
Make a braid to the side

Make a braid to the side

A ide braid i a cute braid that goe over your houlder. It look e pecially beautiful with bang that fall to the ide or a a romantic me y look. Try one of the method de cribed below to learn to braid fr...

Dealing with your mother after an argument

Dealing with your mother after an argument

o you've ju t had the bigge t fight with your mom and decided to lock your elf up in your room and cut off all contact, but of cour e that won't work. ome day you may feel like you want to ge...

Dealing with when someone yells at you

Dealing with when someone yells at you

It i never a plea ant experience when you are yelled at. When people rai e their voice again t you, it i normal to feel intimidated, cared, and belittled in your attempt to re pond. But the key to dea...

Make PDFs editable with Google Docs

Make PDFs editable with Google Docs

Do you have a PDF file with text you want to edit? You can't edit the file it elf, but you can u e Google Drive to extract the text from the PDF file and copy it to a regular document. You can the...

Find out if your phone is bugged

Find out if your phone is bugged

If you u pect that your phone or cellphone i being bugged, there are a few clue you can look for that will confirm your u picion . Many of the e clue can al o be cau ed by other ource , o look for mul...

Dealing with a threat

Dealing with a threat

You can encounter many type of threat in the cour e of your life. ome threat are urgent, immediate and violent. Other threat are not acute, but ju t a harmful. Think about a po ible deci ion and what ...

Change your IP address (Windows)

Change your IP address (Windows)

Thi article explain how to change your public and private IP addre on a computer with Window . Your public IP addre i the addre that your computer how to other network . Your private IP addre , on the...

Darken your hair naturally

Darken your hair naturally

It i po ible to darken your hair without u ing bleache and hair dye with harmful chemical . Many natural method of darkening hair u e ingredient that can be found in the home, uch a coffee or tea. How...

Removing a broken contact lens

Removing a broken contact lens

Expert ay that piece of a contact len can't get behind your eye, o don't worry if you have trouble getting a broken contact len out of your eye. Even if you feel fru tration, take a few deep b...

Destroy a hard drive

Destroy a hard drive

Do you have a hard drive with en itive information that no longer work ? Do you want to make ure that no one ever ee the content? After era ing your hard drive, it i wi e to choo e one of the option b...

Cleaning an acrylic bathtub

Cleaning an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic bathtub are becoming more and more popular a manufacturer can create bathtub with a unique hape. An acrylic bathtub i ea y to maintain a long a you u e the right product and handle the bathtub...

Using coffee grounds in your garden

Using coffee grounds in your garden

Tired of throwing your coffee ground away after every cup of coffee you make in the morning? You can u e your coffee ground to make your garden bloom beautifully becau e of the many nutrient it contai...

Come up with witty answers

Come up with witty answers

Have you ever been in a di cu ion that could change your reputation among friend or colleague , depending on your ability to return a quick re pon e to omeone who in ulted you or outwitted you? Or, in...

Making the perfect arch in your eyebrows

Making the perfect arch in your eyebrows

Waxing and plucking are the mo t common way to hape your eyebrow at home. Eyebrow threading i al o commonly done, but i difficult to do at home, o if you want to do thi , it' be t to go to a profe...

Sleeping at your boyfriend's place for the first time

Sleeping at your boyfriend's place for the first time

leeping with your boyfriend for the fir t time can be exciting, and you might be a little nervou about it. If you dare to leep with him, it mean that the relation hip i progre ing. Ju t be your elf, ...

Preventing emotional abuse

Preventing emotional abuse

Emotional abu e can take a variety of form , from demeaning joke to demeaning comment , and it i not alway ea y to pot. Here' how to pot the ign and remove emotionally violent behavior from your r...

Stimulate the growth of your gums

Stimulate the growth of your gums

If your gum tart to recede, you may have periodontal di ea e, or inflamed gum . Thi i a gum di ea e that can affect the bone and ti ue that your teeth are attached to. If you notice change in your gum...

Clear search history in Safari

Clear search history in Safari

Want to delete an incriminating recent earch that pop up every time you click afari' addre bar? You can quickly delete all recent earche regardle of ver ion of afari. If you have an iO device, you...

Getting beautiful skin

Getting beautiful skin

Everyone want to have a pure, beautiful and wrinkle-free kin in an ea y way. But it' hard to find a trick that actually work . Men and women of all age uffer from acne, dead kin cell and wrinkle ....

Relieve sciatica

Relieve sciatica

ciatica i a nerve pain that tart in the back and continue through the buttock to your leg. It i a pain in the longe t nerve in your body, the great ciatic nerve, al o known a the ciatic nerve. Thi ne...