How to cook black rice

1 For one gla of rice, take two gla e of water. Remember that when it get wet, the rice roughly double in volume. 2 Rin e the rice two to three time . Place the rice in a bowl and rin e it under cold ...

How to meditate as a teenager

How to meditate as a teenager

Meditation i a form of brain exerci e. It can be u ed to improve concentration and te t core , and to reduce tre and anxiety in daily life. You don't have to embrace a new religion to practice med...

How to cook a steak

How to cook a steak

1 Rin e the teak under running water. 2 Dry the meat with paper towel . 3 Preheat oven to 230⁰C. 4 Place the meat in a large ca t iron killet or gla pan. 5 Place the chopped vegetable on top of the me...