
Delete an Ashley Madison profile

Delete an Ashley Madison profile

If you want to delete your A hley Madi on profile, there are two way you can do it. You can deactivate your account or delete it completely. To deactivate your account, remove your profile from earch ...

Add fiber to your dog's diet

Add fiber to your dog's diet

The main rea on for adding fiber to a dog' diet are to promote good quality and regular bowel movement . It i al o u ed to relieve con tipation and diarrhea, depending on the type of fiber. ome di...

Make a picnic table

Make a picnic table

What could be better than good food with friend in the garden when the weather i nice? If you have a nice table to it at, you will be much more likely to invite people for a ummer barbecue or for a li...

Taming animals in Minecraft

Taming animals in Minecraft

Thi wikiHow teache you how to tame any animal that can be dome ticated in Minecraft. Animal that can be dome ticated include hor e , donkey , mule , ocelot , wolve and parrot . The e animal can be tam...

Making a dollhouse

Making a dollhouse

Miniature ver ion of life- ize building have omething pecial. A dollhou e can bring the imagination of both children and adult to life. Making a dollhou e i a fulfilling job, and you can continue to b...

Taking on a different identity

Taking on a different identity

If you are a victim of dome tic violence or te tifying in a criminal ca e, government agencie can help you change your identity. Read on to find out how to change your name and regi ter for a new ocia...

Know if meat is rotten

Know if meat is rotten

Red meat, poultry, and eafood all how different ign of poilage. Depending on the type of meat, you may need to be wary of bad mell or altered color or texture, and take preventative mea ure to avoid p...

Draw a face

Draw a face

Face can be difficult to draw reali tically. There are o many facial feature to think about. Do your face alway have no e the ize of an elephant' trunk or a mouth like a banana? If o, read thi art...

Making natural hairspray

Making natural hairspray

Want to ave ome money and till be able to keep tho e pe ky loo e hair under control? You can ea ily and inexpen ively make your own hair pray with ingredient you probably already have in your kitchen....

Treating back pain with reflexology

Treating back pain with reflexology

Eight in 10 adult will experience lower back pain at ome point in their live . Mo t lower back pain i non pecific and cannot be traced back to a particular event, uch a an injury. Thi type of back pai...

Keep an eye on your medication use

Keep an eye on your medication use

Keeping track of whether you've taken all of your pill can be a daunting ta k, e pecially if you have to take everal a day. They all look the ame, they are often mall - which mean it i ea y to be ...

Change the color of your chat and emoji in Facebook Messenger

Change the color of your chat and emoji in Facebook Messenger

You can cu tomize your Facebook Me enger conver ation by giving them different color and replacing the "Like" button with a different emoji. The e change take effect immediately and apply to...

Sync music to your iPod

Sync music to your iPod

To delete all content from your iPod and replace it with the content of a new iTune account, you can have the iPod ync automatically. If you only want to ync pecific content categorie uch a playli t t...

Convert kilometers to miles

Convert kilometers to miles

A mile i an imperial unit of mea urement of the di tance between two location , and i mainly u ed in the United tate . The kilometer i u ed for the ame thing, but i a metric unit of di tance. The equa...

Being confident about your appearance

Being confident about your appearance

Your overall elf-e teem tem from a variety of more pecific area , including your phy ical appearance. Perceived iterial imperfection can lead to grief, an ob e ion with your appearance, exce ive groom...

Change your location on YouTube

Change your location on YouTube

Thi wikiHow how you how to change the location from which you ee content on YouTube. You can do thi on both the YouTube web ite and the YouTube app. Changing your location will prevent you from eeing ...

Sharpening a pocket knife

Sharpening a pocket knife

What' the point of a knife that i o dull that it won't cut anything? Pocket knive are handy and ea y to carry and you can u e them for many thing . It' common to ee omeone u e a pocket kni...

To win a man with the zodiac sign Cancer

To win a man with the zodiac sign Cancer

Every man i different, but men who fall under the Cancer ign of the zodiac often have the ame characteri tic and fall in love in the ame way. Become the kind of woman a Cancer man could yearn for, if ...

Grilling sirloin steak

Grilling sirloin steak

Regardle of whether you grill on ga or charcoal, you can learn how to grill irloin teak without much ha le. teak don't require a lot of ea oning or work a they naturally ta te great. irloin teak i...

Getting toothpaste out of your clothes

Getting toothpaste out of your clothes

We've all been there. You're bru hing your teeth and a blob of toothpa te fall on your hirt. It' not that difficult to get toothpa te out of your clothe , but you will probably need to u e...