Show your love to your boyfriend

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Show Your Love to Your Boyfriend
Video: How to Show Your Love to Your Boyfriend


It's not always easy to show your love to your boyfriend, regardless of whether you've been together for a long time or have only been dating for a few months. If you want to show your boyfriend how much you love him, you have to be caring and affectionate, but you also have to give him space. Follow these steps to find out how to show your love to your boyfriend.

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Method 1 of 4: Say the right things

  1. Tell your guy how much you love him. Serious. Although your husband will claim that you are being too bland, don't forget to tell him how much you love him every day - if you tell each other at all, anyway. Show him that you really mean it by looking him in the eye and touching it lightly. And remember: there is a world of difference between "Houvanjou!" and "I love you".
  2. Encourage him. If you want your husband to know that you love him, then you need to encourage him to achieve his goals, no matter how small or big, day in and day out. Being there to encourage and support him the night before an important exam or job interview will show him that you love him and you want him to pass.
    • If he's not feeling that confident, list all the things that make him so great. Name all the things that will make him successful.
    • If he has an important event ahead, leave him a sweet note wishing him luck.
    • Push him to do something that is outside his comfort zone. If he wants to train for a marathon but isn't sure he can, you can tell him he can accomplish anything if he puts his mind to it.

    Communicate like a champion. Communication is the foundation of any good relationship. If you want to let your husband know how much you love him, then you should be able to communicate honestly, openly, and clearly. Taking the time to check on him and make sure the two of you are on the same page will only make the relationship stronger. That's how you do that:

    • Don't yell or argue. Instead of yelling and arguing, learn to tell your side of the story and then wait for a response.
    • Learn to listen. Communication is a two-way street. So take the time to take it easy and understand his side of the story; instead of focusing on your own feelings and interrupting them all the time.
    • Be honest. Be honest about how you really feel, rather than being passive-aggressive. Let him know what's going on in your life and what's on your mind.
    • Choose the right time and place to have a serious conversation. If you have something important to discuss, don't blurt it out in a public place. Wait for the right time when both of you have time to sit down and have a real conversation.

    Learn to compromise. You can show your boyfriend that you care by making it clear that being happy is more important than being right. You and your boyfriend need to learn how to make decisions together, both small and large. You must learn to consider him in every decision you make, as well as learn to be accommodating every now and then.

    • Before making any important decisions, sit down with your husband and write down all the pros and cons of your two plans. Discuss which plan is the best plan and which one will make you happiest together.
    • Make sure you both add water to the wine. Don't always give in to his needs and desires and don't always let him get the worst of it.
    • Take turns, even for small things. If you chose the restaurant for the date, let him choose the movie.
  3. Learn to say sorry. If you want to let your husband know how much you love him, you have to learn to take responsibility for your mistakes.If you got it wrong, let him know how sorry you are. You do this by saying the words as if you really mean them and assuring him that you hate that you hurt him. If you're too stubborn to say sorry, the relationship won't last.
    • You must also learn to accept his apologies. You can be a little angry, but understand that he is feeling awful. Don't hold a grudge. If you do, you will never be able to move forward

