Get rid of nail fungus

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to prevent and treat nail fungus
Video: How to prevent and treat nail fungus


A fungal nail, or onychomycosis, is a common skin condition where an infection partially infects your nail, including the nail bed, nail matrix and nail plate. A fungal infection can make your nails look ugly, hurt, cause discomfort, and reduce your ability to perform your daily activities. If it is a serious infection, it can permanently damage your nails. The infection can even spread to your toes. If you know you have nail fungus, you can follow some simple steps to get rid of it and get your toenail back to health.

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Method 1 of 2: Treat fungal nails medically

  1. Recognize the symptoms. Before you can treat a nail fungus, you need to know what to look for. A fungal nail does not always have the same symptoms. The most common symptom of a nail fungus is a sensitive or painful nail. Signs of a fungal infection include color or other changes in the nail. Yellow or white streaks usually appear on the side of the nail. This is usually because debris builds up under or around the nail, the outer edges of the nail crumble and become thick, the nail loosens or rises, and the nail becomes brittle.
    • People often get nail fungus treated because their nails start to look ugly, but the condition can be serious and must be treated properly. For example, if it is a serious infection, it can cause permanent damage to your nails. The infection can spread even further, especially if you belong to a high-risk group such as people with diabetes or a weakened immune system. People in risk groups can develop cellulite, an inflammation of the skin tissue, if the fungal nail is not treated.
    • Fungal nails are caused by fungi such as the trichophyton rubrum. It is also caused by non-dermatophyte fungi and yeast-like fungi, usually of the Candida species.
  2. Do not use over-the-counter products. Nail fungus is difficult to treat and it is common for the infection to come back. Contrary to popular belief, over-the-counter anti-fungal creams are generally designed for swimmers' eczema and are not effective against nail fungus. This is because they cannot penetrate into the nail.
  3. Take oral medications. The most effective way to get rid of nail fungus is systemic treatment with prescription oral antifungals. Treatment with oral medications can last 2-3 months or even longer. Oral antifungals include Lamisil, which is usually prescribed at a daily dose of 250 mg. It must be taken for 12 weeks. Side effects of Lamisil include rash, diarrhea or liver enzyme abnormalities. This medication should not be used by people with liver or kidney problems.
    • You can also try itraconazole (Trisporal), which is usually prescribed a daily dose of 200 mg. This medicine must also be taken for 12 weeks. Side effects include nausea, rash and liver enzyme abnormalities. You cannot use this medicine if you have liver problems. Trisporal interacts with a number of other medications, including antacids, anticoagulants and immunosuppressants.Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to make sure your current medications can be safely used with the antifungal.
    • Before your doctor issues a prescription, let him or her know if you have liver disease, depression, a weakened immune system, or an autoimmune disease. These drugs can cause liver toxicity.
  4. Try topical prescription antifungals. It is not recommended to take topical medications alone, but they can be used in addition to oral medications to shorten the duration of treatment. However, topical medications are a good option if you have concerns about oral medications or if you are reluctant to take oral medications for a long time.
    • You can try Ciclopirox. This is an 8% solution that you usually have to apply daily for 48 weeks.
    • You can also try Micanozol. You usually apply this tincture daily to your infected nails for 8 months.
    • Prescription topical medications can be effective if the infection has not penetrated the nail matrix, the layer of cells at the base of the nail. Your doctor will tell you if the infection has spread further and affected the nail matrix.
  5. Talk to your doctor about surgical treatments. If you have a severe toenail infection, you may need surgical treatment to get rid of it. Your nail can be partially or completely removed. After the infected nail has been surgically removed, an anti-fungal cream is applied to the area to prevent the new nail from becoming infected as well.
    • It is often not necessary to have the nail completely removed.
  6. Consider a different type of treatment. You do not have to use medication or undergo surgical treatment. For example, you can have dead or infected skin tissue around the nail removed and the nail trimmed. This is a possibility with serious infections or infections that cause your nail to grow abnormally.
    • The doctor usually applies an ointment containing urea and covers it with a bandage. This will soften the nail for a period of 7-10 days, after which the doctor can easily remove the affected part of the nail. This procedure is usually painless.
  7. Try a laser treatment. It is possible to undergo laser treatment, but it is usually very expensive. A highly concentrated laser beam is used to kill the fungus on the affected area. You may need to be treated several times for the infection to go away, which means paying more each time.
    • This mainly concerns an experimental treatment. Until further studies of this type of treatment have been carried out, it is not recommended to undergo this treatment routinely.

Method 2 of 2: Alternative treatment methods

  1. Apply Vicks VapoRub. You can buy an over-the-counter ointment from Vicks to get rid of the fungus. One study shows that applying Vicks VapoRub daily for a period of 48 weeks is just as effective as treatment with a topical agent such as Ciclopirox 8%. To treat nail fungus with Vicks VapoRub, first make sure your nail is clean and dry. Apply a small amount of Vicks VapoRub to the affected area daily using your finger or a cotton swab. Preferably do this in the evening. Continue treatment for up to 48 weeks.
    • Your infection may go away before the 48 weeks are up. Continue for several weeks after the symptoms of your infection have cleared. That way you know for sure that you are rid of it.
  2. Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a natural anti-fungal agent. A study shows that tea tree oil can be effective to treat fungal nail fungus. 18% of the patients who used tea tree oil twice a day for a period of 24 weeks were then cured of the infection. To treat nail fungus with tea tree oil, you must use a 100% solution. This is because weaker solutions have been found to be ineffective in getting rid of this infection.
    • Make sure your nail is clean and dry before applying the product. Apply a small amount of tea tree oil to the affected area twice a day for up to six months using a cotton swab.
  3. Try an extract of the herb ageratina pichinchensis. A study of 110 people showed that this extract is just as effective as topical medicines. Apply the extract every two days for four weeks. Do this twice a week for the next four weeks, and then once a week for another four weeks.
    • Ageratina pichinchensis is not available in our country. It is a traditional Mexican home remedy that is easy to get in Mexico.
  4. Prevent a new infection. There are many conditions that put you at higher risk of infection. You are more likely to get nail fungus if you are older, have diabetes, a weakened immune system, or poor circulation. If you are at increased risk, you need to be extra careful to avoid infection. Take precautions such as wearing shoes, sandals or flip flops in damp public areas such as the swimming pool and gym. Also trim your toenails regularly and keep them clean, make sure your feet are dry and dry your feet well after showering.
    • Wear clean socks that absorb moisture well. Wool, nylon and polypropylene are fabrics that help keep your feet dry. Also put on clean socks often.
    • Dispose of your old shoes after your infection has healed. There may still be mold in your shoes. You can also wear open shoes to keep your feet from getting damp.
    • Do not borrow nail clippers, nail scissors or other tools used in manicures and pedicures. Be careful when choosing a nail salon.
    • Use an anti-fungal powder or spray to help reduce the chance of an infection.
    • Do not use nail polish or apply artificial products to your nails. For example, moisture can remain on or under your nails, creating a moist place where fungi can grow well.


  • Do not borrow other people's shoes if you have nail fungus. You can leave fungal spores in their shoes, which can also cause them an infection.
  • Make sure to call your doctor if you have nail fungus that won't go away, or if the areas around the infection become painful, red, or have pus in them.
  • Natural remedies don't always work. If you don't see any improvement after about a week, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss other possible treatments.
  • If you have another condition such as diabetes, the yeast infection can cause more serious complications such as cellulite. This is a bacterial infection of the skin.
  • Ask your doctor for advice or research home remedies.