
Using a vending machine

Using a vending machine

Vending machine come in handy if you want to buy nack or a drink on the go. Operating a machine i not difficult: enter money and pre the appropriate button for the product you want to buy. If your pro...

Draw a regular hexagon

Draw a regular hexagon

A regular hexagon or hexagon ha ix equal ide and ix equal angle . You can draw a perfect regular hexagon with a ruler and compa . A omewhat rougher ver ion with a round object and a ruler and of cour ...

Save plants

Save plants

Do you like Romane que lettuce, or are you more of an iceberg lettuce type? Whichever type you choo e, lettuce i very ea y to grow your elf. You grow the eed indoor and plant them outdoor after the la...

Dress like a 90s teenager

Dress like a 90s teenager

If you want to propagate the fa hion of one of the greate t decade of all time, thi article will how you all the e ential ! Go for grunge. The grunge tyle i a " loppy" look that make it eem ...

Show your love to your boyfriend

Show your love to your boyfriend

It' not alway ea y to how your love to your boyfriend, regardle of whether you've been together for a long time or have only been dating for a few month . If you want to how your boyfriend how...

Prevent ingrown hairs

Prevent ingrown hairs

If you are reading thi article, you have probably already experienced ingrown hair (al o known a razor burn, razor bump , razor bump or p eudofolliculiti barbae). Ingrown hair occur when the end of th...

Prevent birds from flying into your windows

Prevent birds from flying into your windows

Many mall bird , uch a cardinal and robin , are o territorial that they imply fly into a window and think they have cha ed their own reflection. Thi i e pecially a problem during the breeding ea on, b...

Changing the screen resolution on a Mac

Changing the screen resolution on a Mac

To change the di play re olution on your Mac, click the Apple menu → y tem Preference → Di play → Di play → caled, and elect the ( caled) re olution you want to u e. Click on the Apple menu. You can f...

Create a trend analysis in Excel

Create a trend analysis in Excel

Trend analy i take data from the pa t and u e it to predict future re ult . Micro oft Excel give you the option to di play your data a a graph, then add one or more trendline , indicating how the data...

Remove furniture prints from your carpet

Remove furniture prints from your carpet

If you leave a heavy piece of furniture in one place on your carpet, you will eventually get mark in your carpet becau e the fiber of the carpet are compre ed by the weight of the furniture. Mo t of t...

Formatting a hard drive in Ubuntu

Formatting a hard drive in Ubuntu

You can format your drive u ing the di k utility included with Ubuntu. If thi di k utility give error or a partition i damaged, you can al o u e GParted to format the di k. You can al o u e GParted to...

Manage desktop icons in Windows

Manage desktop icons in Windows

Many people think that the icon on their de ktop are tatic and permanent. But that i not correct. There are everal way to create or change new icon . You can buy program to cu tomize your de ktop, but...

Using Hyaluronic Acid

Using Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid occur naturally in our body. It help to retain moi ture in the kin and re tore the kin' natural barrier . A you age, the amount of hyaluronic acid produced decrea e , cau ing your ...

Iron fist training Kung Fu

Iron fist training Kung Fu

Iron Body i a part of haolin Kung Fu, in which the practitioner train hi body or part of hi body in uch a way that he i able to deal or take heavy blow without taking eriou ly. injure your elf. Thi ar...

Stop mouth breathing

Stop mouth breathing

Breathing through the mouth can cau e a dry mouth and a ore throat. It i al o an ugly habit that one may find unattractive. Mouth breathing i u ually due to a blockage in your na al pa age , but it ca...

Improve your reading skills

Improve your reading skills

Are you trying to read a book but have no idea when a character appeared in the tory and uddenly became the main character? Try your Charlotte’ Web but doe it feel like you've landed in a web your...

Melt beeswax

Melt beeswax

Bee wax i a wonderful material to work with, but it can be dangerou when it' hot. Melt it lowly on a low temperature for be t re ult . With a few imple material , you can ea ily u e a double boile...

Eating with a tongue piercing

Eating with a tongue piercing

The healing proce of a tongue piercing normally take about three to four week . During that time, it' important to con ider what you eat and how you eat it. You hould tick to milder and ofter food...

Become an astronomer

Become an astronomer

A tronomy i the tudy of the tar , planet and galaxie that make up our univer e. It can be a challenging and rewarding career that may lead to amazing di coverie about the way the Univer e work . If yo...

Cutting a man's hair

Cutting a man's hair

Cutting a man' hair i relatively ea y if you are focu ed and take your time. You can u e hairdre ing ci or , clipper , or a combination of both. A k the man what kind of haircut he want , how even...