Method 2 of 4: Do the right things

  1. Do him little favors. A few little pleasures can mean a lot. Doing little favors for your boyfriend is a great way to show him your love, especially when he's sitting up for a while. The favors you give him may be small, but they do pile up. Here are some examples of things you can do for him:
    • Bring him lunch if he has a busy day at work. He will absolutely appreciate that.
    • Do his laundry every now and then. Just make sure he doesn't take advantage of you - if you do his laundry, make sure he does yours too.
    • Prepare a delicious meal for him after a long, stressful day. All he has to do is enjoy it and wash it up afterwards.
    • Do small chores for him if he needs some help. If you do have to go to the high street, you can offer to return his shirt for him.
  2. Don't force him to do things he hates. While any good relationship is built on compromise, it doesn't mean you have to force your boyfriend to do all kinds of things that he doesn't care about. Obviously, he won't like everything you do together, but you can work on not making him suffer too much when you go out.
    • Don't drag him to chick flicks, unless you really want to see a certain movie but there are no friends who want to go with you.
    • Don't force him to take a yoga or dance class to show off his sensitivity - unless he likes it, of course.
    • Don't introduce him to your family until he's ready. If you've only been dating for a few months, he could take meeting your family very seriously. So don't force him to have an uncomfortable dinner with your mom if you've just gotten to know each other.
    • Don't force him to go too fast. Don't "persuade him" to move in with you, take a vacation together, or pose for a hundred photos you want to post to Facebook — at least not until he's ready. Each relationship has its own pace, and if you force him to increase that pace, he will feel unloved - in fact, he will feel suffocated.
  3. Learn to love what he does — at least sometimes. While he can't expect you to be eager to watch football every night, you will have to learn to enjoy some of the things that matter to him - if you want to show him how much you love him, at least. Don't force yourself to do things that sound awful, but take the time to learn and appreciate things related to his hobbies and interests. Here are some suggestions:
    • Embrace his favorite sports teams. You don't have to get a tattoo of the Ajax logo on your face, but at least try to watch some matches with him. If you're not into sports, at least be open-minded and give sports a try before you decide not to watch it at all.
    • Embrace its flavors. Be open-minded and offer to go to a concert of his favorite band, even if you've never heard of that band. If he's obsessed with sushi but you've never tried it, give Japanese cuisine a try.
    • Just remember to keep your own identity. In any healthy and long-term relationship, the tastes of both parties will overlap at some point, but this doesn't mean that you suddenly have to drop all your interests to become a clone of your boyfriend. In fact, that's a huge letdown.
  4. Be the one he has the most fun with. This is important. If you really want to show your boyfriend how much you love him, then you should be the one he spends the most time with and the one he enjoys the most. Many guys see “time for the boys” as the funniest and craziest time of their lives, and will then return to you - the dear friend - expecting you to prepare a delicious meal for them and help them get rid of their hangover to get off - but of course it doesn't work that way.
    • If you really want to show him that you care, then you have to work on becoming the person he has those crazy nights with - then you just have to help each other overcome the hangover.
    • While you don't have to be boisterous and crazy, he should be looking forward to the time with you when you are fun and crazy and you have a blast.

Method 3 of 4: Be a super girlfriend

  1. Don't be jealous. Your boyfriend isn't likely to think you love him if you obsess over his ex-girlfriends or random girls who come within five meters of him. Instead, he will start to think that you are insecure about the relationship. He will find this annoying and when it does he will not want to hang out with you anymore. If you want to be a cool girlfriend, you need to have faith in your fantastic relationship. Don't panic if you see him talking to another girl.
    • Don't get jealous if your boyfriend and his friends are talking about another girl. If that girl is really hot, then you can admit that too, you know. As long as your boyfriend isn't making creepy comments (and why should he?), Show that you appreciate beautiful women too.
    • If a girl comes up and you start ripping off her look, weight, or outfit from last Tuesday right away, you're going to come across as incredibly insecure. Rather show that you know that you are beautiful, but that you also know that you are not the only woman on the planet. Just admit that the other girl is a pretty cool chick.
    • Don't be mean or cocky to his female friends. If you act like a crazy girlfriend, they'll report it to your guy.
    • Don't scour his phone or Facebook to see if he's been chatting with other girls. If he finds out, he won't be able to trust you anymore.
  2. Be cool with his friends. If you get along with his friends, his heart will be yours. For real. If his friends love you, they'll actually want to hang out with you, and won't think of you as one of those other possessive girlfriends who forbid their husbands to have fun.
    • Take the time to get to know them. If they are open to that, you can ask them about their lives. Show that you view them as individuals; not just like the guys who hang out with your boyfriend.
    • Don't get pissed off if the youngsters are overly boisterous or rude. Let them be themselves. You don't want to make them feel like they're suddenly stuck with their mom.
    • If you want to be cool with his friends, don't stick around if your presence isn't wanted. If they are obviously having a "man's night", don't violate that. Don't do that even if they're doing masculine things and you're just there to keep an eye out. If you don't mind his time with the guys, the guys will be a lot happier to see you when you show up at appropriate times.
  3. Give him time to do his own thing. If you want to show your husband how much you love him, then you have to show him that you respect him as an individual. Give him the time he needs to do his own thing and be his own person. He won't be able to grow if you sit on his lip twenty-four hours a day. Plus, he'll appreciate the time he spends with you even more if he spends more time without you.
    • Understand what "time for myself" means. If your boyfriend wants to read, go for a run, or just watch some television on his own, don't keep asking if you can participate.
    • Don't constantly ask how he is doing. If he's out with friends or just chilling out on his own, you don't have to call or text him every five minutes to make sure everything is okay. This will only make you appear possessive - obsessive even.
    • Let him spend time with other friends and family. Do not ask to come along to any social affair that is on the list.
    • Don't forget to do your own thing. While your husband is out with his friends or pursuing his own interests, you should make sure you have friends and interests of your own. You don't want him to think he's the only good thing in your life.
  4. Keep things positive. Don't waste your time together complaining and nagging all the time. You are entitled to a bad day every now and then, of course, but your husband has to feel like you equal; not as your psychologist. He should cherish and enjoy the time he spends with you. He should see it as a fun and positive experience; not as a cross. If you want to show him how much you love him, then you should try to keep things as positive as possible.
    • Do your best to smile more often. This will also put a smile on your boyfriend's face.
    • Be silly and show that you have a sense of humor. You and your husband should be able to go crazy for hours on end.
    • Establish this rule of thumb: for every complaint you bring up, you should list at least five things that you feel like doing. This will make your friend feel more eager to hang out with you and look even more forward to your future together. He will know you love him because you are always in a good mood when the two of you are together.

