Making the perfect arch in your eyebrows

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To: Change The Shape Of Your Eyebrows  | MakeupAndArtFreak
Video: How To: Change The Shape Of Your Eyebrows | MakeupAndArtFreak


Waxing and plucking are the most common ways to shape your eyebrows at home. Eyebrow threading is also commonly done, but is difficult to do at home, so if you want to do this, it's best to go to a professional. While waxing is less painful, it is often difficult to do at home. Epilation gives you more control because you only pluck one hair at a time. For many people, getting the right shape is the most challenging aspect of updating their eyebrows.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Preparing to pluck your eyebrows

  1. Make sure you have the right equipment. You need a variety of tools to shape your eyebrows correctly.
    • You need sharp tweezers. One of the mistakes many people make when plucking is using old, blurry tweezers. Replace your tweezers if your tweezers no longer close properly at the ends.
    • Find a magnifying mirror. This will help you see smaller, lighter hair that is more difficult to spot with a regular mirror.
    • Buy an eyebrow pencil. You need this to indicate where your eyebrows start and end and where the highest point in your eyebrow arch will be.
    • You also need an eyebrow brush and scissors.
  2. Determine what shape your eyebrows should be based on your face shape. Most people don't immediately think about this, but your face shape should determine the general shape your eyebrows should take.
    • If you have a square, angular face shape, you should go for thick, well-defined brows. Estheticians recommend a more prominent style if you have a face that is more or less square shaped, because your face is already so well defined. It wouldn't look natural to contrast this with thinner brows.
    • If you have a rounder face, estheticians recommend a higher brow arch shape.A higher arc opens the eye area and makes your face look longer.
    • For those with longer faces, beauticians recommend a flatter, thinner brow. This will help widen your face.
    • If you have a heart-shaped face, you should opt for a softer round arch. This creates a better balance with the sharper, pointed chin.
    • For people with oval faces, this face type will look good on most eyebrow shapes. Your personal preference is most important here.
  3. Look in the magnifying mirror. You can now see all the hairs that need to be plucked.
    • At this point, you can also use your eyebrow pencil to lightly color your eyebrows in the exact shape of your eyebrows. It can be difficult to do this over your brow hair, but even a thin outline of your ideal brow shape can help.
    • All hairs outside this shape must be plucked.
    • Be careful not to thin your eyebrows. One of the mistakes most people make is removing too much hair from the top and bottom of their eyebrows.
    • A good rule of thumb is to remove only 2-3 rows of hair from above and below the eyebrows.
  4. Make sure your brows look even. You don't want one to appear thicker or taller than the other.
    • Remove missed hair. By looking in your magnifying mirror, you can see where there are inconsistencies between your two eyebrows.
    • If you accidentally remove part of your eyebrow or thin it out too much, use an eyebrow pencil to fill in the missing hair.
    • A dark brown pencil is best even for those with a dark complexion as it looks more natural than a black pencil.


  • Avoid a very high arch in your eyebrows or they won't look natural anymore.
  • If you remove too much hair, you can fill the area with an eyebrow pencil until the hair has grown back.
  • If you feel that plucking your eyebrows is too painful, you can try numbing the area with ice while shaping the eyebrows.
  • Always use clean tools in a lot of light so that you can see what you are doing.