Stop mouth breathing

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to STOP Mouth Breathing Naturally | Dentist Explained (2021)
Video: How to STOP Mouth Breathing Naturally | Dentist Explained (2021)


Breathing through the mouth can cause a dry mouth and a sore throat. It is also an ugly habit that one may find unattractive. Mouth breathing is usually due to a blockage in your nasal passages, but it can also be the result of a bad habit. In order to stop mouth breathing, you must first determine the cause and then take the appropriate steps to breathe through your nose.

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Part 1 of 3: Determining the cause of mouth breathing

  1. Breathe through your nose for two minutes. Close your mouth, watch the time, and try to breathe through your nose for two minutes. If you have trouble with this, you may have a stuffy nose and the cause of your mouth breathing is a physical or structural issue and not a habit.
    • If your mouth breathing is caused by a structural or physical problem, you will need to do further investigation and be diagnosed by a doctor.
    • If you don't have trouble breathing through your nose, it's a habit and may be easier to fix.
  2. If your nose is blocked, have a doctor perform an allergy test. Allergies can block your nose, causing mouth breathing. Dust and pet dander are common causes of nasal congestion. Make an appointment with your doctor and tell him or her that your nose is constantly blocked and that you want an allergy test.
    • A doctor can prescribe medication for unclogging your nose.
    • A cold can also be the reason for a stuffy nose.
  3. Request a mouth exam if you cannot breathe through your nose. Mouth breathing can be caused by the position of your jaw and teeth or by a crooked septum. A dentist can determine whether the structural problems causing mouth breathing can be corrected by braces or other orthodontic solutions. Make an appointment with your dentist and discuss your breathing problem with him or her.
    • Braces can prevent mouth breathing in some cases.
  4. Consult an ENT specialist. An ENT specialist can determine the cause of mouth breathing if it is not an allergy or a mouth problem. Your doctor can refer you to a specialist if he or she cannot identify the problem.
    • A common cause of mouth breathing is tonsils that are too large, which can be taken out so that you can breathe through the nose again without difficulty.

Part 2 of 3: Breathe through your nose

  1. When you notice that you are using your mouth, breathe through your nose. If your mouth breathing is not a structural or mouth problem, then it is a habit. You can break a habit by correcting your behavior the moment you notice it. Inhale through your nose when you notice that you are breathing through your mouth.
  2. Use sticky notes to remind yourself to breathe through your nose. If you are having trouble breathing through your nose because it is a habit, you can leave written reminders for yourself. Write the word "breathing" on post-its and stick them on your PC or in books to remind yourself to breathe through the nose.
  3. Use a nasal spray to unclog your blocked nasal passages. If your nose is blocked by allergies or a cold, an over-the-counter nasal spray can unclog your nasal passages so that you can breathe through the nose again. Buy a spray from the pharmacy and read the instructions before use. First, clean your nose by blowing through it, then gently insert the nozzle of the spray into your nostril and press to squirt the solution into your nose.
  4. Change your sheets and carpets once a week. Sheets and carpets can contain pet dander and dust that worsen allergies. By changing them weekly, you prevent dust build-up, which will make it easier for you to breathe through your nose.
    • If you sleep with your pet, it is better to refrain from doing so for a while to see if your nose clears.
    • Upholstered furniture absorbs dirt and dust more quickly. Instead, use leather, wood, or plastic furniture.
  5. Do nose exercises. Breathe through your nose for two to three minutes, then close your mouth, take a deep breath, and pinch your nose with your fingers. When you can no longer hold your breath, exhale slowly through your nose. Continue breathing this way until your nose clears.
  6. Participate in yoga or other types of sports that focus on breathing. Many sports, such as running, cycling and yoga, require good breathing technique. If you are being trained by a professional, he or she will explain to you techniques you need to breathe properly through the nose. Look for classes near you and discuss your mouth breathing problem with your trainer.

Part 3 of 3: Stop mouth breathing while you sleep

  1. Sleep on your side. Mouth breathing is common when you sleep on your back. When you sleep on your back, you are forced to breathe more heavily through your mouth. Change the way you sleep to reduce the risk of mouth breathing and snoring while you sleep.
  2. Lift your head and upper back if you sleep on your back. If habit doesn't keep you from rolling back onto your back, use a pillow that lifts your head to help you breathe properly while you sleep. Take a pillow or wedge that elevates your head and upper back at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees. This should be enough to help you keep your mouth shut while sleeping and promote nasal breathing.
  3. Put a piece of masking tape on your mouth. Take a piece of tape and place it vertically over your mouth. This will help you keep your mouth shut while sleeping.
    • You can stick the adhesive side of the tape to your palm a few times to take some of the adhesive off. This will make it easier to remove later.
  4. Put a nose strip on your nose when you sleep. A nose strip can unclog your nasal passages and help you breathe through your nose while sleeping. To use the strip, first remove the plastic band from the back and place it over the bridge of your nose.
    • Read the instructions on the packaging before use.
  5. Use a chin strap to keep your mouth closed while sleeping. You can find chin straps online by typing "chin strap" into your search engine. To use the band, put it lengthwise around your head, under your chin and over your crown. This will keep your mouth closed while sleeping and prevent mouth breathing.
    • These chin straps are designed for people who snore or suffer from sleep apnea.