Method 4 of 4: Keep the relationship fresh

  1. Be adventurous together. To avoid getting into a rut, you and your friend will need to take the plunge and explore unexplored areas together. Okay, now you don't have to ... Just do your best to try new things together and step out of your comfort zone. This will help you learn new things and grow together.
    • For example, go hiking, mountain climbing or simply explore nature together. If your husband doesn't like hiking, you can look for another outdoor activity where he can demonstrate his skills - such as camping or cycling.
    • Dive into exotic cuisine together. Choose a restaurant that serves food you've never heard of, and enjoy the unique and mouth-watering dishes together.
    • Go on an adventure. You can go on holiday to a fun and crazy place, or just get in the car and have a look at that castle in Groningen or those caves in Maastricht two hours away. You can even close your eyes and drop your finger on a map, then go to where your finger landed. The journey is the goal here, not the destination.
  2. Make time for romance. If you want to keep the relationship fresh, you will need to make time for romance with your guy - no matter how long you've been together. Some guys don't like the not exactly masculine term “date night,” but at least make sure you do romantic things together at least once a week. Think, for example, of cooking together by candlelight or visiting that new wine bar.
    • Dressing up nicely will make it feel even more special.
    • Date night doesn't have to be too sentimental or semi-soft. Whatever you decide to do together, make sure your husband is really having a good time; not that he only accomplishes his friendlike task of keeping you happy and satisfied.
  3. Keep things exciting between the sheets. You can also show your boyfriend how much you love him by keeping things exciting between the sheets. You should not only have sex because he feels like it, but also because you yourself find it fun and exciting to have sex with your husband. Let him know how much you feel like making love, and keep things fresh and exciting by always trying new things.
    • Make love in new positions. Don't just stick with those old positions you always do. Try something completely new. As long as it all feels right, your sex life will be lifted to a higher level.
    • Make love in new places. The bed is not the only place where you can have sex. If you feel like it, you can make love on the couch, on the floor, or even in a remote location. This will make the process feel a bit "forbidden", and it will make him see that you love him even more.
    • If you really want to show the love for your boyfriend, be understanding if he doesn't enjoy cuddling after hours of sex. You can stay in bed with him for a while after the act, but don't force him to stay there until he's so bored that he falls asleep.


  • Never be ashamed to kiss him.
  • Look at him when he talks to you. It's no fun talking to lifeless things or staring into the distance.
  • Try to spend evenings / days alone together.
  • Show him that you are willing to set agenda items aside for him.
  • Whisper in his ear that you really love him and wouldn't trade him for gold. But only say that if you really mean it.
  • Don't talk about your ex-boyfriend (s).
  • Don't talk about the way you used to do things. Rather do those things together now - in the present.
  • Don't hide your feelings from him, let him know how you really feel.
  • Let him know that you will always be there for him, but only if you really are.
  • Never ask him to buy you presents. If you do, he'll think you're only after his money.
  • Never try to argue, because everything could screw up. Rather argue.
  • Prepare his favorite meal and add some exciting variations. This will blow his mind!
  • Don't make an elephant out of a mosquito.
  • Dedicate songs to him.
  • Do your best for him. If he's had a bad day, try to show patience and compassion.
  • Do and say what feels right.
  • Tell him that you like to have him around and that you enjoy hanging out with him. This will boost his confidence.


  • Make sure your boyfriend is worthy of your love and that you are both in the relationship for the right reasons. Showing your love to someone who is not a suitable life partner will make neither of you happier in the long run.
  • Many relationships are ruined by jealousy. Don't search his stuff to see if he's talking to other girls. When he finds out, it will be terribly difficult to mend the relationship.